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Edited by BLUENINJA: 10/13/2014 6:47:08 PM

Raid gear SHOULD NOT be the only way to level 30!

Something that everyone I talk to agrees on yet no one seems to point out online, is the downright terrible decision to make raid gear the only path to level thirty. Perhaps you've already heard this before and no longer care, but I challenge you to. this is a flaw that needs to be fixed, for several reason. 1. It nullifies ALL FIVE FACTIONS. Are you really telling me that every single one of those legendary armories the five factions have were [i]stepping stones[/i]? You bust your bottom to get all that gear, only to be left once again at the mercy of the RNG? 2. we BUSTED OUT BOTTOMS to get that gear! I didn't spend literal days in the crucible getting all those marks for you to tell me that I have to give them up if I want to be level thirty! That is unacceptable! In fact it's downright disheartening. We didn't work that hard to have it surmounted by a couple hour long raid. 3. Save a shader and one gear piece, everyone would look the same. looking the same as everyone else should NEVER be the goal in an RPG, that's ridiculous. So we get one exotic armor, and a shader to look unique. otherwise we have literally the same armor as everyone else. Honestly how did that slip through the cracks during development?? 4. What about future raids? assuming you get different raid gear in future DLC raids, that means you have practically nullified one or more perks on your fancy VOG raid gear. Now, if the level cap goes up, fine, that makes sense. But if it does not, you now have armor with useless perks. I'm not saying raid gear should be on par with faction armor, not at all. It SHOULD be better. just in different ways, perhaps granting lesser bonuses to all three attributes, instead of a specialized two like most legendary armors, or make the raid armor require one less defense upgrade to reach max stats, making it easier to upgrade than faction armor. There are ways to make raid armor special. But giving it exclusive access to level 30 was a terrible decision. I've built an entire play style around my armor, one that won't work with raid armor. In fact, seeing as there's basically only one armor, MOST peoples play styles don't fit. How is that ok? leave a comment stating you're own thoughts. Hopefully they will understand the problem with this decision, and fix it soon. EDIT: Thank you for your feedback. It seems that some like the raid system, but others are frustrated by the "exclusive" nature of the raid armor. So, allow me to reign in my thoughts to this: customization. Perhaps the biggest downside of the raid armor is the fact that there's only one set. So "your" guardian, as bungie advertised, is really just the same guardian as evey one else minus one equipment slot and a shader. Bungie advertised that the character was YOUR guardian, that you were unique, but if you want to be the best, bungie wont allow you to be unique. This is my biggest complaint. perhaps this won't change until the DLC comes out, and if so, oh well, I still believe they need to fix this.

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  • Your too young to play destiny

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    • I have no desire to run the raid, was hoping eventually I would, but I got burnt out in a previous MMO and raiding doesn't appeal to me anymore.. therefore, im not worried about level 30, as soon as the new content comes out there will be gear to close the gap anyway. Theres just something about beating a real person thst appeals to me much more.

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    • Destiny has so many so fundamental flaws. Do you really expect these to be addressed anywhere in the future? I highly doubt it.

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    • Raid gear is for pve.... even more specifically, the current raid gear is only effective in vault of glass, and level 30..... also, level 30 means nothing in the crucible, where as iron banner is built for the elites to clash in. Noobs get bum -blam!-ed in iron banner... and there is armor for crucible, everything from whites, to exotics... raid gear specifically takes down raid monsters faster, it wasn't intended to be the only way to level 30, seeing as level 30 isn't the max light level they intend to stop at. Its still in beta in my eyes, and with another vault of glass opening up, they will find a way to allow players to steadily increase their skills and their levels.

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    • 0
      You are right. I have more hours on all 3 of my characters than I want admit and have run the entire raid on normal/hard multiple times (10+ at least)and have only hit raid armor one time. -blam!- this game

