You all know the sentence:"does it fly?"
It's the only time your avatar has a voice.
Now considering all the material from old trailers, where the player seems to walk through the city and actually talk to people, could it be that Bungie canceled and rebuild the game in a huge fashion?
Grimoire is nothing but a couple of unstructured and weird textlines which seem to be written while beeing drunk AND had a good smoke with buddies. That hardly can be the "Lords of the Rings" kind if story Bungie promised a year ago, can it?!
He talks a few other times in the story.
"We go down..."
Queen's Dirtbag Bro-"She's saying you owe us" You-"I know what she means" Or something like that, I paraphrased.
They talk to the queen in the reef
"What happened to it?"
Dinklebot- think you can kill a god Guardian- I don't think I have a choice
Yea, if you do some research you can find plenty of pre release footage in have trailers that got cut. For some reason destiny got dumbed down a lot. I have my own thoughts but no one really knows other than bungie and activision.
"No, little light."
"Your Grace..."
'Our' Guardian talks quite a few times during the story missions. 'They' talk in the intro mission, 'they' reply to the speaker, talk with the Eco stranger, talk with the Queen, her brother and 'their' Ghost during the reef sequences.
"No... Little light."