I have a hard time seeing it. And reguardless, it's just an emblem. I don't see why people get offended by such things. The only reason people are still offended by the symbol is because someone told you to be offended by it.
By the same logic, we should be offended by the British flag as its a sign of the oppression of US colonialists. And the U.S. flag being the destruction of the native Americans.
And potatoes being the great offensive sign of the Irish famine. Should we destroy all potatoes because of what it once represented? SHOULD WE!?
I certainly hope the next generation isn't offended by just a silly symbol. I hope they are smarter than that. Much much smarter than that.
different situations.
If this isn't the greatest post I've ever seen in a forum I don't know what is. It's nice to see other competent people still roam the Internet.
You just destroyed his argument. Nicely done. Smashed him like 'Murica smashed the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url].
Are you fúcking kidding me???? They censor fúcking ńaziś?!?!! People need get thicker skin...
Ironically you make a post about n-a-z-is on a thread about a swastica... How has no one pointed this out yet?
Cause it's like a month old, it was a joke, and someone did point it out, retard.
DOWN WITH POTATOES!!! Your post makes too much sense, some people might get confused around here haha.