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Discuss all things Destiny.
10/18/2014 2:51:56 PM

@Bungie what is your vision for people playing destiny?

I may not be the most avid or most skilled of players, but I am still a customer who has come to expect [b]HUGE[/b] leaps and bounds from Destiny and was severely disappointed. I overlooked a ton of faults because I knew that the staff behind the game respected and loved the community enough to take care of the game like it was their baby. However, the longer I play the game and read the hotfixes or weekly updates, the more I'm confused. Why are you corralling us into one, uniform style of play? This is an MMO, there is a lot for players to do in whatever way they enjoy doing them, so why do you insist on limiting the extent of our experiences? The loot cave(s) -- This was the biggest head-scratcher for me. Farming is a big part of not only finding loot, but leveling up your early levels. In fact, many of the early sidequests I took were about killing a bunch of hive or fallen. You clearly have no problems with us killing a mass amount of enemies at once. So what exactly was the problem with the loot cave? What part of farming an area with a decent legendary drop rate caused a problem? If I want to gather my friends and chat on PSN (or XBL) and chill out while farming one area, that should be my choice. There is no harm to other players, it's not degrading anyone's experience with the game and it isn't detrimental to the game's health. But from what you say, Farming for hours on end isn't what you envisioned when people play destiny despite being a major part of all MMO's. Atheon "bugfix" -- I found this thread speaks for me and is more detailed than my own thoughts. You are upset that a unique strategy and an exploit defeated the boss so quickly. Here's a better fix for you: implement coding so that the boss is unable to fall off the edge of that area. Now that his most important attack is random, glass cannons not equipped to defend against the brunt of his assault are harder to keep alive. This means that raid groups will now create a metagame for raid equipment. Anyone who uses gear outside of the meta will be kicked from the raid group. Is this what your vision for destiny was? A normalized strategy for equipment meant for specifically defeating a raid boss? Or is taking advantage of an exploit just part of playing an MMO? Plenty of exploits existed in WoW, none of them rated a massive change in the way you fought the boss, just changes to prevent the exploit. You nerfed assault rifles because they were too common. Now I play PvP and all I see are handcannons. Is that your vision for PvP? Or are handcannons next on the chopping block? I'm not saying the handcannons are balanced, but the principle still stands. What about all post-game loot screens? Is that how I'm supposed to get all of my legendary loot? Through a terribly unfair RNG loot system? Is that your vision of Destiny? Or is that what I should be doing because MMO? What about grinding my factions? Is spending too much time getting to level 7 with the vanguard (I honestly don't even know if that's possible, just an extreme example) not your vision of Destiny if a mass amount of people are doing it? Or is that what I should be doing because MMO? What about sitting in the tower and goofing around with my friends? Are you going to create a timer for how long you can be in the tower so my friends and I can't test the limits of our model's feet verses the outer platforms? Is socializing part of your vision for Destiny? Or is that what I feel like I should be doing because MMO? The only understanding I have for your vision is you want destiny to be a PvP based experience unless you want to get good gear. Then you just attempt to play the raid BUT GOOD LUCK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOUR RAID GROUP LEADER AND USE THE ONLY EQUIPMENT SUITED FOR THE RAID. If that's not your cup of tea, grind your factions, BUT YOU'D BETTER NOT TRY TO FARM FOR BETTER LOOT. THE ONLY PURPLE ENGRAMS YOU'RE GOING TO GET IS RNG AND WILL NEVER BE WHAT YOU WANT. TL;DR shit's -blam!-ed my nig and what I'm asking for is an explanation for your actions. An explanation that isn't vague and gives us information on what YOU think the future of the game is. Because if the future of the game and its creators follow the path of Riot games (pretty much "it's our game and we know what you want, you just don't know it yet" despite us telling you otherwise), I'm jumping ship before I buy DLC. So what is your vision for Destiny? --signed an angry customer that grows angrier by the day.

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