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12/2/2014 7:25:36 PM
Sorry for double posting but I believe this is a relevant general response to the subject on hand and the many pvp people who apperantly doesn't get why this is such a strong matter for many of us, I gave this response in a sub string; "A lot of players don't pvp. Four top trending threads in one day with 1700+ responses on this subject alone underscores this. A lot of us don't raid either - this essentially leaves us at max level 29 and it's okay - you don't need to go any higher. But raiding and pvp are where most legendary/exotic drops are found. If we, the non-pve'ers, want to progres levelwise and get appopriate gear we're basically stuck with buying it. Now we only have 100 marks per week and one weapon vendor and one armor vendor. The pvp crowd have these too and 3 other factions and a possible 100 marks extra per week. You could say just pvp. NO! Assuming that you pvp, what if bungie decided that before every crucible match you had to complete a random story mission? That would suck! Bungies official vision was to make a game that caters to everyone, pve and pvp, and encourage but not force either gametype. We casual pve'ers shouldn't meet a locked door or get forced into doing something we don't want to. The grinding for (pvp)faction-gear isn't exactly hilarious, but in my experience, general looting and farming while pve will weekly gain me about 60-80 crucible marks when vendored - thus giving me acces to all faction gear like the pvp crowd - just by playing the game (pve) - the pvp crowd also have acces to strikes/raids where you get vanguard marks. All this basically boils down to bungie alienating the pve crowd - if you don't feel affected or mainly pvp and raid, why are you here? Why would you take away a large playerbases options if it don't affect you personally? As mentioned before these threads have risen very hastely - we're passioned about the game and not a small percentage."

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  • Great post by the way I think you hit all my feeling ....

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  • Oh and it's weird they don't mention anything about taking away this option.. All they mention is; "Players will now be able to use Vanguard Marks and Crucible Marks to purchase Spinmetal, Relic Iron, Spirit Bloom, and Helium Filaments from the Vanguard and Crucible Quartermasters in the Tower" After reading that, I bet multiple players will be happy and excited to finally be able to exchange their vanguard marks to crucible marks - with some loss percentage in the exchange... But nope - they've removed the option to go from materials to marks. I mean - we only have 1 vanguard vendor that sells armor and one that sells weapons and they never change. So by now I've bought everything from there I could want so what else am I going to spend my vanguard marks for? I can't even put them in the vault and use them with a new character - so ofcourse I would've gladly exchanged them into materials and the materials into crucible points, to get some variety in my gear, by purchasing from factions. But nope... I really don't understand bungie.

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  • Edited by Sarcasm83: 12/4/2014 4:33:10 AM
    Yeah I'm a bit of a socially awkward and way too nervous gamer and I constantly feel depressed about how left out this game makes me feel. I try to force myself to PvP and often have bad experiences with it. I did get a GREAT group of wonderful people help me go through the raid once.. I didn't have a microphone, because I'm so stressed out about talking to people, but they were very cool about it and I did carry my own weight, luckily, as I had studied videos on the raid obsessively for a month before having the guts to go and do it.. I wish I'll get the balls to finally talk to a microphone with people and get at least to the raiding of things (Damn it would be much easier with friends, but I don't really have any online) - but the whole competitive PvP thing makes me a trainwreck every time :/ Could we please get some options on the PvE side, bungie? Please? Something really challenging with matchmaking that has at least a chance of dropping genuinely good gear? So a loser like me, without the drive to compete with trashtalking hostile people and without a microphone could still accomplish things - as I am NOT a bad gamer - just have a broken brain chemistry which makes me the nervous moron I am with social interaction ....

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  • Good post .... hell I will play with you no mic needed ... Most of the time its me and my boys we keep to ourselfs for the most part they have friends they play and chat with but most of the time I say nothing and just play if they are on my fireteam .... Stupid move on BUNGIES PART

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  • That'd be cool.. If you're on ps4, add sarcasm83 ... And I will try and get to using a mic, but dunno why I get nervous about it :D Frustrating, honestly. :)

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  • Great post, couldn't agree more!

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  • It's strange, they added a bunch of New way to aquire materials and at the same time removed the only other thing we had to spend them on outside of upgrades. I wonder how many materials will just be discarded now... once you max your gear they're effectively worthless.

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  • Just like the extra ships you get and the sparrows you will never use again

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  • Yea, exactly. I still don't understand why you can't sell those excess ships for parts or glimmer. They make such a big deal out of how rare jump ships are when you start the campaign, yet they're worth less that scrap metal when you want to get rid one.

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  • Well that was another thing I hadn't seen in the thread, but wasn't sure if it was off topic; story. All of our characters are suppose to be in this massive last city on earth. We are all out there protecting this city from the bad guys and as we patrol/strike we collect stuff the city needs. That is then turned in in and we get, or got now, a reward. This makes sense it is pure hunter/gather medieval style life/work template that this Knight sci-fi thing parallels. We also have the Crucible and its suppose to prepare us for combat out in the world. Basically, the equivalent of the medieval tournaments. I can buy that too. It fits the metaphor. The Iron Banner and Queen works with it. Leaders of other bands that are friendly to the City stopping buy. Now the story changes a little. Our reward for proving ourselves against one another are resources that seem to be only found outside the walls? Seems to break that part of the story. If we have so much of this stuff why don't we get upgraded weaponry automatically? Ignoring game design reasons to keep me playing in that statement. If we have stock piles of all this material why are the Fallen, Hive, Vex not mounting raids on those warehouse we must repel? Sounds like a fun public event/strike/patrol mission. Sure I am probably over thinking it, but I like games with some story/single player reason. Multiplayer is NOT the only game mode. Despite what some of the PvP player comments might think. Here is to hoping that they see the number of comments, read them, and then the decision makers actually listen. If its anything like my company... they won't and I will not be getting the 3rd DLC

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  • I don't consider it off topic, but I rarely bring up story issues since everybody and their mother knows that the whole adventure story in this game is broken if not down right nonexistent. If the combat mechanics weren't as entertaining as they are, I would've shelved this game long ago. Also, if I had known that they were going to slowly strip away the few things I actually enjoyed doing in the game, I certainly never would have purchased the DLC. Oh well. Live and Learn I guess.

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  • Good reply. I've longed for an MMORPG-ish type game to come along. After Phantasy Star Online died out my only hope was Destiny. Now it's turning into a COD-ish game. +20 Forum Shards

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  • Well said. I would like to see factions and more armor and weapons associated to their rank.

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  • Don't forget pure PvE players can't complete Exotic Bounties either.

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  • Well if all your doing is pve that should leave plenty of time for farming mats

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  • What I noticed is you need less materials to upgrade your equipment

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  • Less materials needed + more ways to aquire them = excess materials with no other use. It won't take long for our inventories to get packed with stacks of 200 mats...

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  • The random story mission before any PvP activity nails it. There would be a riot if this happened. That's why so many pve players rail against the crucible. It's simply not fun for a lot of us. I would choose the raid or do strikes over the crucible any day of the week. I only ever do it for exotic bounties or iron banner armor.

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  • Agreed. Also in your second paragraph, I believe you meant "non-pvpers" not "non-PVE ers".

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