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Edited by BLUENINJA: 10/13/2014 6:47:08 PM

Raid gear SHOULD NOT be the only way to level 30!

Something that everyone I talk to agrees on yet no one seems to point out online, is the downright terrible decision to make raid gear the only path to level thirty. Perhaps you've already heard this before and no longer care, but I challenge you to. this is a flaw that needs to be fixed, for several reason. 1. It nullifies ALL FIVE FACTIONS. Are you really telling me that every single one of those legendary armories the five factions have were [i]stepping stones[/i]? You bust your bottom to get all that gear, only to be left once again at the mercy of the RNG? 2. we BUSTED OUT BOTTOMS to get that gear! I didn't spend literal days in the crucible getting all those marks for you to tell me that I have to give them up if I want to be level thirty! That is unacceptable! In fact it's downright disheartening. We didn't work that hard to have it surmounted by a couple hour long raid. 3. Save a shader and one gear piece, everyone would look the same. looking the same as everyone else should NEVER be the goal in an RPG, that's ridiculous. So we get one exotic armor, and a shader to look unique. otherwise we have literally the same armor as everyone else. Honestly how did that slip through the cracks during development?? 4. What about future raids? assuming you get different raid gear in future DLC raids, that means you have practically nullified one or more perks on your fancy VOG raid gear. Now, if the level cap goes up, fine, that makes sense. But if it does not, you now have armor with useless perks. I'm not saying raid gear should be on par with faction armor, not at all. It SHOULD be better. just in different ways, perhaps granting lesser bonuses to all three attributes, instead of a specialized two like most legendary armors, or make the raid armor require one less defense upgrade to reach max stats, making it easier to upgrade than faction armor. There are ways to make raid armor special. But giving it exclusive access to level 30 was a terrible decision. I've built an entire play style around my armor, one that won't work with raid armor. In fact, seeing as there's basically only one armor, MOST peoples play styles don't fit. How is that ok? leave a comment stating you're own thoughts. Hopefully they will understand the problem with this decision, and fix it soon. EDIT: Thank you for your feedback. It seems that some like the raid system, but others are frustrated by the "exclusive" nature of the raid armor. So, allow me to reign in my thoughts to this: customization. Perhaps the biggest downside of the raid armor is the fact that there's only one set. So "your" guardian, as bungie advertised, is really just the same guardian as evey one else minus one equipment slot and a shader. Bungie advertised that the character was YOUR guardian, that you were unique, but if you want to be the best, bungie wont allow you to be unique. This is my biggest complaint. perhaps this won't change until the DLC comes out, and if so, oh well, I still believe they need to fix this.

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  • There should definitely be distinct pvp and pve gear. The level is pointless in pvp.

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  • Yes. Should be a different way to attain it. Make exotic armor bounties that are comparable to the weapon bounties. Or harder I don't care. Those take time to accomplish but since they are broken into sections it is easier for people who can't dedicate 4 ish hours at a time.

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  • Exactly , but i do think one piece of exotic armor should be needed.

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    • Even if you get in the raid there's no guarantee that you'll even see any gear. I've been in there for 3 weeks, and have exactly zero pieces ... apart from a cloak. Great. Others are sharding peices of raid gear now, it's such messed up loot allocation. So for people that don't want to raid or cant raid, have no hope of seeing 30, and even if you do get in there you're at the mercy of the RNG. At least give the PvPers (who want to PvE about as much i want to step in crucible) a path to 30 and the raiders and vendor that only unlocks gear if you've completed the corresponding bosses for a high cost. Even the train wreck that was WildStar had that mechanic.

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      • I always thought it'd be a good idea if raid gave you the perks to add to your current armor to get you to level 30. You choose the armor you put it on and it gives you extra light.

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      • Nahh raids should be the only way to max your level but I do think they should have more of them and they will so that's not really an issue let's focus on the glaring flaws in this game before we bitch about things that aren't broken and should be this way

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        7 Replies
        • This is kind of shameless, but I talked about it in a post of mine, I encourage you to look at it because I feel like a brought up some good points, and offered solutions. Yeah shameless, my bad.

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          • Signed #

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          • Agree. Welcome to everyone looking the same. #chatterwhiteworld

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          • Edited by v Noxx v: 10/13/2014 2:35:49 PM
            Coming from a WoW background..I would have to disagree with all of the points you make. For starters, with regards to your third point, for example, in Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, you could easily see the progression of a person by what their gear looked like. You could tell they got item drops from bosses that yielded a piece of gear, and you could see how far the person has been in the raid..very easily. They had armor sets, and being able to see which pieces they had was invaluable. It had more players than Destiny, many times over, and not once do I recall people pissed their character looked/had the same gear as another was the look of the gear itself that people cared about. It was the tiered armor for their class...that's all that mattered. Who cares if you look the same as another character? However, for the other points, as to why you need raid gear to reach the highest level...well..that's pretty much the point of the raid itself. Only the best gear should reside in the highest difficulty of the current content..ergo, those that have it have the highest (in this case, Light) level. We busted our rumps to get the gear? Valid point. But this game has ties to MMOs and that's the grind. Grinding gets you gear, reputation, marks, etc... I recall in other games, not just WoW, where I would grind for months to get an enchantment that was replaced in the next expansion or tiered level of happens. That's just part of the game. You think being Rank 3 with these factions today will have any merit this time next year? Or thereafter? Not items will come out, requiring higher ranks with factions, which require more's the nature of the game.

