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Edited by Sigurd Fatima: 10/16/2014 7:43:06 PM
I wonder if they aren't working on an alternate strategy to fix the problem, perhaps one like you suppose. Personally I think putting a kill zone on the platforms is fine. To me it says, we gave you the tools to beat this boss, but you decided to circumvent all of that. Just beat the boss as intended guys...come on -_-. I think they gave people too much credit if they didn't consider that people would use the platforms. I remember seeing them the first time I went in and wondering if I could get to them. But upon considering it I surmised that Bungie hadn't planned for that because they don't aid the players mechanically in the fight at all, which made me realize it would be cheating or an exploit. There's no reason to go to the platforms. That's just me though. They want you to beat the fight. Most of the time, games are designed to be beaten. Finding the clues that lead to the tools is a challenge at times. Using the told effectively is a challenge sometimes. But that is the point, to overcome the challenges the developers put in front of you using the tools they've put in front of you. Using the platforms is like breaking through the outside wall of a maze. Why even go into the maze if you're not going to try to conquer the maze itself? P.S.fixes like you suggest may take more time to developed than we think. Not only that but they have to be tested to make sure they work correctly, and now Bungie has to make sure everything they do can't be cheesed. It's almost as if they have to fight against they players as well. And that sucks.

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  • That's just your opinion man, that shouldn't impede other people who do want to play it that way. It's not pvp so it is not hurting anyone else's experience.

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  • Edited by Sigurd Fatima: 10/16/2014 11:00:58 PM
    I replied to your other post where you say the same thing. And honestly it is not an opinion. When you play a game of checkers there are certain rules to how the game works and how to win. You don't play checkers to double jump or flying king. We all know that those rules aren't true. You play checkers to match your wits against your opponent's within the context of the game, in this case the AI and what friendly rivals you may have.

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  • I know it's late, but the AI is not another player, and it's not checkers. It's a video game that people want to play and enjoy. It doesn't hurt me in anyway, I have completed it many times, but other people may not have as much time to devote. They should be able to play it that way. Think about it.. It's co-op! It doesn't hurt anyone and I can see where others can exploit, but so what?! They are only cheating themselves. I just think that it's stupid to give us a pizza and start to pull all the toppings that we paid for off.

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  • Edited by Sigurd Fatima: 11/2/2014 4:19:15 AM
    What I'm saying is that it's the same principle. Why play a game if you're not going to play the game? Bungie designed a gauntlet but left it's surroundings mostly open. Instead of facing the challenges of the gauntlet people decided to hop off the path and walk around. That's not the point of the gauntlet.

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  • Yeah, but they didn't make any rules for it. Not everyone is a hardcore gamer. Most people tend to have lives. Basicly they are making the rules as they go, because they didn't like our solutions. There are still multiple areas that you can't be hit from, just like the platforms. So there really was no point.

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  • Edited by Sigurd Fatima: 11/2/2014 11:04:25 PM
    I think they didn't think they needed to. I haven't played a raid in any game so far that was up to interpretation. They are very linear. Boss does X at 75% health. Your group counters with Y. And while boss is doing X it is still doing A, B, and C which the group must still manage. They usually take place in a bare arena so there is no way to cheese unless there is an error in the mechanics that can be exploited. But I don't think Bungie anticipate how many people wouldn't't know what a raid was or even weren't interested but still would want to clear the content. I think the future raids will be more strickly designed, but that's what a raid is. Also there are a lot of raiders with busy lives, families, jobs with high levels of responsibility, busnisess to run, and social activities to participate in, but they treat raiding like poker night, Saturday afternoon football meet ups, or, dare I say it, D&D sessions. Their friends and family know that Thursday is raid day. There are even whole guilds built around raiders who love to raid but don't have all the time in the world, and I'm sure things come up and each raid group has back ups. They might play on other days throughout the week to run dailies, farm mats, or work on rep or proffessions but the time is probably more limited and they probably have systems in place. For example Joe wants to be a blacksmith so he's the guild blacksmith, but the guild needs enchanters and cooks so someone else takes those roles and I've heard of guilds delegating different things to different people based on what they want to do. This, of course, doesn't mean they can't pursue other things in game, but they are tasked with keeping up to date on that particular thing. There is a point to the raid if you want to experience the mechanics and are interested in raiding, but raiding is not, usually, casual content. Patrols, dailies, weeklies, crucible, and even the nightfall are relative casual in their own regards but a raid is different and it's supposed to be. Once they retool their raid designs to safeguard against exploitation and cheesing I think you'll see more of what raids are. I was going to write up the mechanics to Turn 5 of The First Coil of Bahamut but it makes VoG look like a pamphlet lol and decided against it. The idea was to show you want a raid is and how they're supposed to be run. So, I'll link you the strategy vid if you want to watch it. This is a raid and is what VoG is modeled after: Anyways I hope you enjoy the day and no worries on the response time man.

