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Edited by Da Dookie Butt: 10/30/2014 3:27:48 PM

WTF Exclusive DLC now?

As frustrating as it is for xbox users not having any exclusive content found on Playstation (extra pvp map, extra strike, extra exotics) and also all the PS4 events like the the ninja bounty, it must be really frustrating for all the creative people at Bungie to have the execs get in the way of their creation. Now it was announced today that Playstation will be getting another exclusive strike with the new dlc (and I can only assume same will go with the House of Wolves dlc) increasing the number of strikes to 9. This sucks because xbox owners who have spent the same amount of money on destiny and the season pass only get 7 and strikes are a key point in the replayability of Destiny. Bungie messed up because of the deal with Playstation they are hurting their customers on xbox which will result in player drop off and thus not being able to sustain the number of players desired for their 10 year plan. I really like this game and I am an xbox one owner who is starting to feel the fatigue. With all the great options for games, I doubt i will be able to make it 1 full year to get the content that shouldn't have been taken away in the first place. PS4 exclusives only benefit Playstation (not Playstation owners) because its designed to get people who either don't have a system and are using this game as a justification to purchase a console or the people who have both to buy it for their system. Gamers lose because of all these deals (Xbox lost on Destiny but PS lost on Tomb Raider worse imo), Programmers/Artist/Writer lose because the things they worked hard on are purposely not distributed to everyone. Sony and Microsoft win because people are forced to choose. I wish the console wars were more about developing new exclusive ips (Gears, Last of Us) and not cutting content (Tiger Woods releasing 19 dlc courses for $50 same day the game came out) or timed releases (cod). As a side note, retailer exclusives need to stop too. I hope bungie is addressing this issue and coming up with ways to rectify the exclusivity mistake. A few suggestions I have are: - xbox events (along with ps events) - additional free weapons/ armor (diluting the benefits ps owners get) - additional free add on strikes or variants (different enemy placement would do wonders) - modified strike playlist (playlist should have special currency and maybe less weapon xp) ---- example: only green/purple ammo drops from enemies (rocket strike would be so fun) ---- example: weapon type buffs (scout riffle would be OP for the strike) - more venders that accept vanguard marks (maybe some that accept a third currency that you get from my modified strike playlist suggestion) - confirmation that after the contract is over ps and xbox will have the same content Please feel free to add on to my list and hopefully bungie will fix this so that we don't see this as common business practices in the future.

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  • This is true my brother and I already quit because we pretty much did everything

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  • This was done last gen, mostly in xbox favor. Just look at CoD dlc and events on xbox versus on playstation. Sony was smart enough to snatch an exclusive (timed) deal with a former xbox developer. Also, Sony has been the one doing all if not most of the publicity for the game. I'm pretty sure Microsoft, if they wanted, could've made a bid for exclusive content, either their own package or another timed exclusive.

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by Roetter00: 11/2/2014 2:53:37 PM
      When they told you to get a playstation for the ultimate destiny experience and you said -blam!- that I love my red ring of death xbox. At that moment you lost your right to complain. I owned both a xbox 360 and a ps3 in 4 years i was on my 5th xbox 360 gotta love that year warranty cause they never make it the full year meanwhile I had the same ps3 running like a champ for the 4 years. Made my decision on ps4 or crapbox one real easy..

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      15 Replies
      • Does anyone know if dragon age has content first on xbox1? I remember hearing something at E3

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      • But Xbox has mcc......................

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        1 Reply
        • I'm sorry for you and any other player who's missing out on the content. These exclusive deals are what's needed to remain competitive in the gaming market, unfortunately. Exclusive DLC can mean the difference between the customers buying one console over the next. So this type of thing isn't going away.

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        • I feel you dude im on 360 and its gay but PS paid alot just to get the exclusives so...

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        • I don't mind them having exclusive content as long as that content is free, and we gain accessibility to it eventually. However, if we're being charged the same amount as Playstation users, but receiving less content then that is both unfair and frustrating. I also wouldn't mind if there was already satisfactory amount of content either in game or promised in the DLC, considering how stupidly priced the DLC is you'd think there'd be more than one strike.

