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Edited by SierraAstaelion: 12/4/2014 3:07:59 AM

Wishlist.... but most are needed

Musts are bolded. [u]Additions[/u]: [b]-Vanity armor system -Go straight to tower from mission -Optional matchmaking for all activities -Split-Screen & Offline gameplay for one day when the servers shut down permanantly [/b] [b]-a Single PvP playlist with no perks/stats -In-game Clan Support[/b] -6 player end game (hard) patrol -Random rare bosses w/rare loot tables -Reforge for non-crucible legendaries -A crafting system to make use of crappy loot drops -A Gem-Slot genre of Rare Upgrade Materials that boost an item (replace or add perks) rather than simply open locked upgrades. -ALOT More loot [u]Fixes[/u]: [b]-Raid glitches (shield dropping and portal fails really suck....a lot)[/b] [b]-A Redeemed Story--free pls... But DLC is ok. [/b] Love u Bungie. COMPLETED!! [i]-An alternate way to obtain basic upgrade materials (add some as a reward for strike playlist?) -Exotics [/i]

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