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Clan Recruitment

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10/31/2014 11:50:59 PM

[PS4] Level 29 Titan Looking For A Clan

Hello all, I currently am an active player on Destiny and have two characters, one a titan and one a warlock. My titan is level 29 and my warlock is level 26. I currently own a majority of exotics, and my titan has a maxed ice breaker, gear, atheon's epilogue, and semi upgraded rocket launcher. I am currently seeking an active, friendly group of players who have invested time into MMOs and enjoy playing them. I have played past MMOs, and currently, such as GW2 and Forsaken World. I do have a headset, and am active daily, usually on at night, and during the day on weekends. If there is any clan that participates in all aspects of Destiny, including the Raids, then I would take an interest in your clan. I have done the Vault of Glass 6 times, and am looking for a group that I pull members from instead of searching for players on the forum. My PSN is PrideOfTheCore. Thanks!

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