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10/10/2014 7:37:38 PM

engrams need to be earned not random

Once again today i join a friends fire team hes running around looking for spinmetal so i hit up patrols and get kills for my bountys and pick up some metal and rank up at the same time.... cue the scruffy freinds friend who shows up and then sits under the ground and "farms" like a scruff sat doing nout getting kills every 40 odd seconds and he gets 2 leg engrams and a bunch of blues while i destory 2 public events alone and 15 patrols with 200 plus kills yet i got a couple of blues ? so let me get this right bungie its better to be a fat lazy slob sat in 1 spot and kill the enemy as they spawn in 1 spot cause you spend millions on a game and didnt make back up spawn points while you get free legend drops BUT the player who plays does all the work gets the bounty the kills the headshots patrols an public events gets the middle finger lol total joke people bitch about Xur i couldnt care about him at least the players went an got the coins to buy things getting handed random free drops for cheating is total gaming welfare the games not skill based just random crap i could kill 3 times more enemies than any of the people in my fireteam and still earn less ? total joke bungie sort it out

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