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          4 Replies
          • You could sell your one... buy a white destiny ps4 bundle... start the game from the beginning again... nah f that...

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          • The issue isn't just limited to this game, it's [b][i]exclusive content as a whole[/i][/b]. We're all gamers, and we all want to play everything there is without being gated or limited due to purchasing a particular console. If you're one of those people who think Xbox > PS or PS > Xbox, go -blam!- yourself - you don't belong here.

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            4 Replies
            • We pay the same price and get less content. But that's life...

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            • "Free" is a uncommon word in bungies handbook.

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            • Edited by Sp33d_Deuces: 11/15/2014 4:43:22 PM
              Just my opinion and sort of on/off topic regarding Xbox player base. Yes, it would drop off due to the PS timed exclusive content, etc. On the flip-side I believe however, once the exclusivity ends Xbox players will return to experience those strikes they weren't able to fully experience from the get-go. As an owner of both brands I do agree it should have been a fair contents release. Now... IF I were the marketing/finance officer for Bungie/Activision I would have contracted with both Microsoft AND Sony. Give each their own sets of exclusive content, then release DLC's of that content, and repeat the cycle. $$$$$

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            • I don't mind timed exclusive content. The gaming industry is an [b][i]industry[/i][/b]. People have to make money - bills to pay, execs to feed. What I [b]DO[/b] mind is when that exclusive window is longer than 2-3 months. Having a timed exclusive that is locked for a year makes no sense. At that point, you may as well make it permanently exclusive. Absolutely any piece of content loses any shred of relevancy after 6-8 months - whether by newer content usurping it (over leveled) or by players just not caring anymore. In this regard, it only hurts the players, and any developer willing to sign year-long exclusivity windows is knowingly doing something that's not in the best interest of their player base. So even though I don't mind timed content, I do feel Bungie was irresponsible, and it certainly sets a worrisome precedent for the industry.

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            • Weapons are one thing... restricting story related game content such as missions for an entire player base when players have been in an uproar about lack of content seems outrageous to me.

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            • Microsoft has and still does exclusive deals dlc and the like no one on xbox called it unfair in the past i should know i never owned a ps3 but switched from 360 to ps4 if anything most xbox players used to brag about the exclusive deals i never have liked exclusive deals myself but thats the game business for you. With a larger install base on ps4 were going to see more deals on exclusives unless microsoft ponys up more cash.

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              6 Replies
              • You will get it in 2016. Be lucky you even get to play this crappy game.

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              • LMAO at you xbots. Where were you when the shoe was on the other foot?

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                5 Replies
                • Wonder when they're gonna release the dlc for House Baratheon...

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                • But you can sue for denial of service

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                • Let me explain sony is bribing everyone and activision is money hungry

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                • When Xbox gets exclusives you never hear PS users bitch. But when PS gets an exclusive xbox players bitch and cry continuously. If you don't like the decisions that M$ made on your behalf then cry to them about it, not us.

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                  1 Reply
                  • Back in the days of Halo 3 things were handled in a way which might have been a better solution for the PS/XB-DLC exclusives. You bought the DLC or you just waited for the next one to be released and the old one became available for everyone as a FREE download. I'm not saying we should be handed anything for's just an example. My opinion on this is the XB owners should get the PS launch-exclusives as soon as the DLC hit the market. And when the HoW DLC gets available the exclusives from TdB should get available to XB. This way Sony would always be one step ahead of Microsoft but not to the extend of a whole year. But either way i don't think we are able to make Activision change their DLC policy... :/

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                    1 Reply
                    • So finally ps4 gets first dibs on a game now your pissed look at call of duty and battlefield stop bitching

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                      1 Reply
                      • I have a ps4 but I would prefer if cross platform games didn't have exclusive content for the different platforms. It means that they had to take stuff away from a platform. People should be able to experience the whole game if it is on their console and not some watered down version.

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                        • On a scale of table salt to sea salt. How salty are you?

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