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Edited by GigabyteZ3r0: 12/2/2014 5:22:20 PM
[quote]First we get a ton of mods to fix the PvP whining resulting in PvE nerfs, then 2 PvP events to 1 PvE but still more PvE nerfs. [/quote] 2 week event to 2 1 week events, Seems even. Mods were for game balancing in general. If you are complaining about auto rifles, which is really the only thing that has bleed over from the balances. Sucks, but there is no one weapon class to rule them all. If you are not talking about that, then what nerfs are you talking about? [quote] Now take away more access to vendor weapons and armor to those of us who HATE PvP with a passion. I was fine farming for material and purchase Crucible items even though it was daunting. Never complained since I could avoid PvP. [/quote] They most likely took it away because very few people used it. I know I never did. I farmed like crazy and only once used the exchange. [quote] What the heck was the logic behind removing material exchange for Crucible rep and marks? [/quote] Crucible rank and gear should be earned from the crucible, not bringing them materials. Make perfect sense and is logically sound. [quote] I never saw any posts or complaints about resource exchange. If anything, it kept PvP haters like me away from ruining PvP games even more than they are already. [/quote] I assume you missed the plethora of post about how boring crappy farming material, or how there needs to be a better in game economy. [quote] If this game was advertised as a PvP centric game with a scarce PvE element that would take a back seat to everything PvP I would have passed on it like I did with Titanfall and other PvP games.[/quote] The game heavy favors pve. With 2 weekly events that give guaranteed rewards. Max level attained is via the pve element. Really I don't see how you say the game is PvP based. [quote] Either bring back the material exchange for Crucible marks and rep, open all vendors to accept both currencies or I'll just play PvP to piss as many off as possible to obtain a K/D of 0.00. [/quote] I just lost a little respect for you with that threat. While I do think that having separate marks is rather foolish. I don't think you should be able to buy crucible gear without having played in the crucible. You don't get raid gear with out doing the raid. [quote] If your going to ruin PvE, I'll do my part to ruin PvP as best that I can. Maybe I'll even be stoked to play Iron Banner 3.0 and shoot for the #1 spot in the worst PvP of all time. [/quote] How you feel that they ruined the entire pve experience is beyond me. If anything the update improved it. Instead of guardians running around in circles now to get enough mats to raise their items they can now do dailies and bounties to get those mats. They can still run patrols but now instead of it being mats center it is patrol centered. I enjoy the update and feel it is a vast improvement. [quote] Just as you have people that hate PvE, from reading the posts for the past couple of months, you have more that hate PvP. [/quote] This is simply not true, the amount of people that dislike pve or PvP are most likely the same. Truthfully it is probably a very small minority in general that do no play both. [quote] Please tell us now that Destiny is 80% PvP and 20% PvE so we know where you stand. [/quote] This is no cod, bf or titanfall where pve is added to fulfill a bullet on the package. The split feels more like: 55% pve and 45℅pvp. [quote] All I know is after waiting and hoping Bungie would bring some love to PvE, all we got was a third and fourth kick in the balls.[/quote] Again I don't see how the update is PvP centered "love" it is across the board changes. [quote] After the expansion is released and there is still no resolution to this horrible PvE treatment, I'll waste my extra time playing even more like a complete noob in PvP just to piss as many people off as possible. [/quote] Vindictive and petty at best. Generally speaking there must always be chaff for the higher tier players to practice one. So why not you. [quote] I'll highly recommend that others who feel the same do too. [/quote] Petty, very petty. [quote] If this was just "another" unintended side effect from a patch I may feel bad for ranting. If not, enjoy the last $ you'll see from me or anyone else who feels the same way.[/quote] I am pretty sure it is intentional. They removed what was a rarely used feature and added a economy that was desperately missing. [quote] If there is some great addition in the expansion to nullify this rant I truly apologize in advance. [/quote] Perhaps you should have waited two weeks before flying of the hinges there. [quote] BTW, it might help to post a list of the 100 worst PvP Guardians in your app. I would like to try and make the top 10 of that list.[/quote] Again very petty and no one cares are ranking in PvP. You want those leaderboards go to cod or bf. As a general rebuttle to things not in the post but in the thread. You have nerve damage and thus exclude yourself from a majority of the aspects of the game, strikes, raids, pvp, etc. So you patrol. Okay I get that. But every faction with the exception of crucible is attainable via the pve element. Every rank you gain earns you a care package with weapons or armor. So you don't need those crucible marks. Sure you want a specific crucible weapon, well that suck. I want the vex mythoclast and know that hard mode is the only way to get it. So guess what, I do hard mode. The crucible gear should for crucible players, just as raid gear is for raiders. Instead of ranting and raving here, you should be playing and figureing out how your play style fits in the new update. Instead of being petty and vindictive you should thinking of how better to benefit from the update.

