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Edited by Legend of Jordy: 11/18/2014 10:37:05 PM

Don't make me Farm Resources!

#1 Increasing the amount of resources a chest or plant can give


#2 Have resources as a reward for completing basic missions


#3 Including large resource packs in the Ascendant Materials drop table


#4 Trading currencies for element resources with a Tower vendor


#5 Rewarding resources after completion of a Patrol mission


All of the Above


None of these, I like spending my 2-3 hours farming for resources


[spoiler]All of the Above can have #3 out of the deal, pretend it's Most of the Above. Or pretend #3 is: Including element resources in Public Event rewards.[/spoiler] So I have finally accomplished my goals of capping XP on my favorite Legendaries, Raid gear, and exotics. I finally have all the ascendants I could need to get a weapon that does 300/300 damage and to reach level 29+. The problem is I'm starting to loose interest in getting the materials needed for upgrades. I don't like putting time into activities that aren't important, I have a life outside of Destiny that comes first. When I play Destiny, I enjoy doing my weeklies and raids. I do not enjoy the hassle resource farming is. It's an activity that can take 30 minutes or longer of my day. Whenever I need resource materials such as Spirit Bloom, Relic Iron, Spinmetal, or Helium filaments, I make my way to Patrol on that planet. I find myself following a route that leads to known chest and resource locations, doing a few missions in between. I can only get myself to grab 18 of the element I need before I feel like I need to do something else. By the time I grab enough resource to purchase an upgrade, 23 minutes have past by. If shooting into a dark tunnel for engrams was "not the Destiny experience," then exploiting the spawn locations for elements isn't either! ----- Doing chest runs isn't bad when you have one Item to upgrade, but I have multiple. It's getting to the point where It's unbearable for me to even think about. I simply do not have or want the time to resource farm for 2 hours just so I can upgrade. I know once in a blue moon a chest drops 10 of an element, but it still doesn't happen as often as it should. I would like to see these farmed resources dropped more often and in higher numbers throughout the many activities of this game. We have a few places to spend these resources so increasing the rate Gaurdians receive these resources will not harm "the Destiny experience." ----- [u]Please consider one of these options.[/u] 1) [b]Increasing chance for the amount of resources given when opening an over world chest[/b] [quote] Right now I get 1-2 of an element for each chest or plant; I would like to see that change to at least 1-4. [/quote] 2) [b]Reward completion of basic story missions with element resources[/b] [quote] When completing a basic story mission, you receive no reward. Seeing resources like Spirit Bloom, Relic Iron, Spinmetal, and Helium Filaments as a reward in packs of 5 or more would help. [/quote] 3) [b]Place large packs of element resources into the Ascendant Materials drop list[/b] [quote] There's usually complaints when seeing 9 strange coins drop on Nightfall or Ascendants on Dailies, it could be a good or bad thing adding a chance to receive 30-60 of an element resource. At least I wouldn't have to farm for that week. [Edit] This was a bad Idea. pretend I said: [b]Reward Public Event completion with the Planet specific resource.[/b] [/quote] 4) [b]Have a Tower Vendor that trades currency like Glimmer, Strange Coins, or Motes of Light for resource packs[/b] [quote] We can trade in a pack of 50 for a few marks and reputation, but there's nothing like that the other way around. I would love to trade Glimmer, Motes, or Strange Coins for multiple element resources. I'd even trade in Vanguard or Crucible marks, but if be a little bitter towards that trade. [Edit] Apparently I forgot about the hundreds of weapon parts and armor parts sitting in my inventory. I would definitely trade those for farmed resources. [/quote] 5) [b]Rewarding completion of a Patrol mission with element resources[/b] [quote] I'm usually doing both at the same time, It would be nice if both gave element resources as a reward. [/quote] [b]Thank you for Voting and reading. This isn't a super important matter but I would really like to see something like this implemented ASAP. Please bump so I can spend some time having fun [i]NOT[/i] farming for resources on a game.[/b]

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  • Restore the ability to buy the packs with vanguard marks. Btw as hard as it is to get 50 resources and all you get is 30 rep points!!! I would gladly trade 30 rep points to get 50 of a material!!!!!!

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    • How about resources drop from dead enemies in the area...

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    • Then you don't know nothing about MMORPG, I know Destiny isn't a full MMORPG but, have some characteristics, farming is one of them. Farming is required for upgrading, in fact Destiny lacks of the proper farming, there are only four farming items, one per planet (yeah the moon isn't a planet but i'm counting it) I would like to see more materials needed to upgrade weapons and gear. And other thing, upgrading a weapon/gear shouldn't be that easy. It should take time and effort.

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    • Before I sleep I try to spawn trap some chests I usually get like 200 before I ko with the remote in my hand due to boredom. Just improvise. There's days u wake up not remembering farming cuz I just do it while sleepy

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      • Artificial content extensions allow the same content to be recycled virtually indefinitely. It's occasionally called "time sinking". Destiny is an extremely content starved title and in order to maximize play time whilst minimizing development they throw in the dreaded grind. It's not entirely a bad thing, some sickos even actually like it, but it makes for a game that is boring just to think about much less actually grind your way through. There's never anything new happening, no surprise waiting around the corner, just the same shit over and over and over. Even if you love it, it's boring. I love bacon, but if all I get is bacon made the same way for every meal, over and over and over, that love is going to turn into revulsion. Suffice it to say removing any part of the grind will negatively effect the dollar driven design of Destiny. It's not made to be a great game, it's made to be great business move. I would personally love to see all of the above implemented, but in that same vein they'd have to actually add content to offset the drop in how recyclable existing content is. This means higher development cost for no gain, and thus Activision is not going to do it. Maybe long after they've sold a few DLC's they'll consider it, but as is? Not a chance. Don't get me wrong, I love these ideas, it's just not going to happen.

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        5 Replies
        • Bump. This needs to happen.

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          • Public events should award a substantial amount too. How about a new mission or two on each planet, where we assault a huge resource stash? Once we're inside, ghost starts transferring materials to our ships and we have to defend the stash from increasingly difficult waves of enemies. The more waves we survive, the more resources we get.

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            • Id even be ok if in nav mode ghost could lead you to them

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            • I like this, the reasoning is sound, it's good feed back. Not just the usual whining I see on here. I approve this message. Bump

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            • All of the above except #3.[spoiler]Praise the Sun.[/spoiler]

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              • Enemies could drop some materiales..if they are yellow bar should be mandatory imo. Its ridiculous having to do grind the same caves the same spots... Prff farm os not the job of a guardian..if a ghost can teleport things and can hack everything..why not duplicate things..beggg go and add some materiales on dayly,weekly, mision patrols, mobs loot....

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                3 Replies
                • I'm glad everyone is on the same page, having to farm is ridiculous.

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                  • Or to add to #4, let us use our class materials or weapon parts as a form of currency! I have about 800 of each sitting in my inventory doing absolutely nothing!

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                    • # 4 would be easy to do and help out the currencies. There isn't enough stuff to buy.

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                    • I need 160 spirit bloom for lvl 30 lol it sucks!

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