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10/9/2014 6:30:15 PM


here's some genuine feedback for you, not the kind of jumping on the bandwagon that's all over the forums. The game is not perfect.. what game is? *i know people are going to put a list go games they perceive to be "perfect" but just because it is for you doesn't mean it is for others. However.. the game offers a variety of challenges, albeit repetitive.. it's fun. If for whatever reason you don't find it fun.. simply don't do it. you wouldn't put your finger in a power outlet and say oh crap that wasn't fun, let's do it again!.. simple as that. i personally love the game and i find it rewarding to actually play. and by that i mean setting a goal I.E level, gear, raids.. and achieving what you set out to do, and yes possible get a good reward at the end of it, as apposed to shooting at a doorway expecting to earn unlimited legendary engrams. that's the positive side to my feedback. now for the next part, which isn't particularly a negative as apposed to a request.. bounties. as everything else in the game is particularly repetitive i wouldn't mind if we were given new bounties instead of recycling the same ones a few times per week, to add a bit of spice to the daily musts. i'm pretty darn happy over all with the game, if i wasn't i'd trade it in and play something that keeps the spark of interest alive in my mind. Note to all trolls.. 1) i know my grammar isn't perfect, but thankyou in advance for pointing it out. 2) i know your opinion differs to mine and you have every right to express it, as do i so don't hate :) 3) i have formed my own opinion of the game based on my own experience.. i haven't conformed to the generalization that the game is a let down so if you're going to flame this thread at least have a bit of originality about it. 4) you're making my day by getting angry at my opinion which means it matters to you so thanks :)

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