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originally posted in: Why I feel reforging needs to stay.
Edited by WarpPigeon: 11/26/2014 9:27:14 AM
I'm torn, i did like reforging the IB guns, i finally got one of my timur's lash pistols to have the perks i like best. but im not convinced, it might be too easy but for me the perks i wanted were not the ones mentioned on the gun, i was mostly after flared mag-well to increase reload speed, as one of the three middle options. I was praying i got this with outlaw too, (quick reload on precision kils)....So in your system i think the individual manipulation of the perks should cost [u]more[/u] not the full randomisation of the three. basically the technique would be randomise the perks until the 3 options in the middle match your desire, then change the individual perks on the gun to match what you desire. This might mean you dont get the perfect gun instantly and have to work towards it. or you can keep rolling random (cheaper) until you get closer, then pay to change only one perk. (stratergy vs luck vs cost) I would also suggest that to gain points/credit to spend on this re-forging there are two approaches... firstly and simply use strange coins and/or motes. or secondly the concept i like. ... how guardians earn motes from gaining XP (levelling) even when capped at physical level 20, the guns could do the same. and it is this currency from gun levelling that can buy the re-roles . I like this because commonly im forced off a gun I like to use and think is cool because the desire to not waste the XP i am getting on a fully levelled gun when i have other guns that arent maxed out. where as in this way i can keep using my gun i like until i have perfected it.

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  • Great comments! Now that I think about it you're right on the costs for rerolling singles vs the whole gun. AND the releveling the weapon to earn a the chance for the reroll is perfect. I'll be stealing these ideas when I make some edits.

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  • glad you agree with my logic and thoughts. I can see the need for re-roles in a non item tradeable game and where luck determines your guns & perks I'd definately like more drive and reason to use guns I've already maxed out, so to earn currency in this way i think is good on multiple levels, though don't know how the game designers feel about introducing another form of currency, normally frowned upon in game designer meetings. here's to hoping.

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