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Edited by Nurse Loveheart: 10/17/2014 3:11:25 PM

Crucible - objective gametpyes and balance - message for Lars Bakken and team.

I hope the crucible design team are working on objective gametypes and overall balance in the crucible. It's hard to fathom that there are currently only 4 permanent playlists all of which are slayer gametypes. CTF, king of the hill, oddball, name but a few of the great gametypes that have been a staple of the halo games. I understand objective gametypes might not work given the crazy sandbox of supers and different classes etc. But at the very least change control to be more like domination/territories. I spend many a control game slaving away around the map trying to maintain 2 territories for the team but then end up losing because everyone else on my team has a k/d ratio of less than 0.7. On the subject of balance I would want the supers to not be a part of the crucible. That would completely negate intellect on armor so I'm skeptical that would ever happen. However some of the supers could be better balanced. The most obvious one is allowing the defender's ward of dawn to absorb nova bombs and fist of havocs rather than being killed by them. Defenders and sunsingers work well because visually you can see their super and act accordingly. You can do this for hunters as well but their supers are so deadly there's very little you can do in comparison before you get "golden gunned" or "arc bladed". Nova bombs have no warning and perform as the fist of havoc does but then also have range. I can throw a nova at my feet and be unharmed and do the same damage as a striker doing a fist of havoc. For the record, I play sunsinger. Becoming charged for a super should be completely dependent on performance and should not fill up on it's own as time goes by. From my understanding it appears to be a combination of the 2 at the moment (plus orbs of light). More intellect could multiply this progression but a player with 3 kills should not be able to run up to me and stomp me. Another suggestion is changing the colour on the radar if a fully charged player is near you. I'd be fine with losing your super charge if you die too. I know it's a tricky thing to balance the obtaining of a full charge given all the mechanics, armor and perks in place. You can't really get rid of intellect and orbs of light as they're integral to the subclass skill trees. But there is room for improvement and balance. I love the shooting, the movement, the gun sandbox and the general pace of the game. I prefer these aspects over Halo even. The supers - as they stand - completely ruin this wonderful experience. The lack of variety in gametypes, especially the lack of objective gametypes also ruin this experience. I'm getting fed up of control all the time and waiting for 2 days of salvage once a month. And just one side note. Bastion is a horrible map, especially for control. (I love every other map.) With the Master Chief collection coming out in less than a month (and the next COD) the time is now to evolve the crucible to something more competitive and varied. It has so much potential. I hope I don't have to splurge on an Xbox One and revisit games of the past.....I'm hopeful Destiny will realise it's potential and push out some updates for the crucible. Thanks for reading.

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