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          • I believe the raid being the only way to 30 was a last minute change to create an artificial bottleneck in progression. I mean this raid is honestly lack luster. We replaced protect dinklebot with protect conflux. Oracles and relic are the only mechanics that change the map from being a spawn wall firing squad. Two raid bosses and no yard trash other than gorgans?? If this raid was what they really intended to be their way to 30 ... Smh

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          • Level cap will increase legendary gear with higher light levels will be available new content will emerge and different routs will be available. It to games like world of warcraft, diablo, eve etc... to become these massively evolved games giving you a little with a max the a little more and then bumping the max. Keep grinding your rep in factions because once then new gear hits it will be available with a faction rep tagged along with it. Patience young one your time will come but for now you must wait

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          • I totally agree, I also think you should be able to add light to which ever armor you want with a light cap of 30, I'm tired of having to give up armor that I think is cool for some ugly rag that bungie feels is worthy of a higher light cap! #whatsupwiththat

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          • The raid is incredibly easy. Because of that and that alone I completely disagree with you so, no, not everyone you've spoken to agrees. I do agree about the shader but, the RNG is the RNG...I've been on 4 raids, 2 pieces of armor, 2 I got nothing but shards/energies in. -- The solution? - Raid more. The only path of advancement in Destiny is light. Light should be hard to earn. You can hit 28 WITHOUT raid gear...Which is perfectly fine but, you should NOT be able to hit 30 due to the fact the ONLY reason to really hit 30 is the hard raid. - Nuff said.

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          • as of now, it should be as there is nothing other to do at level 30 anyways... they chose their level-up way in form of gear (which basicly means that you could go back to 20 anytime by picking bad stuff)... if they get a higher level-cap with new dlc (or even more than 1 planet with different level-zones basicly) then you get your levels through that DLC, maybe specific pvp/pve for stuff from that DLC (which would also intruduce a new exotic set i'd imagine... or a new rarity all in itself, though that would make it impossible to achieve without a ton of luck.. so yeah, wouldn't quite work)

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          • Agree. There should be another way to get to level 30 and a way to get legendary primary weapons with elemental damage. It is idiotic that the only way to get gear that helps completing the raid is in the raid and on hard mode. Bungie needs to drop the massive wall that prevents players from getting the best gear in the game.

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            3 Replies
            • Give bungie a lil man ppl just hittin 30. Ounce it goes a lil more main stream im sure there will be other routes. That just a door to let harder core ppl get a 1 up for a monthish.

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            • Agreed, 12 Raid chests plus checkpoint drops and I have received nothing but Ascendant mats and a useless Raid class item. I am completely frustrated with doing the raid over and over for the high percentage chance that the RNG is simply going to punch me in the face.

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            • Edited by Shadowed-Steps: 10/13/2014 10:49:29 AM
              To keep my answer on point I will say this. It won't be for long. They will advance the non hardcore players soon so that they can reach 30. But be warned the increase will push the hard cores up to 35 or even 40 so they will always be a bit behind. This is a very common strategy for games.

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            • I disagree with you. I LOVE the Raid. It is by far the best part of the game, and the fact its the only way to level to 30, makes it a necessity. I would hope that as new DLC arrives, we get new Raid's, and with each Raid, more levels are made attainable. If every Raid is done at level 30, -blam!- that. As to the factions thing... Yeah, thats a point. Besides some decent Legendary weapons, faction gear is absolutely pointless. The colour scheme doesnt matter because you are going to equip a Shader anyways, the gear is exactly as good as Vanguard and Crucible gear, and the effort needed to obtain faction stuff is stupid. More than that, there is no point in trying to rank a faction past 3, because the rewards are abysmal at best.

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            • I like that raids are the only way to get to level 30. I hope future raids a d DLC's come with level cap raises only achievable when you have your full raid gear. Gives you something to work towards, gives the game longevity and it forces you to build a strong team.

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            • i agree with OP..i have 3 pieces of raid gear and in order to get gear with the proper intellect,discipline,and strength for my needs i am going to have to try for more raid gear yet to hopefully get gear they fits my needs..

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              5 Replies
              • Theres going to be other raids. And eventually probably maybe more content that could give you better gear.

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              • Edited by SlashaJones: 10/13/2014 4:55:03 AM
                I feel like Vanguard, Crucible, and Faction gear should have been what got people to 30, and then raid gear should have increased your level a little bit further. That way, people could get to 30 with that gear, go do Vault of Glass for raid gear, and get to maybe 32 or something. Then, harder raids could be introduced, further increasing your level for the next, even harder raid after that.

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                2 Replies
                • Totally agree, bungie fix pls

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                • Edited by Goro: 10/13/2014 7:50:46 AM
                  I think they should implement another way to obtain level 30 gear. Because there are many people out there that don't want spend 3 hours on a raid. 1 Example: For double the Vanguard/Crucible/ marks and higher Vanguard/Crucible/Faction rank you get gear that lights you to 30. 2 Example: Level 30 gear can be obtained through completing specialized tasks/bounties.

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