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  • Nicely said

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  • Edited by steppinrazor: 12/2/2014 10:55:29 PM
    I don't know if you'll get the same cogent response you delivered from the OP, but I'd like to point out a couple of things. People are going overboard on this one small change, I agree. There are worse problems than this. However, [quote]2 week event to 2 1 week events, Seems even. Mods were for game balancing in general. If you are complaining about auto rifles, which is really the only thing that has bleed over from the balances. Sucks, but there is no one weapon class to rule them all. If you are not talking about that, then what nerfs are you talking about?[/quote] The Queen's Wrath event was actually both. It had PvP bounties as well. I don't care about nerfs, but they have been applied across both sides of the game based on complaints from one side of the game. What people should realize though, is that nerfs don't impact PvE that much because enemies are idiots. They behave in set ways, a little more recoil on your gun isn't going to make a difference. [quote]They most likely took it away because very few people used it. I know I never did. I farmed like crazy and only once used the exchange. [/quote] Obviously incorrect as the complainers have evidenced. I used it a few times. I don't like playing PvP. In fact I abandoned every exotic bounty that has a PvP element and don't even accept them anymore because I got the two that don't. Assuming it was intentional (can't see how it wasn't), they took it away because they didn't want exploits in the farm/sell, material/buy system. Players have proven that if there is a way to game the system, they will find it and post it on the internet, usually in about 12 seconds. So rather than try to predict that, they did away with it. To your point, it was probably a minority of players that used it. [quote]This is no cod, bf or titanfall where pve is added to fulfill a bullet on the package. The split feels more like: 55% pve and 45℅pvp.[/quote] The raid is the only thing with gear that doesn't also drop in Crucible. I think ascendant materials don't drop in Crucible too, but I'm not sure. Nightfall, Weekly, and Daily are equivalents to Control, Clash, Skirmish, Rumble. Anything you can get from the PvE types you can get from Crucible, although getting strange coins would take a lot longer. Mostly though, I agree that Crucible is not bigger than PvE. What it does get is a lot more attention from Bungie than PvE does in addressing issues. [quote]Crucible rank and gear should be earned from the crucible, not bringing them materials. Make perfect sense and is logically sound. The crucible gear should for crucible players, just as raid gear is for raiders.[/quote] To the first, it is logically sound that crucible weapons and gear should be obtained from the Crucible, but with a very important clarification. One that your second sentence shows does not exist. Crucible gear has no specific PvP application. It does nothing specifically beneficial for Crucible. Crucible gear should be for Crucible IF there were a way to get the armor stat bonuses only available through factions, for vanguard marks or through a different PvE vendor. Instead, if I want a Discipline and Strength build, I must get Dead Orbit gear. There is a crucible mark-vendor for every stat build, but there is only one stat build available to PvE. Why? If Crucible play allows for any build to be successful, so too does PvE play. Yet Crucible players can get stats they want without stepping foot in the PvE world and PvE players cannot get stats they want without stepping into Crucible. You hardly ever see complaints that Lord High Fixer owns DYK or Shadow Price destroys Grim Citizen. Because those are examples of both a PvE and PvE option. You do not have to play one or the other to get a decidely better gun. Perks for the guns skew to their field and that's good. But it's not like I can't even get a hand cannon with a large clip because I don't play Crucible. Yet that's exactly what happens with armor. Really people need to realize that PvPers and PvEers both exist and share the world in Destiny. Sometimes one side will get something and it's not a big deal that some part of the game doesn't cater to you. Things are on a scale of importance and people getting this bent out of shape over this seems silly. There are real issues to get bent out of shape over.

