The Titan takes like 90% less damage when using their super it kills everything there's no weakness to the striker super you can kill all yes you can say warlocks can do the same but warlocks super can fking miss Titan super can it just kills I think instead of making it everything around you it should go out in a cone and have more range
They take less damage only if you have the perk Headstrong, and that perk is beaten by both other options so, no real extra defense to anyone who knows value. And unless the warlock sucks ass for a living, they aren't going to miss. I can never dodge their blasts unless I anticipate it well before they activate it.
headstrong - sprinting increases the leap distance of fist of havoc **unstoppable - you are harder to kill while using fist of havoc
Oh thanks, point still stands though. Same placement in skill tree
you can have both on at the same time, I'm not sure what you mean.
Unstoppable is put into the column with two other much more useful perks: shoulder bash and juggernaut. I don't know if a lot of people don't realize that titans benefit much more from those two and will likely have less defense than a warlock while activating their special.
Lmao warlocks kill the defenders shield and anyone in it while using Voidwalker...