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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by SydneySincere: 10/9/2014 6:25:41 PM

ATTN: Terrible Outbreak in Destiny! Must Read!!!

It's been a wonderful month of becoming legend for all those in our wonderful world of Destiny. However, in my time playing and meeting people, there has been a small outbreak of Elitist Douche-ism. I'm talking about the people that think it means something to rush to 30, or those that think running vault and/or nightfalls is an exclusive thing, or those that beat stuff using cheesy methods. Now, I understand it seems Bungie expects us to "chince" our way through some of this harder content. However, shooting the nightfall boss through a crack in some "secret hole" doesn't mean you can walk around like a know-it-all prick. Most the time those people I'm referring to are not even that skilled and get 0.45 K/D in Crucible. I have a lot of experience with MMORPGs such as WoW and others and as far as I can see, THIS GAME IS NOT HARD OR CHALLENGING AS FAR AS THE ACTUAL MMORPG PART IS CONCERNED! Now, here's my message to all these "try hards" rushing through the game like its milk about to spoil. YOU ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING SPECIAL BY ACTING LIKE A FASCIST PIG!!! The Cure: REMOVE YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR ASS, TURN OFF THE GAME SYSTEM AND GO OUTSIDE!!! In conclusion, I am posting this message in an attempt to enlighten some people that games are here for fun, not for people to create an exclusive "I'm better than you" online society. Play with people, talk to people, help your fellow Guardian, be kind and polite. Video Games are some of the coolest forms of entertainment around, work with me to create an online society that wants to help each other BECOME LEGEND!! Thanks for your time and attention! Game On!!

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  • Thought you were gonna say ebolas been spreading in the world of destiny and we have to destroy the outbreak.

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  • A wild Wall of Text appears! It's not very effective...

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by JJukeR: 10/9/2014 7:08:59 PM
      Says the almost 29... If people want to speed run games and get better loot, who are you to stop them?

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    • Edited by BIGL23187: 10/9/2014 6:45:11 PM
      Well I'm a level 29 and if I come across lower levels doing strikes I usually stick with them till they get sick of doing it over and over and over again. I don't care what level anyone is and I'm glad to help out. Bragging is for little kids. I got this, i got this,gets old quick especially when there are hundreds of thousands that have the same thing but choose to just play the damn game. I also revive anyone that is dead, no matter if they are way behind or hard to reach. In fact I save my special to save peoples lives. I have the rebirth perk just waiting to help people.

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      • Everything you write here is so true. I am at 25, I am not good but have made friends with really cool people who help me. I am 54, have spinal discomfort and pain in my hands. I play all the free time I have. I love all those good people, some teens like Matt (I will keep his name game unless he tells me otherwise) who helps me and my other friend get ranked up. Like you wrote, it's a game, fun.

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      • Why do I need a 1.0 K/D to be considered good at this game. Just cuz you have one doesn't everyone or anyone should have one. You post about people helping others and yet you are being hypocritical in that statement. If you think using your surroundings as a means to kill something or someone is a cheat/exploit then you should stick to sports games or puzzle games. I will use any advantage I feel like using it just means I am a smarter player than you.

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        2 Replies
        • I'm right there with ya Syd! Some people forget this is a freakin game! We are supposed to help each other become legend. I love going through patrols and seeing someone having some trouble and being able to hurry to help them. I always wave after helping then I'm off on my own again. The raiding elitism is absolutely the worst tho. I've noticed that the MAJORITY (Def not everyone) of elitist raiders are younger kids still in school or people who have no jobs. Of course your going to be a Lvl 30 before me because I work close to fifty hours a week and I'm a new father so most of my free time is spent elsewhere. Sorry I don't have six straight hours to spend on a video game (I wish I did lol). I wish there were some raiders who would realize there are gamers like me who would love to be a part of it but just don't have the time. Don't hold it against me or tell me how great you are just because of that. It would be great to see topics in this forum where people are actually looking for raid noobs to help them they're first time through the raid. How great would the social aspect of that be? Fellow guardians helping each other gear up for the darkness! Just a pipe dream I guess. Someday my sirs you'll see me in the raid, I just hope you offer help and not a bag of d*cks

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        • Thanks for all the responses. GG I'm going to leave it alone now so u won't hear from me but plz do, play and think what u want! I got nothing but love for all!! Become Legend!!

