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12/1/2014 11:07:40 PM
Then why did u choose a fraction that required pvp play and the rewards where mainly focused toward pvp loadouts?

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  • You do know that there are no vanguard factions to choose from, right? Right now PvE players have one vendor to purchase items from, with 2 different gearsets and that's it. The whole vanguard side of things. It can't be a surprise to you that players like variety. Therefor, it would be pretty damn nice if we had a chance to take part in choosing a faction to get gear from. But like you said; it requires pvp play. Now more than ever. Actually, we only have the very limited "one vendor" items now. But yeah, I don't see myself having a very constructive conversation with you, as all your other comments make it pretty clear you don't respect or understand any other playstyles but yours... Just trying to explain to you what this whole topic is about and why it's being discussed.

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  • U have a very clear choice. Pve and,or pvp. Not a huge fan of any fps pvp but i made my choice with dead orbit know i would have to pvp. Look at my hours spent pve compared to pvp. Level 23 dead orbit

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  • Edited by Sarcasm83: 12/4/2014 3:33:26 AM
    Yeah, well the character I looked at has over 1000 games in the crucible and a K/D of 3.6.. which is great. My K/D is barely 1.0 (Edit: 0.98 :DD) and I'm surprised it's even that, because I've had so many insanely frustrating games and I don't seem to be getting any better. I'm a 31 year old not-that-experienced-in-PvP games player and I'd really wish to stay on the PvE side of things, but there's ALOT less gear for the PvE side of things. :P The vanguard vendor has 2 sets and.. that's it. PvP players have crucible vendor with 2 sets AND on top of that 3 factions and all iron banner gear to be purchased/earned. So.. yeah, I do feel like I'm missing out and ofcourse I hope I'd be a better player good enough to attend PvP but I consistently embarrass myself while trying. And it sucks. :P I just hope we had more options, that's all.

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  • Thats not me, but im not great at pvp but my average is 1.5ish over all. And i can pull a 3-10 kd on a good day. And the only reason im that good is i took the time to learn what not to do. I play pvp one day out of the week to get my 100 marks. And i dont realy used them till now that i can buy mats. And the only reason i picked a fraction over the vanguard was for the cosmetic looks with no shader equipped. If u play by urself stick to rumble. Only play control and clash with a team. Not sayen u have no chance solo but solo is no fun with randoms.

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  • ok, thanks for the tips. I'm willing to keep trying, I just seem to get frustrated pretty often when I clearly am not that good at it and sometimes doubt if I ever will :D (After all, the last game I played PvP on before Destiny was Halo 3, about 6 years ago :S)

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  • Took me a month of on and off play to get used to it but i like it. Especially rumble. Good spawns and timing.

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  • they didnt require pvp play.....thats the point dude.

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  • Everything clearly costs cruciable marks.

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  • Because bungie was retarded and made all factions crucinle marks vs making only those who had crucible backstory (dead orbit only) require them Its apart of the fact crucible used to be faction wars and like most of the game got butchered after the lead writer left and hacktivision said nope lets push it out now before we launch cod so advanced shitfare will look better since we are stealing a -blam!-ton of your mechanics for it and dont wanna beta test them on our game. Honestly asides at vangaurd and crucible vendors factions should take either type of marks with vangaurd costing slightly more being faster to earn I mean if vangaurd and crucible reputation can be converted to faction rep wth cant they accept marks from the vangaurd whose very tower (and council the answer to) they call home hmmm? Its another glaring -blam!-up from whats left of the dev team thats left since most left or got pulled outta the trash heap destiny got made Into and more then likely put onto destiny 2 or assisting in destiny 1 dlc so it doesnt sink completely before a sequel (reboot) can be made properly without craptivision to ensure the franchise doesnt die before it begins

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  • Dude u have no idea what ir even talkin bout. Just shut up please.

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  • Yeah im retarded Activision funds destiny doesnt care its crap Yet releases a new cod with a shitton of futuristic mechanics weapons and etc that having both games I can tell ya feel like they were ripped right off destiny The fact of the matter is read the grimoire cards aka bungies so called backstory youll see my commemt about the factions and the logic about why they should take either mark is sound They dont take them however due to piss poor game development and the fact bungie sold its soul to activision (and in general, halo having gone downhill slowly but surely) and hacked the game up and rushed it out Its one thing to be different then what was promised at e3 or pax or in beta and alpha but to be this different it borders on being a different game or as it stands as being only a portion of a full game Maybe they will eventually get w the program and make vendors take either mark but till then the marks for mats system replacing the old one does kinda screw up things for some people Me I max vangaurd marks stupid fast and unless I have certain friends todo skirmish or control w (w made alot of ppl mad in iron banner) then I usually ignore crucible since solo it feels boring (also even w a mic option people still dont use it) I do see (and was hoping to) exploit mats when i logged in after being told it was for marks vs glimmer or coins or motes Woulda made building up crucible marks go a lil faster since I have all I want off the vangaurd vendor for my classes atm (till my 3rd gets to 20 then I may buy something) Also w eris supposedly having new vangaurd gear (new vangaurd stuff was mentioned by bungie to be in the dlc) it woulda let me dump unused crucible marks to mats then to vangaurd marks (pending they are req for the new stuff)

