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Clan Recruitment

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10/22/2014 4:10:11 PM

Cryptarch Raiders looking for lvl 29+ Guardians! (XB1 VoG Hard Team)

Are you level 29 or 30? Has the VoG normal mode gotten very boring? Do you wish you could find a solid team of players to run and learn strats to complete the VoG Hard Mode on a regular basis? Wish you had a clan with a handful of talented gamers to quickly make a Fireteam for any activity? If this is you, look no further, the Cryptarch Raiders will take you in! We are looking for talented gamers who would like to take their Guardian to the next level. Most of us in the clan come from an MMO background, we are used to the grind and will do whatever it takes to progress our Guardians. You will find that most of us are above the age of 20, and are willing to help out in any way we can. We are looking for leaders, people who are active, who will use our clan forums, players have surpassed the causal gamer. There are about 30 of us now, and I would like to keep it around there. I would like to take in new players, and slowly weed out week links or inactive members. You will find that my team and I are very active players, and we are looking for like minded players. Most of us are level 29 and 30, and have several alts to run every activity as many times it is necessary. We stream all the time, and encourage anyone to do the same. If you are interested in checking us out, send me a message on here or on XB1. GT is dan3gerou5 Thanks, see you all in orbit!

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