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    • Game isn't an RPG

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    • Edited by kiomadoushi: 10/13/2014 5:09:12 PM
      I made a comment before about this. Crucible could earn you crucible-specific gear. Good stats that do well in crucible with abilities that boost effectiveness with how crucible normalizes stats, or abilities that work off of PvP effects; kill a guardian, capture a zone, etc. The gear would have low damage and low armor, so you can still show off your good armor and how much effort you put in, but it would only be effective in the crucible, holding no power in PvE. Likewise, the raids would provide gear that does well in PvE thanks to its high damage and high armor, but abilities that mean crap in PvP, as it is now where armor and damage mean nothing. In this way, being a high-ranking PvE'er wouldn't do you any good in the crucible to make you better armed and armored for the crucible, and being a high-ranking PvP'er wouldn't do you any good in the raids to make you better equipped to face PvE endgame content. You could be level 40 (with raised cap) from playing crucible, and have guns that do +50% bonus damage to guardians, and your armor could give you an overshield whenever you capture a zone, as well as increasing special weapon reload speed whenever you're on a killing spree of five or more... but you go into the level 26 raid with that gear, and you're just going to get torn to pieces because you aren't armed for PvE. Edit: Get an exotic PvP helmet, The Juggernaut, that gives you a regenerating overshield whenever you're in first place, and reduce effectiveness of guns, but increase effectiveness of melee. Better Than Bay, an exotic pvp Rocket Launcher that lets you keep your heavy weapon ammo when killed by a guardian; start with 1 heavy ammo. notably low damage/impact for a rocket, but carry more max ammo (and naturally receive more from ammo packs). Explosions everywhere.

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      7 Replies
      • Edited by BiigDaddyDellta: 10/14/2014 9:53:41 AM
        I mean it wont be it just is right now and its a good thing there can be the great but also the elite. stop sitting there go to the community page annd join a group and get your gear on holmes. I agree with you on the everyone will look the same subject though that sort of sucks even though ive only seen a single lvl 30 thus far. p.s. not flaming you at least your giving real feedback.

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      • I agree with your title but didn't read the rest of the post.

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      • my biggest complaint is when you first start out they make it sound like if you level up your rep with ANY faction you will get access to BETTER gear. Thats 120% BS, its always the same crud you can get when you first hit level 20. my Vanguard rep is now level 12 and Cryptark is up to 32. Still the same junk gear as always. maybe the gear should get a tiny bit better or add 1 or 2 more light every 10 levels you get your rep up ??? And yes there does need to be more " styles " Maybe adopt a " style " system like they have in DC Universe Online ???? You get feat points for each complete " style " you have. And your chosen STYLE is how others see you in game even though you are actually wearing different gear / armor. Theres literally millions of different looks in that game. And how the hell is this a social game when theres almost no interaction between players and a limited chat set ????? GIVE us a chat or shout box in the tower so we can actually fill groups instead of pugging groups and just hoping we dont get noobs. I bet a lot more guardians would at least try the VoG if filling a group did'nt have to be planned 3 or 4 days in advance. lol I'll give this game another month to keep my attention, but if it still sucks when COD Advance comes out ?? Then its back to Titan Falls and COD and this crud can collect dust on a shelf. * I can see a slight nerf to the end of content fusion rifle but I think a 34% nerf to damage is a bit extreme. Maybe a 10% would be fair but those that have that weapon worked there butts off for it. Bungie, you had 45 days of Beta testers playing this game. That means 45 days to KNOW what pissed us off and to FIX it.

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      • i hate this customization stuff the most the raid gear is ok if you can make it look unique

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      • Agreed. I'm 29... So why grind a faction when it won't get me anywhere? The whole gear based progression is pretty flawed, and is going to make increasing the light level cap even more flawed.

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      • I see your point and to some respect I have to agree but as some other people have pointed out you don't need to be 30 to do most things...for example: I'm on my 27 Hunter right now. I have 2 Exotic heads (1 for each subclass), 3 Legendary Gloves (Raid/AR/HC), only 1 chest, 3 Boots (Raid/AR/HC) and 4 Hunter Cloaks (Normal + 3 factions).If I do the highest level Patrol, which would be Mars, then anything above lvl16 is fine. If I'm going in to Raid I'll either wear my Raid Gear or my AR gear if using "Atheon's Epilogue" for the extra reserve ammo. if I'm attempting Hard Mode VoG then I have to wear my Exotic Head and the Raid Gear I have in order to be 29 and stand a chance. Do I like the fact that at 30 I will look like most other Hunters? Well considering that for most of the game if you were in an area levelling you were probably wearing the same greens and blues as everyone else you came across in that I don't really see it as much of an issue, especially seeing as how we have Shaders which tend to make many of us look unique seeing as how there are typically not many people in The Tower with you, or in whatever instance you are in...max. 18 or 20?

