I don't understand why everyone one is complaining about one strike that we are missing out on big woop.(BTW who got everything before PSN Dlc wise,oh yeah that's right,Xbox. :) have a good day PSN fanboys.
If you're referring to CoD you can't compare the two as they're totally different circumstances. CoD DLC is available a month earlier and when PS does get it they get all of the content that Xbox got not just some of it. Plus it's just a month which really isn't a long wait but still not a fan of that either. Destiny on the other hand releases it at the exact same time on both consoles but has a block on the exclusive strikes and pvp maps and weapons. It will all be downloaded onto the console but Xbox players just can't access the content due to just a marker for the strike not being on the map, the pvp map not being in rotation, and the items set to not drop. The update to allow access to it will just add the marker for the strikes, add the pvp maps into rotation and set the items to be able to drop.