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  • And thats exactly why they took it away

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  • Point being for people who hate pvp (not me I love it but only with friends) it removed a viable (even moreso now) way for them to get weps/armor from factions (I say armor since raid armor isnt as effective in pvp vs properly selcted perk and stat wise faction crucible or vangaurd armor given the normalization or def and att in pvp having proper cooldowns and reloads/melee or grenade perks helps alot )

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  • True but still. Its pvp armor so it makes sense pvp should be played inorder to buy and or use.

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    Please show me ONE piece of gear that is "PVP" in the sense that it has stats that are for pvp only. You cant. There are NONE. There are no pvp stats, no difference between the armor stats from Shaxx or from your Vanguard. It was one of the games selling points. Can pvp then go do some pve in the same gear and vice versa. No need to worry about different sets of gear. The ONLY difference in gear is how you play your toon. Like hitting things in the face and throwing grenades? Go for it, build your spec and gear it with Str/Disc. Hate getting close to mobs? No worries, spec away from your melee and get gear with Int/Disc on it. The fact that Vanguard only has 2 of the 3 stat combos, with titans copping no Int/Disc gear, makes it a tad baffling as to why they then took away the option to get the third stat combo the way some people enjoyed. So, a titan that likes to throw grenades and super? Sure can, go for it, be the titan you want to be...except you have to pvp or get massively lucky with RNG. If there was any kind of real difference between pvp and pve gear id be all for removing the ability for one set of marks to exchange into the other. But there isn't, there really is NO pvp gear, NO pve gear, its all just gear.

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  • Says the guys with a horrable negative kd. Yeh def knows what he talkin about. Ur a pvp god. Sorry, "bows down" ur right i use speed reload pulse rifle gloves while i rock hawkmoon.

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  • Not all is pvp asides crucible

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  • If a majority of the game requires use to pve inorder to pvp, there should be no problrm with pve players needing to play pvp as well.

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  • You barely need to touch PvE if you don't want to... you can get weapons and gear from multiple factions + iron banner vendor. You can get level 30 gear from iron banner. You can level up your character and all your items via crucible. The only thing you'd be missing out, if you only played PvP would be the 2 sets of gear that vanguard vendors sell. But if someone only plays PvE, they're now missing out on all Future War Cult gear, all Dead Orbit gear, all New Monarch gear, all Iron Banner gear and all Crucible vendor gear. PvE players have two sets of gear.. And I purchased the game because I love co-op and PvE gaming, yet they haven't added a single new thing to be purchased PvE side :D We previously did have the insanely "useless" (like you said) material exchange as an option, that really wasn't an option at all (To gather all crucible marks like that would've been a mind melting, frustrating and insanely boring grind of picking up materials) and now as they updated it, it was to the exact wrong direction, removing the option completely. It's simply a bit effed up that a person this bad as I am, is forced to go PvP side, where I can actually -blam!- it up for an entire team of other players, don't you think :D I'm actually thinking of you PvP players and doing you a favor of trying to stay away from it ;) ...Just.. try for a second think how insanely limited our options are, if we only play PvE, if you actually wish to understand what people in this topic are talking about.

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  • Go make a new account and get level 30 and all the guns without ever setting foot in any pve activity period. Gl

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  • Heh, have you actually tried it and failed? But yeah, I don't prefer PvP.. If I did, I'd probably accept that challenge. Can't see why it couldn't happen, given a crap-ton of time and effort. Especially now that you can even purchase the planetside materials with marks, without having to step into patrol once. But yeah, I haven't got to level 30, even while playing mostly PvE and some PvP so .. who am I to say what can and can't be done :D I just don't know what is it that's lacking from PvP - I just know how I'd wish for much more options on the PvE side of things.

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  • Then dont say pvp players dont need to pve. U just contradicted urself. Gf

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  • Edited by Sarcasm83: 12/4/2014 4:00:31 AM
    I didn't though. I said PvP players [b]barely need to[/b] touch PvE. At least in contrast to how much I'd need to PvP to go and get the vast majority of the purchaseable gear existing in the game. But that's exactly why I said "who am I to say what can and can't be done", because I'm no expert in the PvP side of things. You could give me an example of what bit of progress can't be done on PvP only though. Aand I don't know what Gf stands for in this context.. I doubt it's neither "girlfriend" or "Good fight" :D

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  • It was good fight.

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  • Haha, ok - I thought it was something like "get f#cked" :D But yeah, Gf to you too then.

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