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10/13/2014 2:07:54 PM
It can kill a corner... and there is a shock wave ability for it.

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  • So then, do you feel it would be fair to nerf your ground smash Super that even though a blade dancer will Knife you 2x while doing your animation before you even get it off, you still survive and kill everything around you with the AOE of a Football field?

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  • Aoe of a football field? Are you trolling me? Serious question? And no it does not take 2 shots to kill a foh I really don't know how you would even get 2 shots off in it's short animation. I did think about BD over breakfast and I think a good solution would be to increase it's damage limit it to ground movement increase speed buff slightly and remove damage resistance. You then have speed lethality and can ACTUALLY be killed by gunfire instead of just claiming it to be possible.

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  • Edited by tre11style: 10/13/2014 3:27:50 PM
    the Football field part is a bit of an exaggeration for effect... but the titans AOE is HUGE. WAYYYY too big and this does need a review by bungie. And yes.. I have PLENTY of times button smashed my blade and gotten off 2 blade dancer knives on a Titan while his animation is in effect, and he gets his super off after they have hit, and he still lives. Let's put it this way.. it happens EVERY PVP match i play vs a Titan. so it's not lag. it's a stupid invulnerable point that while he's in his animation you can't be killed. And to prove that point... why is it the Titan now has about 50% HP left? because my super did hit him at least once... and that should be enough to kill him.. But apparently it's not. The Titan is a reactionary Super... and if it's HIT before he slams the ground by another Super... he should be dead, dead , dead. POINT OVER And again... you really think we can't be killed by gunfire? LMAO... dude go create a hunter and see for yourself how many times you get killed while trying to get close enough to kill your target. I get killed plenty of times by gunfire. You need to be on the other side of the coin before you start talking about something you have no idea of.

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  • ya, I've shot a titan doing his smash with my golden gun and it doesn't kill him. And he smashes me and I die. I don't care that I died....but we should at least even if I hit him with my super also.

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  • Sorry never seen that as a titan I've actually been sniped out of midair while using foh and no the hunter damage resistance is way too high saying I need to play a blade dancer to feel how UP it is just proves you are suffering from observer bias

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  • I've been killed mid animation using FoH.

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  • This is BS. The Titan has way better damage reduction in their super than the BD. The guy who said a Titan can survive two strikes from Arc Blade while in his FoH animation is correct. In fact, a Titan can "oh shit" hit his FoH as he is being hit by arc blade and survive and kill the BD. It is not an exxageration to say that 30% of all Arc Blades end in one, or even zero, kills and are ended by FoH. And the FoH radius is massive. Even at maximum jump height, there is no escaping it. I was playing Shores of Time and I was mid-leap in the air over the gap between A and B and a strike smashed the center of B and still killed me. Neither FoH or Arc Blade are broken. They have their own strengths and weakness. Arc Blade gets wasted more often than any other super, but it has the trade-off that it allows you to move around and look for multi-kills. Get over yourself man. You are a whiner.

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  • Sooooo, why are you still alive after pushing the OH-SHIT button while the Hunter dies if the damage resistance is too high? Yet more evidence that either the damage resistance for Titans is to high, or the damage resistance on the hunter is to low~ Take your pick and we'll raise/nerf which ever you feel~ Remember though, you're still gonna die a feck ton more~

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  • Um let's see those arguments are based on statements with... NOTHING to back them... Also titan damage resistance too high? It's a -blam!-ing tank... so I've gotten all I can out of this conversation it's obvious that you two hunters arr far too conceited or blind to admit your class is far too op or I've been trolled I made my points and you never disproved any so good luck convincing anyone else that blade dancer is just fine. I'm happy to answer questions posed to me and I enjoyed our little debate but honestly I was waiting for a counter argument that never came... you never defended the blade dancer just attacked the titan. To me that says it has no defense. So I mean... If you have a counter to the actual opness of the blade dancer go ahead but I'm tired of running in circles defending a class that is not even on trial. The moment you can say blade dancer is not op because of x! You have my ear but sorry I won't accept: it's not op cause titans are hard to kill or it's not op if the entire team guns it down. Titans get a small damage resistance buff during the few seconds of foh but foh is a slow jump that puts us in easy fire range I have been void bombed, GG, and blade dancers and have died to all 3 without getting a kill.

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  • Ok, so you want "proof" that Blade dancer isn't op? Here's the only one you need. EVERY class except hunter survives atleast 2 hits from Blade Dancer or Golden gun using their counter super~ What happens when a Blade Dancer/Golden Gunner uses their "counter" super? THEY DIE~ This easily shoots down the notion that "Hunters are hard to kill and are totally OP WAH WAH!" The fact that titans using FoH survive 2 OHK attacks proves that it isn't a "Small damage resistance buff"~ It's more than double your overall health. When activating Blade dance or golden gun, guess what? WE STOP MOVING~ Titans and Warlocks get to keep moving during FoH and Nova~ Yet another instance of "Let's ignore facts and just whine about Hunters". You seriously are a Troll Titan and I sincerely hope that all hunters take the opportunity to do the one thing you must hate the most~ Dance all over your mangled titan corpse~

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  • footieballz aoe, must be a new mod that came out with the bullspit exotic.

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