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10/13/2014 9:44:54 PM
"Rolling a 6 sided dice 12 times does not increase your chances of getting a 6 more than it does the person rolling it twice." In your own words you validate my point. The game does not reward patience and commitment but hands out rewards solely on luck. Also Atheon doesn't have a higher rate of giving weapons and armor than any of the other stage bosses or the chests found through out the raid. So by not defeating Atheon doesn't invalidate my point. Also I have several clan mates who have beaten the raid numerous times who can attest to that fact. Now, that i continue to play this game daily, enjoy it for what it is, and I don't come on these forums everyday looking to cry about things not going my way shows I have patience and 128 hours on my warlock and 30+ on my titan shows a fairly solid commitment. And to your point about the disparity between the hardcore and casual, well that's little more than a cheap cop out. Why you ask? Well for one the game is pretty pve centric, so there is going to be a level disparity there no matter what(if you can play more you will be higher level, thats how mmo's work. and yes even this mmo-lite). And if you're referring to pvp will IB has already shown us that level advantages mean nada there anyway. And just a final note, I have no "need for gear" I'm happy at 29 since 30 gives me no real advantage anywhere in the game. That said your blind faith in the RNG system makes furthering this discussion mute since clearly we have very different stances on the subject.

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  • Edited by Nourface: 10/13/2014 10:01:07 PM
    MMOs do not work like this anymore. Sorry, but you are living an old world concept in new age game design. All MMOs soft cap progression by new content release and hard cap via lockouts. The screams of hardcore players inability to out play casuals echoes on forums of all AAA MMOs. It has no place in games today. I have never said that luck is not a factor but skill is little factor in most game design. Games that have tried skill based rewards have failed gruesomely, ie. Wildstar. Fact is you are doing it to yourself. If you can grasp the concept of dice roll then you should know that adding more raid time to your game time would not have made a difference and just because you put in that extra time that the game did not require you to does not make you any more entitled to gear than the person that got one piece on their first run. Edit: btw you validate my point that you cant grasp the concept of patience and commitment. Luck based rng does not affect your patience and commitment at all.

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  • Ok one last reply since you still seem to have the misconception that I'm butthurt for not having raid gear and feel entitled to it. When I've already stated to the contrary that I'm satisfied with my current load outs. What you seem to not understand is that a RNG reward system nullifies the need for patience and commitment because it boils down to luck. It's as though you understand how dice rolls work but refuse to apply your own metaphor to your rebuttal because then it ceases to favor you. But i digress, I already stated we wouldn't see eye to eye on this and we don't. I accept that maybe some day you will too. However I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying to impose the false sense of entitlement on me that I've not once made claims of. Thanks in advance.

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  • Luck has no bearing on patience and commitment, sorry. If I have a 6 sided dice and am patient and committed enough to continue rolling and not quit after 6 rolls and call it broken, I will eventually get a desired result. To say I have a 16.66% chance and it NEVER happen is statistically impossible.

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  • Edited by Random Marine: 10/14/2014 11:02:38 AM
    (Sorry, wrong debate. Meant to put that in a crucible player loot thread)

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  • Edited by Nourface: 10/14/2014 3:33:42 AM
    I didnt say anything like that. Perhaps you should have read the previous posts before making a blind statement. Reductions in time taken to complete the raid are a matter of skill and group synergy. Your ability to complete the raids and "roll the dice" after each win is all that changes. He is arguing that your patience and commitment are not tested with RNG. I am trying to explain that your quitting a game over RNG is impatience and lack of commitment. Patience and commitment are a part of raids and have been a test since their inception, whether it is time/length or RNG. Unfortunately, raids no longer use time/length as a testament to people patience and commitment because its not a viable option for gamers in this day and age. So modern MMOs have adopted a shorter play time and an RNG system. Less time spent for a gamble on rewards. Its as simple as that.

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  • Since I'm bored and have been drinking I'll indulge you once more. You don't have a 16.66% chance of getting desired of getting desired item as you yourself have already pointed out. So yes; luck does have a huge bearing on patience and commitment. I've been in raids where people have gotten the primary weapon shotgun (name eludes me at the moment) and people who have done the raid numerous times have gotten nothing. But again this isn't an argument of entitlement. This is objectively looking at the facts and seeing the game for what it is. The reward system is broken. And anyone who argues against that is either a blind fool or too idiotically a fan boy of bungie to admit where they fell short at. I.e, name another raid raid in "modern gaming" as you put it, where you can get nothing other than crafting materials which can be obtained from regular patrols....Cheers

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  • Wow your approach is staggeringly naive. Ok so I will indulge, you can raid in Modern games each week and leave with nothing besides marks. For example: FFXIV currently has set loot tables for its endgame that is RNG based over 8 classes. Each boss drops 2 pieces per win. After you finish each boss fight you then have to dice roll need/greed/pass and compete with other members in the party of the same class/job. IF you dont have the luck of winning anything in the raid you are given marks that you can easily farm doing regular dungeons. The final fight usually drops 1 weapon and is again class specific over 8 classes. You have a 1/8 chance of getting something in each fight over 4 fights. Bad luck? You got marks for gear that is one tier under raid gear.

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  • Again you're assuming I myself am disingenuously upset about my current gear. Now more to the point the system of rewarding is broken. Because as nice as your FF XIV reference was, Destiny doesn't handle loot like that which makes your point mute. But again I've already established this but continue to make arguments in my favor please...Cheers

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  • You Are correct. Ffxiv has a much more unforgiving loot system. So continue to feel validated but you are wrong in all sense

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