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10/13/2014 11:24:08 AM
All I hear is "I suck at PvP and Bladedancer should be nerf because I don't know what im really doing" so lets break this down for those you don't know how Arc Blade work. Arc Blade has a moment of vulnerability where you can kill him/her during the animation. This also counts as the special being used. If you hear the distinctive sounds the blade dancer makes, RUN AWAY! do you know how much times I get chain kills because people run towards me? Also CANCEL IT OUT WITH YOUR SPECIAL, Striker, Voidwalker, Gunslinger can kill a Bladedancer. Also like any special is as a limit, RUN AWAY, yes they can just press a button a zig zag across slicing like a crazy man BUT each time you melee as a Bladedancer you use up some of the already ticking special bar. Stop crying for nerfs and work on actually understanding the mechanics of the subclass.

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  • Or... You just unload all of your shotgun into them/shoot them if they are far away. Bladedancers aren't difficult to kill if you know what you are doing. It's just when they catch you by surprise/around a corner that they can be difficult. Plus the Defender's bubble is slightly weak to it... but I'd say the Warlocks special is worse for the Defender.

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  • #satire #DoesAnyoneEvenReadTheTags You've been hashtagged.

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  • I like this guy. If you cant kill somebody while their in a super charge then you just flat out suck. The crucible is no place for the weak.

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  • Nerf scissor, rock is good, sincerely paper.

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  • This is a joke thread, there's no need to be so angry. Though I agree it's somewhat OP in the correct conditions, the weaknesses you stated are hardly anything at all when you're on a map, bullets whizzing by and eleven other people duking it out, not much chance to listen for a specific sound and you may not have the ability to run at that point. You just sound silly and mad in the face of what is a clear joke thread, calm down, use golden gun instead, it's better anyway.

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  • LOL so obviously the only reason that anyone dies to a super is because they suck at PVP? It's hilarious to see people try and justify the bladedancers by stating these "weaknesses." Titans raise their fists before FoH, Warlocks point at the ground before Sunslinger and GG raises his gun in the air dance style. BD? They flash, make a sound and god help you if you are within 30 meters of them because they can blink at you as you try to run and hitting R1 means you die. FoH? Jump... problem solved. GG? Hide... problem solved. Sunslinger? strafe and stay far away (fusion rifles shut these poor souls DOWN)... problem solved.

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  • honestly I think blink is what breaks this game the most.

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  • Just as hilarious as people trying to nerf Bladedancers because they are too stupid to run away and not constantly try to shotgun people..even though - jumping - shotgun hit - melee - kills a bladedancer.

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  • Your talking about scrubs but no you cant run away its like punching a lion on the dick then tryiny to run away yeah lets see you run way from that

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  • all people do is complain, there is no winning, like Fist of Havoc is almost instant and has a pretty large AoE. Same with Void walker, Sunsinger can spam like 10 grenades and melee you getting a shield untop of the armor from radiance. Defender has a shield that can only be cancelled by ANOTHER SUPER or if Titan is stupid, by running in and killing them. Gunslinger has 3 bullets witch can cause targets to explode, so you can kill like 9 ppl in 3 shots, assuming you find 3 groups of 3 that fast. People only knock on bladedancer because its fast and they shit themselves at our flash like speed :p

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  • Edited by Nuadin II: 10/14/2014 12:52:36 AM
    I'd actually say Gunslinger, Defender, and Radiance are the three supers that aren't exactly "instant". You have to play those specials well (imo). Radiance is really good, but can easily fail if you do. Though the resurrect one used to make me mad when I first did PVP. Gunslinger only gives you a few shots, yes they are insta-kill, but you have to hit and have a higher chance of being "taken out". Playing as both Defender and Striker myself for the Titan, I can say that any Defender that thinks bubbling up means standing in there and just waiting... is playing it wrong. There are times where that's what you have to do, but diving in and out to renew the shield as multiple enemies swarm you and still managing to be able to take them out.... knowing when to identify incoming super from a titan or warlock based off their movement... Knowing when to get out of that shield because holy shizer that's a bladedancer charging towards you, and that dome is just too tight of a place to kill the BD...That... takes at least some skill and some luck. Maybe it's this way for all classes though and we just don't know it.

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  • Edited by Icegodleo: 10/13/2014 12:09:41 PM
    Yes I tested this it works! wait... wait no... The blade dancer can jump higher than every other class... that's right I died. NERF is needed and to say it's not is really, really, really shortsighted... sorry. I'm not saying make it useless but if my super is limited to the ground why the hell can BD's fly? Why can BD's move faster than any other class? Why do BD's have the POTENTIAL to kill more than any other Supers? Why do BD's get an armor boost? They have a perk from EVERY SINGLE other subclass. Yes a face full of buckshot can kill them but it can kill EVERYONE else. Yes concentrated team fire can kill them but it can kill EVERYONE else. To use a pokemon reference just because Arceus can die to the move fissure DOES NOT mean it doesn't belong in the Ubers category. Just because BD's can be killed doesn't mean they aren't OP.

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  • While I agree, I'm pretty sure the Titan extended jump still jumps higher than the BD. I'm always out jumping my roommate who's blade dancer.

