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Edited by Leogan: 10/16/2014 12:00:11 AM

The Kill Volume on Templar is the worst part of the Hotfix, and I'll tell you why (Constructive Feedback inside)

EDIT 1: I want to thank everyone who participated in the discussion so far. I didn't expect this topic to take off when I posted it last night, but I guess I wasn't alone in my thoughts. Special thanks to people who educated me about the Bonus Chest fact which you can't get through the platform Cheese, and everyone who maintained a positive, constructive tone (as well as stayed on topic). EDIT 2: Spelling and grammar, 'cause it was driving me nuts. There's been a lot of noise about the weapon nerfing/balancing during the 10/14/14 Hotfix. Most of it was pretty predictable. This isn't the first time [url=]weapon stats have been tweaked in a FPS game[/url]. Arguments for and against have been pretty standard fare. Overall the changes seem fairly well calculated to balance the experience and extend enjoyment for the broadest subsection of players possible. To these I say 'Hoorah!'. I always liked Scout Rifles, now I am more justified in doing so. But the Kill Volume on the sniper platforms in the Templar encounter bothers me. It bothers me a lot. Please allow me to explain. I'm not against adjusting risk vs. reward. A true Cheese Strategy which makes a challenge trivial consequently trivializes the rewards that come after, and that is not good for games (this is why Atheon probably should have been patched first, but maybe solving that one is trickier and will take a bit of time). However, the "4 seconds until we kill you for playing the game incorrectly" solution to this is wrong on so many levels. An easy fix, yes, but quite possibly the laziest, and least fun way to patch the encounter. I worry about its implications on the overall philosophy behind what the game is supposed to be about. My problem is that it's almost always better to incentivize than to penalize. Invisible walls and kill zones are extremely heavy-handed penalization. They are a slap in the face, a clear message that you are trying to do something you were not intended to do. But finding an easy way to meet a challenge isn't always an exploit. In fact, finding a cool way to accomplish a task can be just as satisfying as getting loot for completing it, especially if you've been banging your head against the wall, failing constantly ahead of the suddenly successful idea. This is why my clan initially said we didn't want to watch Raid guide videos; we wanted the thrill of finding our own way. This stuff is gold, in terms of design. It isn't loot you have to make models, art, and stats for, but it can be just as essential. Slamming the door on it is, in my humble opinion, far worse than nerfing a cool weapon's damage. It's more like hacking players' inventories and [i]deleting[/i] that cool weapon, leaving a note saying "You are having fun incorrectly. You are playing [b]wrong[/b]" in its place. The sniper platforms were made. They were made reachable through our cool flight/jumping abilities. They included strategic cover. How could anyone [b]not[/b] anticipate players not wanting to try and use them? If we are worried about Cheese, here are some alternative ideas: [i]Make it tougher, enemies adapt[/i] - Goblins throw more grenades, target the platforms - Harpies fly out to platforms - Templar can hit platforms from longer range - Templar teleports one random player from platform instead of himself back into the arena [i]Make it cooler not to Cheese It[/i] - Include an achievement and/or additional rewards (shaders, emblems) for completing the encounter without anyone being marked by the Oracles (something you can't avoid by hiding on the platforms during the last phase, you just have to cleanse constantly because Oracles aren't dying). Patching how the encounter reacts to player strategies, rather than just killing them for using part of the map you designed and made available leaves the choice in the players' hands. They can still do it, but will probably choose a different strategy not because they feel forced, but because they will now figure out something that works better, and it will still feel rewarding because A) verisimilitude is maintained (of course hyper-intelligent robots are going to be smart enough to counter my camping), and B) you didn't have to slap them right in the ego with a kill volume which just seems to broadcast: [b]We didn't think of this! We will now wave a wand and you will play how we intend, your creativity is not the goal here, ours is[/b]. I like raiding. I want to keep figuring out new raiding mechanics and strategies with the friends I've made in this game. I don't want kill volumes to be the go to hotfix tool for future raids where players will inevitably find the paths of least resistance. Please keep this in mind and leave me my illusions of choice. They are really fun. Thank you for your time.

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  • Nice perspective

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  • My group has always done the Templar without going to the outside towers, its not that hard. I really don't see how this is a big issue. Is there something that the Templar is doing to make you fail? I think it's better this way, because let's be honest here; the raids are only going to get harder as more expansions are released. Might as well build a talent on how to handle situations like this. Bungie stated that the raid was to be challenging. And they have the power to change the game as they see fit. With that said, if they want it difficult, then it shall be difficult.

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    14 Replies
    • Edited by spexX: 10/17/2014 4:01:22 AM
      huh, what, oh sorry im late i just got back from tea-bagging the templar, but cool story bro...

