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Edited by Old Man Yoda: 11/9/2014 2:50:07 AM

New Content Ideas - For giggles.

After reading a lot of negative posts, I thought I'd post something semi-positive about Destiny. I've been gaming a looooooong time. Long enough to remember when we didn't have moving video on a tv screen (yes, that old). However, through the years I've been more of a glass half-full type of guy in my views on gaming and this game in particular. I didn't have the time or energy to search the vastness of this message board for positive ideas or improvements. I'm lazy like that. Listed below are some ideas that would make the game more interesting by giving us gamers a few more options for things to do. While I appreciate positive and negative feedback, these are just thoughts that popped in my head that I wanted out in the ether. So here goes: 1. War Zones - War zones would be new areas on the existing planets for 6 - 12 players. They would be run differently based on the locale. Example: Earth War Zone would start the Guardians on the city walls below the Traveler. a) Winning and Losing - Determined by checkpoints based on player success. In the example above the Guardians have three areas to protect before ultimately failing. Suggestions would be the main city gate, the inner "base" and perhaps the base of the Tower. If the enemies breach the tower the game is lost. Going the other way, players would need to defeat the siege groups (tanks? patrols? combination?), enter and cleanse the base camp and defeat the final commander/general/boss. b) Introduce new Tech - Alien siege engines, Guardian turrets (with missiles, duh), human/awoken/evo tanks instead of just the Cabal interceptor as an example. c) Mini Events - Random events that can happen within a War Zone. Perhaps an extra couple of Drop Ships bring in the alien version of Seal Team Six, another faction shows up to stir up trouble...etc. This would alleviate the "I know where they are coming from next" syndrome we have now. 2. Expanded Solar System - Yes, it is more content. Yes, it is imperative. No, do not build on existing environments. a) Asteroid Belt, gas planet moons, space get my point. b) Dynamic Content - Randomize how enemies are deployed along with their status: Patrol, aggressive, passive until provoked, etc. When you do a strike for the 100th time, it'd be cool if the bad guys weren't always in the exact same spot. 3. Flagged for a group for a specific event: Raids, Weekly Heroic/Strike, Nightfall. While I enjoy the random invite every once in a while, knowing that I'd like to do a raid instead of assuming I would, helps speed up searching. 4. Trading materials that we no longer use (hadronic essence anyone?) for standard or legendary materials. 5. Build-a-Gat - Assign values to attributes that guns have based on type. Be able to pick the options within the value limit and then get materials to build it. Using existing models, the players get to decide what it looks like and how it functions. 6. Stat Tracker - Shots fired, Hits, Misses, favorite guns by category (basic FPS stats). 7. Mission Rewards - After going through the missions once you get nothing for going back through them on higher difficulties. Perhaps have the missions flagged so that players can get rewards once for every difficulty for each mission. 8. Customized Missions - Pick attributes to make the mission harder, which automagically (yeah I typed it) varies the rewards. Add arc damage, angry and heroic and you get 2 shards instead of 1...etc. 9. Enemy Drops - Material drops. I'm not talking about Ascendant stuff, but maybe on killing the 25th guy or so in the Cosmodrome, he happened to drop some spin metal because he thought it was pretty and he was going to send it to his mother. If you've read this far, thanks. I realize this may be wishful thinking (mostly) but having the ideas out of my head and on the net makes me feel better. Happy gaming! -Fiz

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