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  • Dear Icegodleo, from your icon I gather that you're a Titan~ Now, perhaps you should stop lying about FoH~ If it's limited to the ground, then why have I been swatted from the sky after the "Higher than any other class" Jump? That's what I thought, just another Titan who whines about things they don't understand~ Congratulations on your promotion to "TrollTitan the one-millionth". Your certificate is in the mail

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  • FoH is limited to the ground, since you know thats what they strike. they maybe able to jump in the air and slam into the ground thats it. The game is not perfectly balanced like everyone claims, tweaks are needed. Like Titans bubble the timer could be shorter for pvp because it lasts way to long. Seriously it's players like you who just want there favorite class to be OP and not be tweaked when there are legitimate complaints.

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  • That's just it though, his "Legitimate complaints" AREN'T legitimate~ No Titan has explained why I can be smashed out of the sky 10ft away from their "Narrow vertical AoE plume"~ So don't perpetuate the blatant lie that "It's limited to ground". Seriously, it's players like you who want the weakest supers to be nerfed that make me sick. FoH and Nova are nearly instant, so why do they get damage reduction while it's activating? Why can a hunter activating Arc-Blade die near instantly to a shotgun to the face and then lose their entire super bar? Just more reasons why Hunters shouldn't be nerfed~ Keep dreaming Titantrollbunny~

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  • You can dodge the warlocks super easily, titans have aoe. Do you know what aoe he does? Doesnt sound like it. The area where they smash is where it gets affected including air. Titans are easy to take out or avoid the smash if you have blink *hint* warlocks and hunters. No other super has a lock on like arc blade. Sorry but the majority of complaintd about supets has been arc blade. Like ive said before sunsinger, defender and blade dancer need some tweaks. It's a false perception that everything perfectly balanced. Hell my cousin plays a hunter and he even agrees that arc bkade could use some tweaks.

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  • Ohhhh~ So what you're saying is the Titan AoE isn't LIMITED TO THE GROUND~ Thank's for clearing up the total lie of most titans~ Why does everyone simply assume that EVERY hunter uses blink? tbh, I can't stand it~ I use the upgraded double jump because it gives me better range than blink~ No other super aside from Golden Gun (Hint, the other HUNTER super) requires player input to use after activation~ apart from maybe Sunsinger. So why shouldn't we get to have a slight lock on (given everyone knows "Run around the corner = No target lock"). Backpeddle away from a Titan about to FoH or a Warlock about to Nova you, what happens? You die~ Backpeddle away from a Hunter using Arc-Blade, what happens? You shotgun him square in the jaw and he drops like a brick~ You talk about it needing a nerf for it to be balanced, but then you ignore all the horse shit cheese ways to kill arc-blade that don't work for any other class super. Titan's FoH needs a tweek so it's shockwave doesn't wreck someone behind a freaking wall 15ft away, GG and Arcblade need a tweek so we deal some form of AoE damage while activating. ^ expecting you to ignore everything I've said and accuse me of playing favorites again~ Titans aren't known for their reading ability or critical thinking skills~

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  • Funny becuase huntards arent known for what balance is. Aoe upon activarion of arc blade? More like a few seconds of invulnerability upon activation of arc bkade and golden gun. Also golden gun has the best chance of not getting any thing with thier super. Out of the two golden gun needs a slight boost while arc blade needs a slight nerf such as reduce timer or to not be able to teleport all over the place like crazy. Also the aoe is very minimal on FoH and if it does go through walls it needs to be patched. Again it doesnt really sound like you know what aoe does. Also btw i play a warlock and a titan working on a hunter. I've got more than one class princess so try again.

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  • Well take a look at some of Icegodleo's comments about how the damage reduction for Arc blade is soooooo OP, adding a few seconds of Invulnerablilty would make him cry~ that's why I suggested slight AoE damage on activation. I agree that Blink is overused and fairly ridiculous, it wouldn't stop people complaining about Arc blade though~ "It's to hard killing them, I tried meleeing them and it didn't work! I use hundreds of rockets on them because I'm a liar or a cheater" are just some of the excuses as to why Arc-blade needs nerfing~ Also, in the same way that "your cousin" is a reputable source for Arc-Blade OPness, My friends that play Special snowflake Titans and Whorelocks are reputable sources on how OP Titan and Warlock is~ So dear special snowflake, don't rely on the "Well I've played that class and you haven't"~ It doesn't work for objective analysis~ Thanks for atleast conceeding the fact that FoH is broken, even though you won't conceed that the AoE is far more substantial than an Titan would dare admit~

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  • You get my first actual like on these forums! Thank you for saying what I was too hot headed to articulate!

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  • Lol you are right if a titan hits WHILE jumping or if you are in the small vertical aoe blast radius you will die but if you jump back and up it is useless... what were you saying about not knowing things? I don't even run striker that is just slam attacks 101 you learn that even with the pve boss fights. If you can't dodge the slam after seeing the startup I have no pity for you. If you got dropped on then yeah that sucks but at least your team is safe because the likelihood that you were all circle jerking in one small area is super small and if so why would you do that? Yes titans have an oh shit super but if anyone calls it a "large" aoe I just laugh

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  • So how do you explain a Titan killing me with FoH from 10ft away while I'm in the air? Also, It is a LARGE aoe~ given the fact that it can completely wipe out an entire room in one hit~ Blade dancers actually have to move in order to pull that off~

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  • Yeah because just being near a person and hitting a button makes it so much harder to use. Sorry if I jump in the air and use blink the hunter should dont be able to follow but yet they have an auto lock feature in blade dance. Blade dancer, sunsinger and defender do needs tweaks more than the other sub class's. Also 10 feet isnt that large of an area.

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  • It can kill a corner... and there is a shock wave ability for it.

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