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12/1/2014 9:59:49 PM
Nobody in their right mind traded 50 mats for 2 marks and 25 rep. Im glad they got rid of it. Totaly useless

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  • The last I did that I got 5 marks for 50 materials. Sure, the exchange rate sucked though. That is exactly why that option should've been improved. Not removed. And trading excess vanguard marks you can only use for pretty much one set of gear from the vanguards, to buy materials that you could've then exchanged for crucible marks would've been a significant improvement in itself. And if it was "totally useless" and you'd never do it, why are you GLAD they got rid of it? What negative impact did said "useless" option have on your game? I guess you're one of those people who get some enjoyment every time another players get a more negative experience... What a great attitude to have. The overall "gaming community" these days.. SMH

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  • Im glad they got rid of it so noobs would no longer waist their time on that partiular exploit. And how is it fair to the players who do pvp for their pvp fraction , when someone who has never pvp get the same rewards? Also did u even think about the rep exploit that would have ruined rep exp rates if they would have left it their?

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  • Edited by Sarcasm83: 12/4/2014 3:52:33 AM
    How was that an "exploit" though? It was an option. But ok, ok - I see what you're saying; You think that all faction gear IS actually 100% for PvP players only and not a single PvE player is worthy of attaining said gear. Fine. But can you atleast agree that it would be about time they (bungie) added at least something more for PvE players to purchase with Vanguard marks, as right now the way it goes is: PvE side = Vanguard vendor, 2 armor sets, Queen's vendor, 1 armor set PvP side = Crucible vendor, 2 armor sets. Dead Orbit vendor, 2 armor sets, FWC vendor, 2 armor sets, New Monarchy vendor, 2 armor sets, Iron Banner vendor, 2 armor sets..... and alternatively PvP side also has a sh!t-ton of more weapons to be purchased with crucible marks. Even though the game was advertised HEAVILY with the whole Co-op and teamwork angle, PvP is where it's at. And it doesn't really help at all that there are several players like you, who say things are perfect as it is and think everyone who's not playing PvP are "noobs" who don't "deserve to buy said gear" ... Oh well.. So be it. But me being able to get some gear on PvE wouldn't impact you negatively in ANY way, as I'm not about to rival you. Ever. PvE player that I am.

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  • Yes i totally do agree with u there. That is what turned me away from vanguard since day 1.

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  • Retarded troll. Saying your glad a system that you never used is gone?? Sorry kiddo this topic doesent concern you. . Be funny when everyone who used this systrm is on your team in crucible blinding you with solar grenades and running in circles. For every action there is a reaction

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  • Funny i only play in a squad of 6 whom ik. Void. Anything else u can come up with?

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  • Sure you do kiddo. And nothing I could say would make you look any more retarded then you already do.

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  • Just remember, it's better to be thought an idiot than open your mouth and prove it. Sure it worked for some people but I have been getting faction items and I haven't been to the crucible in a month of sundays. 1.The vanguard armor is easier to get if your not going into the crucible 2.once you have most of the raid gear (and exotic helm) your sack the armor anyways then start doing the hard raid for THAT helm can just gain faction rep after that without going into the crucible AND you get weapons that they don't even sell. Sorry but it IS a useless system, the vanguard armor is better because it's all you need to hit 29 (exotic helms are just as easy to get from Xûr) and right after you hit level 3 with the vanguard you grab one of your factions bonds and just level that up and you can get weapons like the "purifier VII" fusion rifle or the "prudence II" sniper rifle (new monarchy btw) since you don't need van marks for the factions you can save that up pretty easily.

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  • Its not the exchange that bothered me so much. Its more the point I enjoy farming. Me and my girl would grab our bountys of the day and head out into patrols do our bountys and farm mats. Expecially for the 3 public event bounty. . Its somthing we both enjoy and a big part of our gameplay. Also a relaxing break from repeative strikes/crucible/story etc. This patch has made all mats in the game areas pointless. And I know alot of other people feel my pain. Some people dont likes to farm and I appreciate that. The game should be played how you want to play it. Fortunely for those who hate farming the new system of marks for mats is great I say bring it on. Just wish the new system catering for non-farmers dident have to destroy farming for those who enjoy it. And my rant at sir troll was justified as hard enough to get feedback through to bungie without having legions of trolls trying to ruin it for the sake of it.

