Or you could buy the better console and stop whining. Also we get kingdom hearts so have fu with tomb raider
The better console? Xbox 1 is ten times better because at least we can play destiny. PSN is constantly down for whatever reason at least one a week. There is literally no difference in graphics compared to XB1. With the amount of time PSN is down, it might as well be a big ass paper weight.
The Bungie community was a lot better without the Sony worshipers.
You're right. Before we showed up it was nothing but squeakers and failures.
Have you seem the Halo community? The worst thing we do frequently is T-bag. I'm not saying PS screwed up Bungie's community but you can't talk crap about the Halo's community.
There's a difference between the Halo Community and the Bungie Community. Every topic I've seen is Sony people bantering about how their console is the best and that everyone else are losers. They have no reason for it, but you know you Sony people want to just randomly go flaming around, just makes you look worse than the people who just described.
Well I'm guessing the vast majority of Xbox destiny players are Halo fans. Which transfers to the Bungie Community.
As a PS4 owner, I'd rather have Tomb Raider be multiplat day one than have exclusive DLC for a game I'm enjoying.
my point was that you should be able to have both......
It's interesting how two companies, competing for market share and profit (not humans rights, freedoms, standards of living, etc) can turn human beings against one another...
that m,ade me lol
All you ever hear is "better console"... Then how come I want to get an Xbox after playing on this playstation since September? :/ (hint it's called preference)
Kingdom Hearts 3 is getting released on PS4 as well as Xbox One, surprisingly.
Xbox gets it too lol
PlayStation is retarded only Xbox is worth while