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      • The more I play this game the more I ask myself why? I played WoW and abruptly quit once I learned pvp gear was less than raid gear. Let me shed some light on this subject for you bungie... I am one of thousands of people I suspect enjoy pvp as pve is automated and easy to learn their preprogrammed patterns, people vs people is my passion. To make raid gear the only way to progress forces us into an element of the game we find unsatisfying please reconsider this as if I am forced to raid to progress I will return to Warframe which in my opinion may not ve as flashy in graphics but the overall layout blows you away.

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        5 Replies
        • You need to be raiding to reach level 30. The gear is stepping stones. That's why it's easy and take a few days to get the rep and marks for it.

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          • We really need more shaders. The options should be limitless instead we get four purples....

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            • Number 3 for sure. I love the look of my raid armor but what is the point? Everyone looks the same. Only thing that makes me different is my cape and so many people have the same cape as I do...what ever happened to "customize your character to look unique."? It seems like everyone gets the same armor making people less unique... I mean I've gotten 4 legendary engrams for arms and all of them were the same! Where did all your money go bungie?? Where did all your promises go? You let me let a lot of us down.

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              • Bungie: Cool idea but changing the game requires effort. Thanks for the money.

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                • [quote]Something that everyone I talk to agrees on yet no one seems to point out online, is the downright terrible decision to make raid gear the only path to level thirty. Perhaps you've already heard this before and no longer care, but I challenge you to. this is a flaw that needs to be fixed, for several reason. 1. It nullifies ALL FIVE FACTIONS. Are you really telling me that every single one of those legendary armories the five factions have were [i]stepping stones[/i]? You bust your bottom to get all that gear, only to be left once again at the mercy of the RNG? 2. we BUSTED OUT BOTTOMS to get that gear! I didn't spend literal days in the crucible getting all those marks for you to tell me that I have to give them up if I want to be level thirty! That is unacceptable! In fact it's downright disheartening. We didn't work that hard to have it surmounted by a couple hour long raid. 3. Save a shader and one gear piece, everyone would look the same. looking the same as everyone else should NEVER be the goal in an RPG, that's ridiculous. So we get one exotic armor, and a shader to look unique. otherwise we have literally the same armor as everyone else. Honestly how did that slip through the cracks during development?? 4. What about future raids? assuming you get different raid gear in future DLC raids, that means you have practically nullified one or more perks on your fancy VOG raid gear. Now, if the level cap goes up, fine, that makes sense. But if it does not, you now have armor with useless perks. I'm not saying raid gear should be on par with faction armor, not at all. It SHOULD be better. just in different ways, perhaps granting lesser bonuses to all three attributes, instead of a specialized two like most legendary armors, or make the raid armor require one less defense upgrade to reach max stats, making it easier to upgrade than faction armor. There are ways to make raid armor special. But giving it exclusive access to level 30 was a terrible decision. I've built an entire play style around my armor, one that won't work with raid armor. In fact, seeing as there's basically only one armor, MOST peoples play styles don't fit. How is that ok? leave a comment stating you're own thoughts. Hopefully they will understand the problem with this decision, and fix it soon. EDIT: Thank you for your feedback. It seems that some like the raid system, but others are frustrated by the "exclusive" nature of the raid armor. So, allow me to reign in my thoughts to this: customization. Perhaps the biggest downside of the raid armor is the fact that there's only one set. So "your" guardian, as bungie advertised, is really just the same guardian as evey one else minus one equipment slot and a shader. Bungie advertised that the character was YOUR guardian, that you were unique, but if you want to be the best, bungie wont allow you to be unique. This is my biggest complaint. perhaps this won't change until the DLC comes out, and if so, oh well, I still believe they need to fix this.[/quote] I mean no disrespect but this post is ignorant for one reason. There are times to be level 30 and there are times to not be. There's different armor for different things. Sure, if you want to hold the bloody flag then put your raid armor on. Other than that there are plenty more advantageous armies for crucible or other PvE missions depending on who you're facing. For example the Titan raid armor only gives strength and intellect. Why the hell should I have 0 discipline (grenade regen) for my class in crucible?! Put my crucible armor on and Im good to go. Level 29. Raid armor also only has special weapon addition for ammo and what not. Why the hell would I need all special weapon buff abilities (terminology loosely used) for crucible!? Crucible armor on. Auto rifle reload buff and melee speed buff, ammo to sniper buff etc. okay Im good to go. Basically what Im saying is YOU DONT HAVE TO LOOK THE SAME TO PLAY THE GAME. If everyone is dumb enough to have their raid armor on and all look the same to play every single little part of the game there is then we're all idiots. You see my point?

