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Edited by Da Dookie Butt: 10/30/2014 3:27:48 PM

WTF Exclusive DLC now?

As frustrating as it is for xbox users not having any exclusive content found on Playstation (extra pvp map, extra strike, extra exotics) and also all the PS4 events like the the ninja bounty, it must be really frustrating for all the creative people at Bungie to have the execs get in the way of their creation. Now it was announced today that Playstation will be getting another exclusive strike with the new dlc (and I can only assume same will go with the House of Wolves dlc) increasing the number of strikes to 9. This sucks because xbox owners who have spent the same amount of money on destiny and the season pass only get 7 and strikes are a key point in the replayability of Destiny. Bungie messed up because of the deal with Playstation they are hurting their customers on xbox which will result in player drop off and thus not being able to sustain the number of players desired for their 10 year plan. I really like this game and I am an xbox one owner who is starting to feel the fatigue. With all the great options for games, I doubt i will be able to make it 1 full year to get the content that shouldn't have been taken away in the first place. PS4 exclusives only benefit Playstation (not Playstation owners) because its designed to get people who either don't have a system and are using this game as a justification to purchase a console or the people who have both to buy it for their system. Gamers lose because of all these deals (Xbox lost on Destiny but PS lost on Tomb Raider worse imo), Programmers/Artist/Writer lose because the things they worked hard on are purposely not distributed to everyone. Sony and Microsoft win because people are forced to choose. I wish the console wars were more about developing new exclusive ips (Gears, Last of Us) and not cutting content (Tiger Woods releasing 19 dlc courses for $50 same day the game came out) or timed releases (cod). As a side note, retailer exclusives need to stop too. I hope bungie is addressing this issue and coming up with ways to rectify the exclusivity mistake. A few suggestions I have are: - xbox events (along with ps events) - additional free weapons/ armor (diluting the benefits ps owners get) - additional free add on strikes or variants (different enemy placement would do wonders) - modified strike playlist (playlist should have special currency and maybe less weapon xp) ---- example: only green/purple ammo drops from enemies (rocket strike would be so fun) ---- example: weapon type buffs (scout riffle would be OP for the strike) - more venders that accept vanguard marks (maybe some that accept a third currency that you get from my modified strike playlist suggestion) - confirmation that after the contract is over ps and xbox will have the same content Please feel free to add on to my list and hopefully bungie will fix this so that we don't see this as common business practices in the future.

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  • Embrace This Man's Voice My Fellow Guardians! Because He Speaks the Truth about Destiny, Take a Stand for this my Fellow Guardians! or the Future of The Game Industries will be Destroyed Forever!

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  • Well thats what you get for going with Xbox. The mostly useless console is proving its worth. Hell even gamestop won't give you much money for an Xbox and still decent money for a ps3.

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  • You will buy it all the same, actions speak louder than words.

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    • I normally wouldn't care about exclusive dlc, but they are giving ps and exclusive strike. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm trying to milk as much story out of the game as I can, seeing as how it's a pointless waste of time otherwise. 1 strike can make a huge difference in this aspect, and it angers me that a company would be so petty as to deny xbox players something that could potentially keep them around.

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      • Edited by Svea_Forzum: 10/29/2014 10:40:58 PM
        It had been known long before it destiny was released that we would get [u]timed exclusive[/u] content in the expansions as well.

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      • Dude, it's just a little content. We knew coming into Destiny that PS users got additional features and a couple of strikes and weapons aren't anything to break the bank or worsen your experience of the game. Exclusivity deals are going nowhere fast.

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      • Isn't it awesome how much Sony players are ruling in the Bungie universe now?

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      • lol remember fallout , elderscrolls , cod dlc's ? finally playstation gets something first but i agree it sucks to withold content from people because ive experienced how it feels first hand

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        12 Replies
        • I signed up just to comment about this. Yes, I have Destiny on the X1, but I'm not going to whine and complain. I just want them to know that I think this is bad business and that I won't be buying the DLC or any other DLC for Destiny for that matter. Whoever made this deal is surely high up and likely a smart person. They new they were screwing Xbox owners when they made the deal and obviously didn't care. That's fine. They're free to steer their business as they see fit. Unfortunately, their number 1 priority is not to deliver value and quality to their entire fanbase. I won't speculate on what fueled the decision, I'll only point out that whatever it was was obviously more important than presenting all of their customers with the same deal. If we were to all agree that what you get on PS4 is $20 worth of value, then that means that Xbox owners are expected to overpay for what they get. Is it fair? Sure it's fair because we don't have to buy it. Again, they can do what they want. They're only losing out on a single customer with me and, at only $20, I'm 100% sure it's not a big deal to them. I'm only posting this because if anyone anywhere within their organization reads this, I'd like them to know that these practices tend to sour experiences for some people. Bungie has always had a fantastic reputation and that certainly didn't come by accident. People love Bungie because they're known for creating quality products that are fun to play and replay. I worry that the passion for customer service that built that reputation might have waned or otherwise been negatively affected. Anyway, my 2 cents. Best of luck Bungie.

