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Edited by Joeyoungfitz: 11/7/2014 10:51:30 PM

How Hunters are amazing in VoG

Makes me sick to see people kicking hunters out of VoG groups because they are "useless". I am going to prove them wrong. Here is how they are amazing in VoG 1. Destroying oracles fast: Got three oracles you need to destroy in less then 5 seconds or else your team die? Not a problem for a gunslinger. They can one shot those oracles 2. Great relic holders: Hunters are best fitted for the relic. They are very fast and quick. The whole team spread out and you need to cleanse them? Not a problem for the Hunter. They are also really good for in the teleporter for Atheon. 3. Clearing out enemies: Got a bunch of supplicants swarming your team on atheon? Get gunslinger and Time Vengeances and you can take out all those supplicants out. Need to help out clear enemies with the shield guy in the teleporter? Not a problem. Now you know how they are amazing in VoG. What are they are not good out? 1. Cheesing I laugh at the people who say hunters are useless in VoG. They are the people who want to do it the easy way by cheesing the bosses. I just want to say you guys that think so are pathetic and just so sad. Well that is it. What you guys think? For those Hunters that do VoG, you guys are the real MVP. Edit: Thanks for all of the responses and glad to see that many people feel the same way. It is not the class that makes the group succeed, it is the person that is holding the controller. This whole Hunter Discrimination needs to stop. Edit: I am not a Hunter, yet

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  • Yeah, i mean the relic can be debated, but i completely agree with you, i don't care what class as long as you're a high enough rank to play.

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  • After I got my raid helmet (over a month, two mythos before it as well) I deleted my third titan and started a hunter. It feels like a different game now. Yeah the levels are boring as hell the 4th time around but it's cool because a titan and hunter can not play the same way. [spoiler]OP forgot to add shooting the minotaur with the gun to help the relic holder[/spoiler]

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  • Hunters have the most skill!!

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  • I have never experienced a group not wanting to have a hunter in the fire team. They cant "cheese" the bosses but honestly if that was the only reason for not bringing a hunter that is retarded, you can easily cheese either boss with just 1 warlock. The rest of that raid is straight forward enough that most of the supers aside from self rez are pointless anyway.

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  • Edited by Supared: 11/8/2014 7:48:38 AM
    Reasons hunters are great in VoG 1. They have a primary. 2. They have a special. 3. They have a heavy. 4. They have a super. Yeah k seems good to me. Seriously though, I think hunters are fine. You can only use your super so often, and I'm assuming that with Time Vengeance gunslinger is great with Atheon. They have guns like everyone else, and if they are good with said guns, everything's fine.

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  • The problem here is that people tried the hunter and couldn't get a hang of it. It's not hard.. And every argument I've seen has the person contradicting themselves. Hunters are bad ass. You titans can find a cliff.. You won't survive.

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  • Hunters are fine, they kill enemies like any other class, but almost every one of your points is wrong. The blade dancer can clear out groups, but both the titan striker and warlock voidwalker do it faster and more efficiently. Titans are technically the best for holding the relic since they are built for melee, the extra armour means they can take more hits, speed is well and good, but you dont need to move far, so speed is not as necessary, the problem is that hunters are squishy, so it can be problematic. Your first point is fine in the case of the gun slinger, gunslinger is nice for quickly taking out 3 or 4 oracles (though your team should be able to handle killing oracles with their regular guns), but any of the vault primaries should be able to handle this job easily, with my vision of confluence i can clear out the oracles by my self (helpful if it only sends two by accident). I have no problems with hunters on my team, so long as you can shoot the enemy and dont constantly die, then i dont care what class you are.

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    24 Replies
    • I see a lot of talk about how the golden gun sucks on hard mode oracles. Are you effing retarded? It's teamwork, three warp in, one whatever grabs the relic. The other two "Oracle killers" take down oracles together. The golden gun is extremely useful, your partner starts firing at an Oracle, half a sec later you GG IT, DEAD, tons of important ammo saved and Oracle down, rinse repeat for three more. Apparently tactics aren't most of y'all haters forte (in a derp voice) I dust bwast stuff wif awl mai ammo durrrr. Stfu lol, I can single handedly clear all the oracles no problem with time to spare for a reload, a sit down and perhaps do a jig [spoiler]do it every time it bugs and only two of us go in [/spoiler] while I highly HIGHLY doubt the other classes can, Without using everything you have and almost or certainly wiping. You easy mode players are hilarious. Get over your shields and newb revives and play like a champ. I run faster, jump higher, shoot harder and stab the f*ck out of sh!t. All without needing a bubble shield, revive or overshield. No hover or jet pack, just my feet, my gun and a target. Blade dancer, useless in pve, HAH. We are raid savers, I go invis when I want and do as I please. While you're cowering in your shields and false revive confidence. News flash your bubble shield, is already in the ENTIRE EFFING raid. [spoiler]it's called the relic[/spoiler] Your revive saves you once, then you derp again and what?! Oh feck, you're in the same boat up shit Creek without a paddle this time because you have no skills at staying alive. We just stay alive, because we know we are squishy and don't like to be hit more then once. You shoot a hunter in pvp, we dip at the speed of "what the -blam!- was that?" lol, come find me while I plot your next step. You brutes with your derpasaurus shoulder charge, super mega ultra psycho slam of everything dies in one hit zomaigawds and you reviving fireball throwing circus acts are the joke in a raid. Never have I said omg I want you to drop a bubble shield, nor hey that revive is a raid saver... Just, well Johnny the warlock died.. Again... And again... And again... And so on. Get over yourselves. Git gewd. Quit cheesing and do it legit. [spoiler]Really, get better[/spoiler]

