So just curious because I haven't really checked or compared but does anyone know in the nightfall do you take shields on enemies down quicker by using the correct elemental damage or the burn damage, for example this weeks nightfall is void damage but wizards and knights will have solar and arc shields, so would I be better to run fully void or solar, arc and void?
EDIT: thanks for all the replies and tips guys, I really want to test this to actually find an answer to whether or not it is better to use burn damage or the correct element damage for shields, I have an arc 77 wizard and was going to buy the void 77 wizard to test actual damage done by 2 of the same weapon but it's the crucible vendor and I'm not rank 3 in crucible yet (thanks bee/caterpillar error anytime I play anything but skirmish, salvage or rumble) so what I was hoping is anyone who has 2 of the same weapons 1 void 1 arc or solar (try change upgrades to makes stats as similar as possible) and has 10 minutes to check if they could let us all know. By the sounds of the replies I've gotten it's all circumstantial what they run anyway but there have been people saying burn damage is better and some saying that proper element damage is better against shields so would be nice to get an actual answer to this...
This is the first week I actually took all 3 in the strike. Arc for the knights shields, solar for the wizards shields, then void primary to finish them all off