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Edited by TheRiceWanderer: 10/26/2014 12:56:40 AM
I think the titans are mostly fine, the only problem i have is the shoulder charge. I don't know how good it is against Locks or other titans, but I sure know it 1 hits hunters, and it shouldn't. Because people are constantly sprinting and even tho it doesn't last really long, it's quick the regenerate.

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  • The shoulder charge actually isnt "a quick regeneration". You can only use it once per sprint and its only available for 4 or 5 seconds. Its very situational. Have you used the titan?

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  • Okay maybe I've overexaggerated about the quick Regen, But shoulder charging someone, stopping then running to your next guy doesn't take very long. Of course none of this would bother me if it didn't take 100% of my health

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  • Shoulder charge is very situational. You can barely turn if youre sprinting so they need to be straight ahead of you almost. It takes 3 seconds aftet sprinting to charge, then the ability only lasts 4 or 5 seconds. When the ability is charged, your whole screen blurs and you can barely see anything. Dont say its op until youve tried it, because it isnt. Everyone ive seen say its op, have never even used a titan.

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  • Uh, actually, it is OP. No ability outside of a super should 1 hit kill anyone in crucible. That is just plain stupid.

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  • Your level 30s Hunter throwing knife is a 1 hit too. Just another person that hasnt used titan crying its op.

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  • I didn't say the class was OP, Bud. I said the Titan shoulder charge was. And yeah, the throwing knife is 1 hit kill IF you get a HEADSHOT, because it does CRITICAL damage. It's also a melee ability which has a really long cool down. Not to mention you have to aim it to actually hit them with it. Please try to use a throwing knife while a Titan is running at you with shoulder charge and a shotgun. Would love to see that. Shoulder charge is a one hit kill no matter where you hit them. That's stupid. You're an idiot if you think it should be 1 hit kill.

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  • I never said i think it should be a one hit kill. Infact, i was talking to a guy in this very thread about how they could properly nerf it. I just said its not as op as you guys that havent used it say it is.

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  • Yes because a knife melee that OHK's is fine....also titans are the designated CQC class! If you get close enough to be punched or SC'ed you deserve the death I mean it's not like it's even hard to counter I've been shotgunned and punched in the face while attempted to SC which is fine it's a counter tactic the basics of fighting any of the classes in PvP is learn to adapt.

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  • What's the Hunter OHK, not being super? Oh yeah, there isn't one. Even blink isn't OHK, unless you're behind them. And then it still usually needs to be followed by another knifing or a few shots.

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  • Well unfortunately you just gave me another point titan's are also the only class without blink You guys can actually just jump in from above behind the sides and when you have a shotty as many do that's OHK/OP do I want it nerfed? Nope because everything has a counter I see you coming you blink I use bubble ground pound or hell just keep running and slide at the last moment (something I've practised and learned to time well) and I shotty you just as you reappear. Players need to stop being so Lazy and crying nerf when they are killed change you're play style sure it takes some trial and error and you will probably die a few more times before you find an effective counter but so what? It's a damn video game not like you dying actually has any real life repercussions.

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  • Shoulder charge is just as good as blink - which isn't anything special. And I'm not yelling for a nerf on Titans at all. However, I'm disputing the validity of your claims about Hunters. You obviously have no idea about them.

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  • Indeed I know very lil I have a TITAN and that's all I roll as and if blink is the same as SC then either should be nerfed or both players always want the other classes to be nerfed but their own one left untouched

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  • Neither should be nerfed. FoH needs a nerf in the Crucible, but definitely not PvE. The same can be said with the Warlock super.

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  • The throwing knife isn't 1 hit, but it does a lot of damage IF it's a headshot, but still not one hit. I understand that Titans are CQC, but i still don't think it should be 1 hit. I'm fine with it taking 75-80% of my health, but 100% i just find is too much.

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  • It already needs charging before it can be used not much but if someone rushes you with a shotty before you're ready you are dead and also it doesn't last that long you can maybe make it from B on Venus half way to C before it's gone and you have to stop running to get it going again. I'm sorry but considering the self revives blade dances multiple fusion grenades as well as one shot golden guns titan's are the weakest PvP class the only time other classes run into trouble with them is when the TITAN play knows how to use the classes strengths a nerf just isn't needed and if it is then a nerf is needed 10x as much for hunters and warlocks.

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  • Edited by tombok90: 10/26/2014 1:06:46 AM
    Shiulder charge kills a titan more than we kill with it. We just keep doing it cause its fun. Most titans i know dont use it cause its a liability. Shoulder charge someone holdin a shotgun = insta death for titan

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