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  • Edited by GigabyteZ3r0: 12/3/2014 4:20:08 AM
    [quote]I don't know if you'll get the same cogent response you delivered from the OP, but I'd like to point out a couple of things. People are going overboard on this one small change, I agree. There are worse problems than this. [/quote] I appreciate the civil tone, and welcome any argument. The better we form our thoughts and desires for the game here the high the chance that bungie will hear. [quote] The Queen's Wrath event was actually both. It had PvP bounties as well. I don't care about nerfs, but they have been applied across both sides of the game based on complaints from one side of the game. What people should realize though, is that nerfs don't impact PvE that much because enemies are idiots. They behave in set ways, a little more recoil on your gun isn't going to make a difference. [/quote] Yes true the queens bounty had PvP bounties, but the lions share of the events were pve based. I believe the queens wrath suffered the same problem that IB suffered in the first run, and that is poor execution. As for nerfs across the board from one side, that may be true. But AI don't complain so it is hard to balance weapons again enemies that either die to a stiff breeze or take a metric ton of bullets to kill. I really don't see people asking for nerfs based on pve experience, as that would be shooting yourself in the foot. But yes, the nerfs are not game breaking. [quote] Obviously incorrect as the complainers have evidenced. I used it a few times. I don't like playing PvP. In fact I abandoned every exotic bounty that has a PvP element and don't even accept them anymore because I got the two that don't. Assuming it was intentional (can't see how it wasn't), they took it away because they didn't want exploits in the farm/sell, material/buy system. Players have proven that if there is a way to game the system, they will find it and post it on the internet, usually in about 12 seconds. So rather than try to predict that, they did away with it. [/quote] That sounds like a valid reason. [quote] The raid is the only thing with gear that doesn't also drop in Crucible. I think ascendant materials don't drop in Crucible too, but I'm not sure. Nightfall, Weekly, and Daily are equivalents to Control, Clash, Skirmish, Rumble. Anything you can get from the PvE types you can get from Crucible, although getting strange coins would take a lot longer. [/quote] Raid is a exception yes. But nightfall, weekly and daily are not the equivalent to crucible matches, in both scope, difficultly, time and rewards. On the side bar there is only 1 crucible tab and it is equivalent to the daily. But yes everything that can drop randomly can be rewards for a crucible match, strange coins being slower, true. [quote] Mostly though, I agree that Crucible is not bigger than PvE. What it does get is a lot more attention from Bungie than PvE does in addressing issues. [/quote] Squeaky wheel gets the grease, AI doesn't complain I would also believe it easier to adjust weapon stats than tracking down and neutralizing a bug in code. PvP sides will always be more vocal, it is natural, the entire side is player based. Pve not only has the problem that it is facing programing, which is harder to fix. It also can only be brought to light by the winning side. Example being the archon exploit, no one complained about it, but everyone knew it was wrong, if that archon was a player, the exploit would have been fixed faster as it was detrimental to another players experience. Most of the issues in pve are a inconvenience at best, do they make the game unplay at time yes, but they are generally overcome with mild annoyance. [quote] To the first, it is logically sound that crucible weapons and gear should be obtained from the Crucible, but with a very important clarification. One that your second sentence shows does not exist. Crucible gear has no specific PvP application. It does nothing specifically beneficial for Crucible. Crucible gear should be for Crucible IF there were a way to get the armor stat bonuses only available through factions, for vanguard marks or through a different PvE vendor. Instead, if I want a Discipline and Strength build, I must get Dead Orbit gear. There is a crucible mark-vendor for every stat build, but there is only one stat build available to PvE. Why? If Crucible play allows for any build to be successful, so too does PvE play. Yet Crucible players can get stats they want without stepping foot in the PvE world and PvE players cannot get stats they want without stepping into Crucible. You hardly ever see complaints that Lord High Fixer owns DYK or Shadow Price destroys Grim Citizen. Because those are examples of both a PvE and PvE option. You do not have to play one or the other to get a decidely better gun. Perks for the guns skew to their field and that's good. But it's not like I can't even get a hand cannon with a large clip because I don't play Crucible. Yet that's exactly what happens with armor. Really people need to realize that PvPers and PvEers both exist and share the world in Destiny. Sometimes one side will get something and it's not a big deal that some part of the game doesn't cater to you. Things are on a scale of importance and people getting this bent out of shape over this seems silly. There are real issues to get bent out of shape over.[/quote] I agree with you here. I do feel it is foolish on bungie behalf that the factions only accept crucible marks. I feel that it would be beneficial to the players to allow faction vendors to accept both, exception being obviously vanguard and crucible. I have no point to argue and concede this point to you.

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  • Damn you actually took your time to do this for this particular person? You've wasted your time man...I feel you though.

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  • Arguing helps me relieve stress.

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  • This was as far from arguing as you can get. Civilized debate. Kudos to you both.

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  • tl;dr you spelled logically wrong. Idiot.

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  • Edited by GigabyteZ3r0: 12/2/2014 5:22:48 PM
    My mistake, guess I should proof read better next time. Thanks for catching it for me. Usually tl;Dr implies you didn't read the post.

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