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10/6/2014 11:41:55 PM
I see this is the new "loot cave whine" in the game. This is like the 6th or 7th post I've seen on this in the last day. Get over it. If you join a strike, I expect you're there to kill the boss and participate in the strike, [b]NOT[/b] kill the mobs between darkness zones that can be farmed on your own time in patrol mode. Especially considering those spaces are shared with those very people who [i]are in patrol mode[/i]. Go sit in Ishtar Commons in Patrol Venus - just sit there - and watch as teams of 3 spawn in at the door at random... Guess what those folks are doing? I don't skip anything in the Darkness Zones but I see no point in wasting time killing extremely low level mobs [i]between [/i]the Darkness Zones. These arguments that it's like Diablo are laughable and, again, people making such arguments clearly don't see the distinction between a dungeon/loot crawler and an MMO-style gear gated game. Tim Buckley hit the nail on the head with his CAD Comic about "An hour in Destiny". Loot drops are NOT as frequent as they are in a loot crawler like Diablo or Borderlands and the RNG drop loot is less meaningful than grinding for guaranteed loot from rep and marks (and the latest guaranteed engram addition). If you want to waste time killing level 8 mobs in Rocketyards on Earth, go play Patrol. If you want to earn gear, marks, rep, and guaranteed engrams at the end (at least for level 24) by beating a boss, join a Strike. If YOU want to go slowly, how about YOU make a fireteam to work at YOUR pace?

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