We all know the only way to earn gear is to put in the time and get it from raids or strikes etc from engrams.
Why do people persist to say getting coins is earning the exotics. They might as well put up a free sign and just have Santa Xur give you what ever you want while sitting on his lap.
Basically your a mouth breathing casual if your buying the trash from Xur. People need to put in the work and go do a raid for once in their life. You know a boss fight .. derp
People complaing about stuck at 29 are in the same casual boat. Do work like us 30's did you lazies. We weren't sitting at Xur feet waiting for scraps... we were killing bosses
Edit* Last word gone due to its now trash being Xur sold it. Dismantled for energies
Edit* Mida gone due to Xur selling it. Dismantled for energies. (Running out of earner weapons Xur!)
Looks like my main weaps will be VoC, P foil , thunderlord from here on. Still few earner weapons left !! KEEP FLEXING BROS WE WILL OVER COME!!
If you don't play to EARN strange coins then you can't buy gear from Xur
Really how is it that if xur wasn't In the game and I've had this since launch and did nightfall 5 I would have no exotic armor and 3 exotic weapons because all I get from nightfall are 3 strange coins, crappy legendary class item engrams, shards, and legendary stuff
Keep flexing bros !!!
Keep flexing bros !!!
Whether U randomly get an exotic or not U still earned it, how U do u think people get coins ?
This is how to end it: Realize it's just a video game and stop taking it so seriously. [spoiler]I see your sarcasm tag, this is for the people who actually complain about this.[/spoiler]
I did nightfall this week and got 10 coins. Now I have earned enough to buy last word. So yeah I earned it.
Awesome You killed bosses Please everyone stop playing mario for coins! and go kill a boss or 2 and earn your exotic
I agree about Xur but that bit about being lvl 30 is total bullshit, my warlocks been lvl 29 for 6 weeks now just because all I need is the boots, it is pure luck getting raid armour, so stop acting like most lvl 30's earned it.
Did anyone see the #sarcasm at the bottom?
Edited by GoingRampant: 11/15/2014 1:14:28 PMNot that you don't get coins the same way you get any other loot. Shut it and go away. Edit: just saw the #sarcasm, soooo got played. -blam!-.
If it is in your inventory then you earned it.
Everything in his game is rng even xur end of story...
So according to you if I bought a gun in real life, it wasn't earned. But if I was to find one on the street it was earned? Your argument is invalid. And for the 29/30 argument you made I have done the raid quite a few times and there are players who have done it waaaay more. Just because some lvl 30's got lucky and actually pulled all the pieces they need doesn't make them better players or more dedicated. In fact, the 29's are even more dedicated as they have tried time and time again for the gear they need with no luck. Think things through before you go posting about them
It's called people have lives and don't have time to do raids but have time to do a quick weekly strike
BTW I decided to search you only have one character that has even done the raid on top of that you have completed it four times FOUR freaking times. I have done the raid 11 times on my 29 hunter, 8 times on my Titan, and I constantly delete my last character slot and make new characters get them to 20 so I can do the raid and more than 6 times a week (I do both the normal and hard I know you get double rewards if you do it on hard before you do it on normal but with my RNG luck I just get double ascendant materials). I have a lvl 29 warlock/ the gear still in my vault but I have 2 Titans right now because my best chance at getting raid useful raid gear not duplicates is for my Titan because I only have the helm and boots. YOU DIDNT EARN A 30 nor will I have when I get a 30. I may have done a lot more than most thus increasing my chances but I didn't increase my chances of earning it I increased my chance of getting lucky. I have 212 ascendant shards and 273 ascendant energy that may sound lucky but it's not instead of getting raid gear i get ascendant materials. If you want to respond asking if I ever see the sun nope I've heard of scary creatures that exist in outdoors these things called people.
These stupid ass post need to stop along with the real ones.
So you earned it by getting lucky with RNG doesn't quite make sense. So if I buy a ticket for the Powerball and I win 300 million, I earned 300 million dollar. Weird doesn't sound right I had the patience and time before Xur sold it. At first I was pissed but that's when my friend brought up RNG and how I was lucky enough to have gotten it before everyone else.
Thank god this is sarcasm
Lol@people not reading hashtags
This post is so ghey
Earn a chance to roll your luck Earn your coins to buy your exotic Done and done
I earned my Doritos
So RANDOM number geneator is earning? So everyone who got exotics from a RANDOM number generator is someone who earned it other than someone who basically did their "job" by doing the dailys/heroics/nightfall/strikes and got their "salary" for said "job" and used this "salary" to pay for gear from working aformentioned "job"? Ok go complain to everyone in the real world how they got their job by being casual workers and didnt earn anything cause if they truly earned their jobs they would have relied on a RANDOM job generator.
Those people worked for the currency to purchase said items. Idiot. It's not their fault their drops have Been unlucky. Asshole