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11/6/2014 6:30:24 AM

Support for Destiny and Bungie: True Fan vs. Trolls

Long ago, when the first signs of Destiny began to show themselves to the world, i just sorta shook my head and believed that this game was nothing more than a glorified version of HALO, which Bungie had passed the torch onto 343 studios. However, during the Beta, i quickly learned that Destiny was far from a Shadow of Halo. this was HALO's descendant. and yes, bungie uses a lot of HALO themes in their designs but they still make the end result it's own unique existence. but that is far from the point. Lately, as i look through the news feeds to learn what is going on in Destiny background, I'm seeing a lot of vicious attacks from people that are for the most part unnecessary. One of the more recent one is of this person who logged over 350+ hours of gameplay, and is now threatening to sue bungie over $60 if the game doesn't improve with the first DLC. Now for starters, that takes some balls to threaten lawsuit over $60 for 'bad game design' after logging almost 400 hours. however the problem lies in that the people who say these vicious things, are not real fans of bungie or their work. they are just people who play games to kill time or because they have nothing better to do. These trolls, such as the one threatening to sue, are not true fans, because true fans would see the flaws in the game, but rather then complain like a bunch of school girls, they accept the flaws while focusing on what joy the game play brings them. bottom line is that there is a difference between being blunt, and being a troll. The following is me, as a Fan, being blunt, but a fan of Destiny. My squad and i are fans of the game, despite it's many flaws. we poke fun at the Cryptarch, which i often call the Troll-tarch because I'm always getting rare engrams from him even though I'm now level 34 in my crypto-archeology. we talk about how the story line is a bit lacking. such examples are when you meet the Speaker for the first time, and when questioned about the state of the Traveler, his response is "i could tell you of the many tales". Yes, we WOULD like to no more about the 700 years of 'history' we were dead through. however, it's been 700 YEARS, since you died, which there is no backstory (yet) about how you die and wound up in the cosmodrome, which i feel bungie could have probably done well at for each of the three races. anyways. since it's been 700 years, truth is more than likely clouded under myth and lore, since, let's face it, we just got our asses handed to us and we are now huddled in this one lone city on earth. I feel that bungie did this, as to create a sort of suspenseful cliffhanger story line that is, on paper, suppose to keep us interested and hungry for the next piece. and i feel that, hopefully as game progresses, light is shed on the player's past, as well as everything that happened over the last 700 years. Dialogue was, a little rough, to say the least, definitely had some comedic moments, but a lot of the time, seemed very....mono toned, so not a lot of emotion where there should have been emotion. the Stranger was an odd character that didn't seem to fit. hopefully the DLC's release a little more info on the universe. Really hope that bungie comes out with a commerce-trade system with other players. I feel somewhat bad when I'm getting my results for a strike, or an engram and what i get is a hunter piece of equipment, (used to be Warlock and Hunter till i started building a Warlock). especially when i get good quality gear for classes other than Titan mainly. right now i have an exotic Hunter helm, Symbiosis, that one of my squad mates is after and it is now sitting in my vault until such a time as a trade system arises. Also, i know destiny has a lot of great shaders, and i think it's a shame that a player HAS to be level 20 to wear them, even rare ones. I preordered the COD Advanced Warfare and got the Blacksmith shader, but am unable to use it on my lower level warlock and titan because it requires level 20. Maybe one day bungie will tweak it so that some shaders can be worn at lower levels. in additon, i would love to see Eva, the Tower's Guardian outfitter, be allowed to cycle through the various shaders that Destiny has to offer because trying to earn them otherwise is really difficult with such slim chances usually. i've already gotten the shader Bloodpact 3 times already, rather than getting one i don't already have. Crucible. Crucible is my nemesis, i do believe that it is highly unfair to ALL players, not just me. I do wish there was things like custom matches or community maps like in HALO to keep things fresh and exciting, however, i do wish that the Motion tracker was dealt away with or turned into something like call of Duty uses, where players show up only when they open fire. the fact that Destiny has it's motion tracker always on in Crucible makes it VERY easy for players to camp and turn what should almost ALWAYS be a good, close game, into a one sided turkey shoot. and as if to add salt to the wounds of all players, payout in the crucible are subpar at best. i've completed games where i was on the winning team, and maybe one or two people get something, which they may have already gotten, or is of lower quality to what their are using, or we've gotten nothing at all. on top of that, Reputation and marks for the Crucible payout are subpar as well. If it's going to be worthwhile for me to jump into that melee of OK Corral shoot out, I'd want to see a payout of at least 6 crucible marks, equal to payout of the Strike Playlist Tiger. problems like equipment comparisons, well i mostly, if partly annoyed by it, write it off as part of the deal with playing with other people. some people have faster nets, and allows them to get the kill on me before i thought i did them in. tough luck, it's the Crucible, but please at least up the rewards for playing what is supposed to be a high-risk, high reward portion of the game. all that was just said is from the viewpoint of a TRUE fan. I see the faults of Destiny, but i play it anyways with my friends because we have a great time with it. we accept these flaws of Destiny to be self evident, yet non detrimental to our faith in bungie and it's outlook. Even if Bungie doesn't see this, or even if they do and shrug it off, i have made my voice known. I do not expect them to drop everything they are doing to try and make the game better, just to focus on what i want them to do. Fans do not have the need to threaten lawsuits, or sling foul names at the company for what any real game is: a work in progress. Is it a marketing ploy? Yes, yes it is. but as true gamers and fans, this is our lifeblood. if all games were released fully complete, there would be nothing new for that game to look forward to. those that demand that bungie do something immediately, or use the arguement that they should have released the game fully completed, cannot put off their self gratification. they want it and by god they want it NOW. Fans now that things get better in time. and Destiny's format is a work in progress. so soldier on Bungie, I keep the faith. I know that as soon as i post this, the Trolls will come, as Trolls always do, and sling their flimsy arguments and their so-called facts, which do nothing but prove how trollish they really are. to you trolls that find this, i wish you better experiences with your other gaming adventures, and that i hoped you enjoyed reading this. and to all the true bungie fans, that stick with it despite the flaws, Godspeed, and let us push back the Darkness once and for all.

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  • Edited by IshihadoX: 11/6/2014 6:42:37 AM
    [quote]True Fan vs. Trolls[/quote] You lost the argument before it even began, simply because you based it on a false dichotomy: you made it seem like anyone who like the game is "true" while those who dislike it are "trolls". One of the goals of writing something like this is to reach all audience members, yet you alienated most of them by making it a polarized issue where only the extremes matter (in your title). Not a good start. The rest of your diatribe was opinionated, but decent. I would suggest changing the title. My biggest problem, though, was with this: [quote]...because true fans would see the flaws in the game, but rather then complain like a bunch of school girls, they accept the flaws while focusing on what joy the game play brings them[/quote] That is absolutely the stupidest thing I have ever read. This kind of passive nonsense gives way to companies (e.g., EA) thinking they can get away with whatever they want; they don't even have to make a great game, or a complete one, as long they have an awesome trailer for it, and the promise of later content at a price. If people feel wronged, they should complain. They should express their dissatisfaction with their voices and wallets. If they didn't, if they didn't get any negative feedback, we wouldn't have half the awesome games we do today. Most games would be null and void of any type of game based advancement. If you silence the ones that expect better, nothing will ever be better.

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