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    • Good post, i agree completely especially about providing incentive instead of penalizing people for playing differently

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    • Yup

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    • My friends and I always fought the Templar by standing off to the right (when you face the arena) and burning down the Oracles of quickly as possible. We have had much better results than all these other lame ways of fighting him. For the most part, we fight Atheon straight up., too. Pushing him off the edge is definitely easy, but it's not nearly as fun. We only did that once a: to figure out if it was possible, and b: because we were short on time. Not our preferred way to play the game by any means.

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    • Edited by Doctor Cox: 10/17/2014 2:36:57 AM
      Eh. The templar really wasn't hard enough to warrant a cheese strategy anyway.

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    • Actually, an easy fix would be platforms that disappeared and reappeared like in the platform jumping section. There are a number of "exploits" ) note I call them exploits( that nobody is complaining about. Why can't people leave well enough alone, quit whining, and offer useful feedback like this post (for the most part) has?

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    • In reality, if you are looking straight at the Templar when he first spawns, the area to the right of him is a perfectly fine and safe place. The shield carrier can destroy harpies in one melee. There's also a giant pillar to hide behind to avoid Templar blasts. You really don't even need to kill the oracles if your whole team stays close so they can be cleansed. While I understand your opinion, is it THAT big of a deal?

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    • So, my thoughts on this... During one of our runs last night, our fireteam was screwing around in the Templar Arena, and we found an area that was above the arena where all of us could get to. We, in a fit of inspiration, grabbed the relic to see if we could actually fight from there. AS SOON AS we used the relic to cleanse from that spot, it simply left the relic holders hands to respawn in the center. TBH, I'd rather see that as a actual fix for the platforms rather than a killzone. That kind of fix provides an actual Risk vs. Reward approach to fighting from the platforms, and allows for actual dedicated sniper tactics.

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    • Great view and argument! I agree with you and also the new patch for scout rifles and nerf for shotgun has totally changed how everyone plays PvP. almost every game I've played after the patch has been camping with snipers and scout rifles in the corner of every map. The shotgun is now almost completely useless!

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    • Ummm simple Atheon fix....spawn supplicants near the ledge he gets pushed off of. Good luck pushing him with those guy running around you

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    • Edited by Sigurd Fatima: 10/16/2014 7:43:06 PM
      I wonder if they aren't working on an alternate strategy to fix the problem, perhaps one like you suppose. Personally I think putting a kill zone on the platforms is fine. To me it says, we gave you the tools to beat this boss, but you decided to circumvent all of that. Just beat the boss as intended guys...come on -_-. I think they gave people too much credit if they didn't consider that people would use the platforms. I remember seeing them the first time I went in and wondering if I could get to them. But upon considering it I surmised that Bungie hadn't planned for that because they don't aid the players mechanically in the fight at all, which made me realize it would be cheating or an exploit. There's no reason to go to the platforms. That's just me though. They want you to beat the fight. Most of the time, games are designed to be beaten. Finding the clues that lead to the tools is a challenge at times. Using the told effectively is a challenge sometimes. But that is the point, to overcome the challenges the developers put in front of you using the tools they've put in front of you. Using the platforms is like breaking through the outside wall of a maze. Why even go into the maze if you're not going to try to conquer the maze itself? P.S.fixes like you suggest may take more time to developed than we think. Not only that but they have to be tested to make sure they work correctly, and now Bungie has to make sure everything they do can't be cheesed. It's almost as if they have to fight against they players as well. And that sucks.

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      19 Replies
      • I've been thinking this for a while. It has been their attitude from the start. When everyone complained about the Beta not being exclusive they were stuck up about it and acted in the exact same fashion. This game is fun no doubt (and most of my clan felt the same about the raid), but I agree with what you have said here.

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      • Completely agree with you. Bungie is acting like that kid on the playground that changes the rules to the game half way through cause everyone else keeps winning with the original rules.

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        • Edited by Eternity: 10/16/2014 10:37:35 PM
          From my perspective it was poor game design on Bungie's part that they didn't realise players would cheese the boss in that manner from the beginning. The fact that the platforms are close enough to jump on (and can be chain jumped to get to further platforms) seems to indicate that Bungie wasn't opposed to the idea of players using them somewhat (perhaps a way to give a sniper player a decent spot, not entirely without its own dangers) - but they failed to anticipate 6 players hiding on one platform and cheesing the boss from there. Say whatever you want about strategy and creativity. It is fundamentally a cheese strategy. And because Bungie failed to foresee it, they've now had to implement an extremely simple fix to stop it, which has other less desirable consequences (now the platforms can't be used for anything). There are some great suggestions in this thread about ways in which the Templar could have dealt with the players using this platform, like having the Templar teleport players on platforms back into random locations in the main arena whenever he is hit by the shield, or having enemies spawn all over the platforms, or having the Templar able to spawn at adjacent platforms - all of these require time however, something Bungie doesn't have. I can't wait to see the wailing about Bungie stifling people's 'creativity' and 'strategy' when they patch Atheon so he doesn't fall off the edge...