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  • Thats what i thought

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  • Edited by FeralSoul: 12/2/2014 11:48:44 PM
    What game were you playing??? 50 materials for 5 Vanguard/Crucible marks, 25 Vanguard/Crucible Rep, and 200 Glimmer I don't understand why Destiny can't have both buy and sell?

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  • So your glad a feature that you never used is gone? Even if it screwed the game for 1000s of other players? Troll alert!!

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  • Anyone with x at the start and the end of their name is a 10 year old COD boy.

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  • I used it in the early game when I had too many materials and wanted more marks to buy stuff. Later in the game you realize the importance of materials, but if I still needed a quick few marks and had extra materials of a type that I didn't need at least I had the option to trade. The only reason why I would see this option being removed is if the code only allowed for 4 placeholders under the specific vendor - meaning it was either marks for materials or materials for marks because the game couldn't support all combinations (8 total).

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  • Easily solved with another vendor if that was actually an issue.

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  • I traded 50 mats for the 5 marks and 25 rep that I was getting from it I do not like playing pvp

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  • Then why did u choose a fraction that required pvp play and the rewards where mainly focused toward pvp loadouts?

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  • You do know that there are no vanguard factions to choose from, right? Right now PvE players have one vendor to purchase items from, with 2 different gearsets and that's it. The whole vanguard side of things. It can't be a surprise to you that players like variety. Therefor, it would be pretty damn nice if we had a chance to take part in choosing a faction to get gear from. But like you said; it requires pvp play. Now more than ever. Actually, we only have the very limited "one vendor" items now. But yeah, I don't see myself having a very constructive conversation with you, as all your other comments make it pretty clear you don't respect or understand any other playstyles but yours... Just trying to explain to you what this whole topic is about and why it's being discussed.

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  • U have a very clear choice. Pve and,or pvp. Not a huge fan of any fps pvp but i made my choice with dead orbit know i would have to pvp. Look at my hours spent pve compared to pvp. Level 23 dead orbit

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  • Edited by Sarcasm83: 12/4/2014 3:33:26 AM
    Yeah, well the character I looked at has over 1000 games in the crucible and a K/D of 3.6.. which is great. My K/D is barely 1.0 (Edit: 0.98 :DD) and I'm surprised it's even that, because I've had so many insanely frustrating games and I don't seem to be getting any better. I'm a 31 year old not-that-experienced-in-PvP games player and I'd really wish to stay on the PvE side of things, but there's ALOT less gear for the PvE side of things. :P The vanguard vendor has 2 sets and.. that's it. PvP players have crucible vendor with 2 sets AND on top of that 3 factions and all iron banner gear to be purchased/earned. So.. yeah, I do feel like I'm missing out and ofcourse I hope I'd be a better player good enough to attend PvP but I consistently embarrass myself while trying. And it sucks. :P I just hope we had more options, that's all.

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  • Thats not me, but im not great at pvp but my average is 1.5ish over all. And i can pull a 3-10 kd on a good day. And the only reason im that good is i took the time to learn what not to do. I play pvp one day out of the week to get my 100 marks. And i dont realy used them till now that i can buy mats. And the only reason i picked a fraction over the vanguard was for the cosmetic looks with no shader equipped. If u play by urself stick to rumble. Only play control and clash with a team. Not sayen u have no chance solo but solo is no fun with randoms.

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  • ok, thanks for the tips. I'm willing to keep trying, I just seem to get frustrated pretty often when I clearly am not that good at it and sometimes doubt if I ever will :D (After all, the last game I played PvP on before Destiny was Halo 3, about 6 years ago :S)

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  • Took me a month of on and off play to get used to it but i like it. Especially rumble. Good spawns and timing.

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  • they didnt require pvp play.....thats the point dude.

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  • Everything clearly costs cruciable marks.

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