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10/25/2014 6:26:40 AM
I love how whenever someone posts a reasonably valid argument they get nothing but criticism. Let's face it, Titan's are a bit OP in PVP. For all those who think Blade Dancer is OP, I have something to ask. Have you ever heard of a shotgun? Perhaps even a headshot? Probably not, or you wouldn't think that Blade Dancer is obnoxious. As far as Warlocks go, their super is annoying, but if anything they are the only class that needs a buff. (I play a hunter, so any argument stemming from the prior sentence is invalid. I've just watched the overall kills with supers, and quite honestly Warlocks barely get any.) Original Poster has a point with the shoulder charge, being that it's a 'melee' it shouldn't be a one hit kill. But that's just my opinion. As far as the super goes, even after it finishes the ground pound sequence, there are lingering fields of electricity that get kills additionally. I've killed Titans mid super frequently, but more times than not they finish me off after death. Regardless, whining won't solve anything. So should they be nerfed? No, because then something else will get nerfed, and eventually the game will be void of anything effective.

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