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        • I swear to god I better not have to pay for this withheld content in Fall 2015...

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          • Nobody wept when playstation owners were mocked and shat on during the 360 era when MS bought up all the exclusive sh!t and indeed started the practice we see today. Hey MS started this practice so I guess xbox players who enjoyed the benefits last gen just what expect Sony to take it lying down? And all of you go ahead and COMPLETELY ignore the fact that MS had Bungie and could've had Destiny exclusive and let them walk because they were tired of being used to farm Halo over and over again. You don't like how things are fine quit don't play and don't pay. But I have no remorse for you xbox players because you again enjoyed all the benefits of this practice last gen and now the other shoe has dropped and you don't like it how's it feel? But of course it's okay when it benefits you what hypocrisy.......

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            2 Replies
            • This is actually very ridiculous.. How do you expect to have a 10 year game last ten years on two different systems when you're going to release more content to one side rather than the other. I love the game. But if this continues I'd stop playing. I love Bungie and Destiny, but this is one thing that should have stayed at launch. I wasn't pissed when I heard about the exclusive content at launch, but if it's every DLC im going to quite. Because it's not even timed exclusives, if Sony got he DLC with the exclusives and a month or two later MS got the exclusives, I wouldn't be as upset. But you can't do this to one side of the players. I understand this has happened before with other games, but this is a "Ten year game..." They better make every player happy if they want to see it last that long..

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            • Edited by SoC6032: 10/29/2014 10:31:39 PM
              [quote]Gamers lose because of all these deals[/quote] Exactly

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            • Xbox gets CoD exclusives..ps4 gets destiny exclusives. Enjoy CoD lol

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            • I generally don't mind exclusive content but I'm not a fan of exclusives for games that are shared across consoles.That being said, Xbox players are not paying equal price for less content. They're paying equal price for [i]delayed [/i]content. It's a sneaky, duplicitous qualifier but so is the argument that Xbox faithful are paying more for less. That argument can't be made until Bungie/Activision say that Xbox faithful have to pay an additional price to receive the strikes and maps next fall. The other arguments are fair game as far as I can see, but this one shouldn't be perpetuated. /2cents

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              5 Replies
              • So no dark below for Xbox 1 now?

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              • Cant state my source as ive read a lot. But they wont add content to xbox to reduce the exclusivity to playstation as sony has paid for this. All dlc's include playstation exclusive content, this was stated a long time ago. Xbox gets this content september 2015 I believe.

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                4 Replies
                • Personally I think the exclusive content is really going to irritate and alienate a lot of xbox players. It's just a ridiculous and patronizing situation. I don't care about exclusive guns or armor, but to lock off an entire Strike is just ridiculous. Not impressed by this one bit.

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                  9 Replies
                  • [url=]This has already been said... before the game even release.[/url] [quote] As an added bonus for PlayStation platforms, the Destiny Expansion pass will also include additional exclusive content for Expansion I and II that will remain exclusive until at least Fall of 2015. [/quote]

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                    7 Replies
                    • Where have you been??? They announced this forever ago. PS gets timed exclusive content. I play o n xbox one and this does not bother me at all. It's the way the gaming industry is unfortunately. Either we stfu and buy the game or we all stop supporting this bs. Seeing as how that second option isn't going to happen I will get the DLC (already paid for it before launch) and enjoy what I have.

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                    • Let's be honest. I'm on playstation and I'm not even gonna bother with dlc because I'm already bored and there are way better games coming. But I agree about the exclusive IP vs exclusive content thing. It is bullshit.

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                    • I don't mind retailer exclusives. Or platform exclusive. The caveat to this is that every iteration needs something. You don't have a better version going to one person. If there was an Xbox only strike and a Playstation only strike, even if they were never going to be available on the opposing console, I'd be fine. I don't care if Walmart offers one preorder bonus and Gamestop has another, and Best Buy has a third. But when the best, most complete version of the game is to preorder the ultra-hyper extreme collector's edition from Amazon for the Nintendo Wii U, that is when I want to punch a baby. If the game is an exclusive to the platform, that's fine. But a multi-platform release that clearly favors one system over another is bullshit.

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                    • I can wait. Most of the game will be fixed (hopefully) by then. BUT, if I have to buy these not included parts of these DLCs (the strikes, PvP maps, exotics) I swear to everything that I am, I'll lose my shit. That would be the most asinine thing for a company to ever pull on owners of the exact same product.

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                    • Bungie spent the last two console gens developing solely for Xbox! How frustrating was that for them? It is simply part of business and marketing. Though not a console exclusive, this practice is a nod in that direction. Remember how smug you felt playing Titanfall? What if Destiny was a PS4 exclusive?

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                      3 Replies
                      • I find it hilarious when in a game that everyone said has too little to do in it, the first dlc has more content for playstation than it does for xbox Exact same price same product, but because you play on xbox you get less... Ha ha ha ha ha!!

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                      • My heart bleeds bohoo I own a Xbox and have never had exclusive stuff oh wait halo gears of wars you make me sick grow up you idiot

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