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11/16/2014 12:40:06 AM

Double Standards and stuff

In today’s society many women have decided to join the “feminist” movement, which is the advocacy of equal rights for women on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. This is all well and good because up until the past century women were treated as items. This unfortunately still occurs in many parts of the world today. However, in modern countries this is no longer accepted and is generally not an issue. Although there are still certain grounds that are not completely equal for example, in the US women make 77 cents for every dollar men make on average. This is why an abundant amount of women have joined feminism. Along with the works toward improvements for issues like this there have been cases where feminism has been radicalized and went too far. One example occurred very recently when Matt Taylor wore a provocative t-shirt that displayed half naked women during the landing of the Philae probe. Social media immediately judged Matt Taylor and many feminists were at the head of this. Not all were necessarily feminists but many were or would claim to be. Admittedly the shirt may be considered a bit “inappropriate” but that’s it. It is not encouraging women to dress inappropriately or bringing down women it is just a shirt. This led to Matt making a public apology and he broke down giving it. Honestly this is just wrong considering that his female friend made the shirt for him on his birthday. [url][/url] Matt was apart of the landing of a probe on a comet which is a historical milestone in the world of science considering that comets carry the basic elements that are required for life. This was a ten-year project and the landing was considered to be like trying to make a golf ball land on the moon. The probe was meant to hopefully learn more about the origins of life but the probe was landed in an area with low light. This is a problem because “Originally, it was supposed to have seven hours of light per comet day -- which lasts just 12.4 hours. Now it is exposed only 1.5 hours a day. That's likely not enough to juice up Philae's rechargeable secondary battery, ESA said.” So the probe shutdown after being able to send back all the information obtained. The probe however, may be able to reactivate in 2015 when the comet is exposed to more sunlight. So basically this man was demonized for wearing a shirt made for him by a female friend because it was provocative. This goes to show how people can find negative in nearly anything. I mean the man helped land a probe the size of a refrigerator on a comet, which is a huge feat for anyone. I do understand that he probably should have thrown on something nicer considering that the event was being recorded but still I really don’t care what he was wearing. I don’t care if a man cures cancer and is wearing a “I heart Satan t-shirt” he still cured cancer. [url][/url] Anyways, another thing that goes along with this is double standards which is at fault to both genders. A good example of this would be when a women holds on to her virginity she is praised while if a man holds on to his he is generally considered a loser who can't get any. “Protect me and pay for me, but remain my equal and allow me my financial independence." For a man to be attractive in many women's eyes they must be in great shape, tall, funny, have a good job, be clean, dress well, smell good, be confident but not clingy, good with kids, pay for dates, etc. While if men ask for things like a nice body they are considered shallow. This does go both ways in the sense that men expect too much and so do women. Many men expect women to be beautiful, have a great body, nice boobs/butt, always dress nice, have sex like a pornstar but still be a virgin. Majority of these expectations by both genders are unrealistic. However, everyones standards are different and if we don't like the others expectations then we should move on from them. Okay i know that was a long ass half put together completely flawed forum post to show the extent that society has come to with expectations and the over the top political correctness that is completely unnecessary but is still predominately used. BUT i tried so yeah if you enjoyed thats great if you were offended ask yourself why and maybe reevaluate your stance. Also i completely understand why women are fighting for equality because it is deserved but they should not be given too much and sometimes they take it toooooo far. Plus men have double standards just like women do. Anyways please let me know what your opinion is on these subjects if ya want. I also love @meninisttweet on twitter they post over the top but mostly true claims. Neither gender is innocent btw.

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