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        • Hmmm...sounds like some anti-elitist-doucheism elitism there

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        • I'm with you buddy, I had a guy join my fire team the other night and the first thing he said was "I'm a higher level than you". Then he proceeded to ask me how in the world I was generating so many orbs of light with my defender Titan. Lol... high lvl noobs crack me up. Personally id rather have 3 lvl 28s opposed to 1 lvl 9 but that's just me. The simple solution was DAS BOOT. There are d-bags in every game. Just boot them and move to the next.

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          2 Replies
          • What's wrong with my 0.45 k/d ratio in crucible?

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          • Sounds like someone is pissed off that he can't get past level 28 because he can't get any raid gear haha

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            • If you've played WoW then you should be familiar with this attitude, WoW raiders are incredibly elitist.

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              5 Replies
              • Wow, another play like I do or you are an elitist idiot. Why is it so hard to only CARE HOW YOU PLAY THE GAME. It is none of your business how others play the game they bought. Spend more time enjoying and playing the game and less time worrying what others are doing. Sorry to say but you are the one who should go outside and think about what you did.

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                • You can't tell me how I should play, maybe I like getting in groups of six people and playing as a defender titan in crucible and Iron Banner. Maybe I like putting effort into a game I paid for to play with my friends just like most of the people that play this game. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to post on some other threads in the OffTopic. Good day sir!

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                • ITT: OP lost his preparation h and felt the need to act exactly like those he is bitching about. My suggestion to you, OP, is to cease being a hypocritical asshat. Stay mad. Get good.

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                  • turn off game and go outside? says the guy who writes huge posts about his concern of the game ya ok buddy

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                    4 Replies
                    • Welcome to online gaming, where people flaunt their online e-peens to compensate for their lacks in reality.

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                    • Haha we are ALL BETTER than YOU. QQ

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                    • This game is a mmo?

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                      • Edited by Pretender: 10/9/2014 1:39:24 PM
                        I stopped when you compared someone's skill in PvE to PvP. I'm crap at the crucible, like seriously awful, but you stick me with a team of others at level 26 in a nightfall and I will help out, I will hold my own, and I will do pretty good, generally I have the highest kill count in a strike compared to rest of my team. I am pretty skilled at PvE, and that's without using these "cheap tactics" as you refer to them. but you get me in the crucible and I will suck so hard I will have to start charging for it. do not compare the 2 in terms of all-round skill, it makes you look as though you have no idea what you're talking about.

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                        4 Replies
                        • I found it "fun" getting to thirty as fast as I could, that's just the way some people like to play games. But yes, just because you're thirty it doesn't mean you can act all high and mighty. People have different ways of enjoying games.

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                          • I'm curious if you think this post is actually going to do something productive.

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                          • I think you should follow your own cure advice. Take your head out of your ass, go outside.

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                            1 Reply
                            • As true as the post is, it's useless. People are confidently stupid and stubborn.

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                              • How people act is not reflective of game play style and personal conduct over comms. Sure you will get elitest jerks in game who won't help. Guess what their like that in real life. Just roll your eyes and move on. Just be thankful your not a dick like them. Level is not a pre determination of social function. I have played with high level players and low level players who are small minded and offensive. To sum up. How you play the game does not make you the person you are. The person you are makes you that. You will meet helpful prople, unhelpful people, intelligent, not intelligent, racist, homophobic. Just like in real life you will find them here as well. So as in real life if someone annoys you ignore them, block them, find people on your wavelength. Generalisation is as bad as the elitist attitude you prelude to.

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