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                  • looking at your raid stats, you have a total of 23 kills in raid. With such a low amount of kills I would almost doubt that you even got inside, or spent much time trying. You're level 27, good job getting there (I'm not joking). Looking at your gear your have a full set of legendary gear (outside of weapons) but you have not even pushed yourself up to lvl 28 yet for some reason. At level 28 you and a team of 5 people could probably clear the raid in a few hours. One raid a week, that takes a few hours. I think you'll be fine. Stop complaining about things being locked away from you if you aren't even willing to put the time in to try and experience, or work through them. Max level and content is earned, with time, so put some of it in and you WILL hit level 30. If you don't have a group of people to run it with, try messaging people in the tower. Or get on destinyLFG and find a team that way. Stop asking Bungie to do it for you.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Thank you! I've been saying this for weeks! But apparently most players are satisfied with how things are now. I've poured hours of grinding in pvp to be fully decked out in Dead Orbit (best faction :D) only to find out I couldn't reach lv. 30. Another thing they should look faction gear stock rotation, which does not exist.

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                    • Edited by gatz900: 10/14/2014 12:45:45 AM
                      I don't have a stance on this issue either way, but I'm genuinely curious how they could provide more options to get people to hit the cap. The fact that the items all have similar raid-specific perks to the VoG when there are other planned raids/content makes me question if they really thought through the gear progression in this game. Not to mention, assuming they maintain the lvl 30 cap, what would be the motivation of farming the new raid if you already have a full set from VoG, aside from the new weapons/shaders/challenge/fun etc? Could you really see yourself farming the 2nd raid's gear and 70+ more ascendant shards to fully upgrade it back to 30 so that you have perks that will help the 2nd raid better specifically? This is assuming the 2nd raid gears' perks are specialized to that raid like the VoG gear. Also, assuming they have to balance the raid weapons around pvp (looks at 34% weaker vex mythoclast) are these new weapons really going to be that great in comparison to what is already out there?

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                      • Edited by jeb22: 10/14/2014 5:15:05 AM
                        I agree with you that there should be more one raid set, but I think 30 should only be accessible through raid gear. Raiding is the most difficult content, so it seems logical. Im 29 right now and am getting by just fine. Personally, I like the grind to get the gear, and cant wait for Tuesday's to roll around. To me, earning 30 is like earning a badge. Bungie damn near hands us everything in this game as it is, most of the content is just the same stuff over and over again (ex. iron banner is practically the crucible :/) , save raiding and attaining level 30. I sincerely hope they dont change how we get to 30.. /shrug

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                        2 Replies
                        • TL:DR - I'm not good enough at the game to complete the raid and I have no friends to do it with anyway.

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                        • 1. I agree. The faction gear should also allow us to get to level 30. The factions NEED something to make them worth the effort or just take them out of the game. 2. We did work for that gear so we need to not abandon us. Again, I think that by getting a high faction rating (like 10-15) we should be able to get our light level to 30 without ever doing the raid (which I think should be a bonus for players rather than something that is forced on us). 3. Completely agree. Everyone on ANY game that has cosmetic options will ALWAYS want to look as unique as possible. 4. True, but I think future DLC will up the max level (fingers crossed ... here's to hoping) I also agree on your stance that raid gear should have better stats overall. I just think that better stats would be enough to make those that want the "best" to go for the raid gear while the more casuals/those who can't find enough people to do the raid will have an alternative method to reach level 30.

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                        • Some people that love and play this game have lives and not a lot of time to try and get a raid group together. If your a paying customer you should be able to hit 30 raid or no raid. I raid and like everyone else all I've gotten are shards and a shader. They could set the story up to reach level 30, actually there are a lot of things they could do but haven't yet. Oh and for the RECORD BAD JUJU NEEDS THAT BUFF I have it maxed to 300 and it's the weakest weapon I've used yet. Honestly wish the strangers rifle was a level 30 rifle or level 28 it's the best looking and best shooting pulse rifle I used in the game. Everyone have fun, and keep your fingers crossed that Bungie will listen to the ones making them money.

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