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  • I enjoy our civil talk. The thing is, I think that this could go either way, there is pros and cons on both of our arguments. But, I think that we can both agree that they did not need to make it where you could not get on the platforms at all. That was kinda of a not so good fix. I just think that without a leaderboard for the raid, let the cheesers cheese it haha. But make it more of a challenge to cheese. Like make the enemies teleport to the platforms. My original argument is that the consumer should have some type of rights. But yes, I see your points and you are absolutely right in a lot of your points. But let's face it, the gamers who used the platforms were going to quit playing when the next big game comes out anyways. Just wait until they leave to fix it.

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  • I can't agree to that. This why. Why let people cheese? The better question is why cheese? If you're just going to cheese something for loot so you can cheese the next thing, why even play? Why not find a game that makes you want to try, even just a little bit, and play that game? I just don't understand. Had the platforms been inaccessable from the beginning, due to kill volumes or distance, this wouldn't have been an issue. Or, maybe it would have. Yes, either way people would have tried to find another way to exploit the fight. I would imagine that when you make a game or an encounter you wouldn't't want people just cheesing it. You'd want them to take the fight, learn it, beat it, and master it if they want to. That's the point of video games, unless specified otherwise (like goat simulator lol). Even if one person is on the platforms they would be a t a graver disatvatage. Say an oracle is missed. That person is pretty much dead unless the relic holder is on that side and they can get to them quickly enough, and the relic holder can still cleanse at that point. Then they need to be ressed which puts the team at a disadvantage. Sure, they have an excellent view and a moderate range of visability, but it's not enough to really justify being there. Either way, it takes away the whole point of playing a game. Facing challenges to get better loot to face harder challenges to better loot and progress your character(s).

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  • The platforms should still be accessible to everyone but the relic holder. And your definition for video games is yours. I love playing the game, I hate to admit it. But honestly, people who actually have lives and are just playing it for the fact to see how it is, don't believe in video game ethics. Shit.. I believe as long as you have done something legit once, by all means go back and goof off, and try to exploit and just have fun however you want. I don't like set rules on my experience is my main point. Besides there is still like 5 other ways that you can cheese that same fight. Even though the fight is very easy if you and your team know what they are doing.

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  • Edited by Sigurd Fatima: 11/3/2014 7:22:52 PM
    In the end man cheesing is cheating. I'm not against exploring the mechanics of a game, but exploiting those mechanics to progress in the game is cheating. No matter how many times you've done it legitamately it's still cheating. And what about the creators? They made it. Shouldn't they have the right to run the game as they choose? Developers are only at the whim of the consumer if they want to be, just as players are only at the whim of the developers of they want to be. There is no harm in acting ethically but acting unethically...all that serves is to cause harm. When Bungie changed the platforms they mafeva statement, "this is not allowed". That's their choice. You can accept that or you can not. There are games that are designed for the player to play within the world however they see fit, but even those are designed with mechanics to allow them to do that and, in most cases, still have linear encounters. Wall hacking is still wall hacking. Exploiting is still exploiting. There are ethics in everything. And they're not a bad thing unless you are attempting to act in an unethical manner within them. P.S. if everyone were allowed to cheat after one legtiamate run why even have the fight? Why not tmhave the option to just press a button once a week and get your loot and experience?

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  • I enjoyed talking with you man :) I can see that our opinions are different. But I will say my character is lvl 30 and I have done every method of running it and I find that doing it legitamately is more fun anyways.

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  • Edited by OtakuDEV: 10/17/2014 3:33:26 AM
    This isn't checkers though its an "MMO" FPS. I don't see the point of trolling players like that. It's not gonna make anyone happy, all it does is give the players another thing to talk trash about.

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  • My point was that it is a game with a specific design that is pretty blatant. Deviating from that design is very easy, due to the amount of freedom you have, but is not part of the game design. It is a game, as is checkers, and is founded off the same principles.

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  • I think the issue here is that the devs are not designing with the amount of player freedom in mind. It is like a dungeon master punishing his friends for thinking out side the box when he could reward them, than use it as a learning experience for the next dungeon he creates.

