originally posted in:PS3 Reddit
I'm a level 24 hunter and I don't personally know anyone who plays Destiny, but I would love to have a team to complete the weekly heroic strike every week so we can earn strange coins. I have a mic!
PSN: jafetc_76
Lvl 24 Titan: Defender. Looking for guys to do weekly on hard with as well, try to play as often as possible (EST) and I do have a Mic if need be.
If you're still looking I'd like to join up. 25 titan with mic Kodiak_bear96
psn-BabySealKlubber- no mic. decent player. good at following directions. 24 hunter
Hey level 26 titan, im down to do those with you if you need to, i'd like to do it on the hard setting, that way we get more loot. Hit me up. "megiddo117" I mostly play every day from 11-5am in the morning and i am in the pacific time zone.