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          • Penalize those that think outside the box

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            • Defending the use of the platforms as being creative is the sane as saying loot caving was creative. It wasn't, it's not even imaginative. It's just find the easy way out.

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            • I completely agree. It's kind of messed up that Bungie didn't release any info on how to beat the raid and then got mad at people for finding a different way.

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              29 Replies
              • Bravo.... If the sniper platforms are off limits then remove enemy snipers from them too in the game. If they can be there I should be able to be there.

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                • I noticed that yesterday. The damn Hobgoblins are using tactical insertions as soon as they spawn! I'll kill one, kill the other and the one I killed the first time is there again, and when I turn to look at him, guess who came back? That's right, the second one... Bungie acted like angry children on that hotfix "They already beat it, we're going to make it harder because that's unfair, they cheated!"

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                • I agree wholeheartedly, make the enemies smarter and adjust to our gameplay please don't smack our hands for being inventive.

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                • Edited by BrokenLance: 10/16/2014 2:36:26 AM
                  In regards to the templar encounter Well you're SPOT ON. It seems when you're sniping an enemy from long range and using terrain to your advantage, you're using strategy. But do the exact same thing against a boss and suddenly you're cheating? it's utter nonsense. This encounter isn't hard enough to make me complain about the change but seeing how Bungie goes about things is making me shake my head. Penalizing Creativity? Using level design you yourselves made to the players' advantage is a problem? I mean really?

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                • My problem with this was as such: I've had my Ice Breaker for weeks (before Xur). I have played with scout rifles since launch. I have long been the dedicated sniper role, and prefer to sit back as far as I can and provide sniper support. One less player on the field to distract enemies, but providing deadly snipes and saving people's skins by sniping what's sneaking up behind. When I got to the Templar fight, the first thing I did was try to find the safest place to use my scout rifle and tear apart the hordes of Vex. Shortly after, the hobgoblins spawned, and I immediately turned to figure out a way I could get up there to snipe. I found a lovely perch on the left, just above the hobgoblin that spawns, and everyone knew what I was up to. One person warned to not die up there, they couldn't safely get up to me, but I had it covered. I could reach two oracles, all four hobgoblins on the left, and could regularly shoot the boss. Sure, I could be shot back at as well, and I had little to no cover from anything, but I could safely survey the whole field, and play my unique sniper role. This was no attempt at cheese; this was one person in the fireteam taking a dedicated sniper role, a role that is partly necessary in team mechanics. We tried figuring out if there was a cheese method of fighting from these platforms, but we couldn't really handle the oracles, and most people couldn't shoot anything. Unless everyone had snipers, everyone was perched all around the map to handle the oracles, and everyone could self revive, a very team-based effort to make a party of snipers work... this method was just absolute crap. So I, the dedicated sniper in our regular VoG fireteam, have lost out on the ability to snipe. The Ice Breaker doesn't let you change scopes, so it's best used from long ranges exclusively. This was one of the few times it was useful: taking the high perch, not dealing with ammo, and sniping down on everything, the way the Ice Breaker was intended to work. I would have to take a weaker zoom sniper, and have to deal with reloading and enemies around me as I try to snipe. There aren't many places in the game where you can use the Ice Breaker effectively. Now it too has been nerfed in the VoG due to restricting sniping like the enemies are allowed to. PS Someone clearly put the pillar on the left to get up to the platform there. That pillar is short and provides almost no sort of functional cover or other design elements; it's clearly a stepping stone. Someone designed the map so you could get up there and snipe with the snipers or fight them with shotguns or melees if you wished. Now someone else has realized that's there, and told players "No". Now enemies can still spawn up there... But players aren't allowed near. Kinda unfair, don't you think? Provide a stepping stone for snipers to snipe from where snipers snipe, but don't allow snipers to snipe where snipers snipe.

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                  • Edited by RoseNavari: 10/16/2014 4:40:23 AM
                    The cheese ball method on both the templar is not a glitch nor an exploit. These are in game mechanics that apparently only a few of us were smart enough to utilize. If anyone asks for an apology it shouldn't be given but I'll say, "Sorry for using a games mechanics to their fullest potentials." That's it.

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                    • So Tuesday night, my group managed to do it the 'Bungie-approved' way and stay in the arena. This time, we managed to destroy the Templar *and* get the fifth chest to spawn by preventing it from teleporting. It was pretty disappointing, though, as EVERYONE in the group only got Ascendant Materials from the chest.

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