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  • Edited by Sigurd Fatima: 10/17/2014 1:22:48 PM
    P.S. it seems, sadly, the devs are giving people too much freedom. They may have to adjust to prevent this type of thing from happening again. Hopefully it won't be too drastic. Personally I would want to put a free roaming boss in a box with flat walls and blocks for the team to take cover behind. No mechanics just good ol' you shoot him and he tries to shoot you. Wait I take that back, alternating blocks. At certain points some of the block would sink into the ground and other block rise. Maybe I'll keep thinking about this. As fin as that sounds to me, they won't do that because people would complain how simple it was, how unimaginative the arena was, so forth, so on. It's just frustrating and I'd imagine the devs feel somewhat frustrated. They handed us the tools and a large portion of us said, "nope. Screw that. I'm gonna take the easy road." *facepalm* But the tools are right there. Don't step in the poop, kill the oracles, shoot the boss with the relic, keep him from teleporting if you want, and kill the adds as best you can. Boom, easy.

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  • Nah, it's like not allowing them to mix player knowledge with character knowledge. It would be one thing is the people using the platforms and pushing Aetheon off the ledge didn't refer to it a cheesing themselves. They know they're not supposed to be on the platforms. They know they're not supposed to push Aetheon off the ledge, but they do it because it's easy and can take the least amount of effort. But if we know we're not supposed to then why are we getting upset that it got fixed? And why in the world are we now complaining about how it got fixed (it never ends @_@). Yes it was easy, but it was comparable to the loot cave. You just sat there and shot the boss, but you couldn't destroy all the oracles from any of those positions, and you couldn't keep the Templar from teleporting if you wanted the bonus chest. Those last two things suggest that using the platforms isn't the way to run the fight, but I think we already knew that anyways.

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  • I am going to treat you two replies as a single reply, I hope that is not an issue. Now player knowledge are character knowledge are sometimes impossible to not mix. Like if you always explore and try to get to places that would give you tactical advantages in fights, it becomes part of that characters personality, to the point where if they do not try and get to the most advantageous piece of terrain would be out of character. Now when I did the raid for my first time, We used the platforms. I did not know at the time it was a cheese strategy or "exploit". I thought the devs wanted us to use the platform since it was placed just close enough to jump onto as well as hobgoblins there hinted it was part of the playable area as no where else in the game are enemies located in inaccessible areas. This leads me to believe that the team that developed and designed the raid expected us to use the platforms. Which makes me believe that either the team that designed the raid is not the same team that is maintaining the raid (different design philosophy), or the change to the platforms was from someone higher than the team leader of the design team. Now I never thought player freedom was a bad thing or that you could have to much player freedom. The mechanics are not just the raid mechanics but all the mechanics that the players has access to. This includes their jumping ablity, their supers, the terrain, and Enemy AI. There seem to be two design philosophy in regards to raid design. One where players can use or not use any tools they want to solve the problems(encounters) and the other more common philosophy is that players have to use and only use the tools provided in the raid. I hope you can agree that there are different design philosophies in regards to raids and open world games, and a lot of MMO player are used to the more directed experience that only uses the tools of the raid.

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  • Edited by OtakuDEV: 10/17/2014 3:49:17 AM
    Video games and board games are miles apart from each other, but I get what your saying. I personally never did this "exploit" while doing the raid. I do feel like it was unnecessary though to snub people who used it. No one was benefited by doing this, and if you never used the "exploit" you still weren't benefiting. I just don't know why they keep making changes to the game that are only pissing people off, not the other way around.

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  • Their only real difference is their complexity and approach, but in the end a games a game. There are ways they are supposed to be played and ways they are not. I have a hard time believing that most of the people using the platforms didn't know they weren't supposed to be there. Also it was an unintended use of the platforms and was allowing people to progress faster than they were supposed to and allowed them to circumvent the entire mechanics of the fight. It also upset the people who were playing the game as intended, and rightfully so. If you spent the tome to figure out the mechanics and got them down so you could clear with ease within them, which is the way raids have been designed to be played, it would upset you that someone ignore the actual game and stepped outside of it then looked down on you for how you do the raid, calling you a try hard or telling you how much tine you wasted. The truth is that raiders do raids because they like raids, the mechanics, making them work together, and figuring them out, then effortlessly clearing until the next content patch (for a time) and work on other things they want to do after they have the raid on farm. That's the normal, and intended progression. In any case I've got to go to bed. Thanks for the reply.

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