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11/26/2014 2:16:48 PM

Drastic news bungie might have patched one of the best things in the game and i found out what it is

We Need this back and we need it NOW


I have never done it so IDK


We as destiny players should know something that bungie did already if you dont then you are not a true player of this game... Bungie has patched... Sparrow Surf'n (If you don't know what it is you basically dance on your sparrow and look cool while you do it) This is drastic especially with the tumbler out we need this back and we need it NOW (Doing back flips while dancing would look awesome) This is a petition sign and like and Bungie Will have to read it ( if you don't know how to sign a petition on the forums all you have to do is comment sign i will show you)

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