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      1 Reply
      • Very good. Just some more stuff about hunters, raiding In general. With 2+ upcoming DLCs, I hope Bungie does a few things. Right now, hunters are looked down on because they a) do not use void damage b) do not have an area controlling super c) lack the defence needed to hold a spot and the recovery needed to jump back in. I think Bungie is aware of this. Think about it, void walker and defender are the best subclasses in VoG right now. In Crota's End, the hive are weak to Solar Damage, which in my eyes means that Gunslingers and Sun Singers will be the best. But what I really want is in the second DLC. The raid is for the fallen, weak to Arc Damage. Does nobody find it curious that both Arc Damage subclasses are CQC? Typically in raiding CQC is bad because they are to open and get gunned down in bad spots. But I suspect that the Fallen Raid will change that and give massive advantages to CQC subclasses and players. Just some thoughts. Sure, hunters aren't great in this raid, but there are at least 2 more, so keep that in mind...

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      • It's a pretty know fact hunters die the most in vog. Ran vog with 4 lvl 29s and 2 lvl 30 hunters. Guess who kept dieing over and over over and over over and over and over again? Yep the hunters

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        2 Replies
        • Agreed

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        • Beautifully said.

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        • I want you on my VoG team if you know how to play. I don't give a -blam- if you are a Hunter, Titan, or Normal.

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        • I don't care what classes join my raid team. I don't want to see a squad of 5 hunters and 1 warlock though. I want at least one titan for weapons of light. And I prefer 3-4 warlocks for self res because wiping is annoying. I've never heard of people actually kicking others because of their class. That's just dumb.

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        • Just don't ask one to cheese Templar. At least they can hold the Relic, in the same way they can carry the shopping.

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        • How is it that half the posts about hunters are calling for a nerf because we are to OP and the other half are saying we are useless and weak?

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          • Hunters>all

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          • Run hard mode last night, there were 6 hunters! Best character for running vog unless you are a cheese'head

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            7 Replies
            • I just completed hard mode in under an hour on my 30 hunter....Would have been faster but you know... dance parties at the chests get me every time.

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            • Edited by forfeitsaucer: 11/8/2014 4:40:27 AM
              1. Normal oracles are super easy and they take 2 hits to kill in hard mode which 2 people with raid guns can easily destroy. 2. They also get obliterated by praetorians and die pretty easily in general also if your team is spread out inside the portal your team sucks 3. You can take out supplicants easily with a sniper or anything really. I would rate it titans<--- warlocks<--- hunters. As a titan I rarely die from enemies and blessing of light can keep a team alive while weapons of light can help your team kick ass especially with atheon. With the helm of saint 14 enemies that walk in to your bubble are harmless for about 5 seconds and the orb drops when enemies shoot it helps out the whole team. Void damage grenades are awesome for minotar and praetorians. Warlocks aren't anything special but the self revive is extremely useful. Their solar grenade spam can take out a ton of enemies and block off spawns. Hunters have nothing going for them. The roles you said anyone can do really and they may be as weak as warlorks in terms of defense but warlocks can self-revive while hunters can't. They're awesome at running away but not very useful since everything in the hard raid has -blam!-ing pinpoint accuracy.

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            • I have a level 30 Hunter. Hard mode they are useless. 1. Golden gun does NOT one hit oracles in hard mode. 2. There is no soloing portals in hard mode. And 3. Poor defense makes them terrible relic wielders in hard mode. So yes. On baby VoG they are sufficient. It takes serious experience and a good team to run through Hard VoG with more than two hunters. And I love my Hunter. But speed just isn't as useful as a lovely bubble shield with weapons of light or fire born to give your team a fighting chance where there are no respawns or revives.

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              7 Replies
              • the best thing a hunter can do in VoG is leave the group. lol

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              • Take out #2 for Hard, aside from that #1 is not quite the case but is still very relevant, #3 however is extremely true. I've prevented a few cheese wipes from Supplicants.

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              • The grenade hunters have that splits into a bunch of little ones will cause a boss to move as well. Just a little harder to place. Why would anyone even attempt to cheese atheon at this point anyways? It actually way easier to do it normally. Kicking someone for being a hunter is just ignorant Imo.

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              • Edited by SirCampnOwn: 11/8/2014 3:59:21 AM
                Preach it brother! I've only run the raid once because of this issue but when I did I died less than most others and I had no problems at all with the gorgons because of invisibility

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              • Is sporting agility while holding the relic legitimate? I always stack toughness so I don't get my ass kicked by the minotaur.

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