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originally posted in: Should Arc Blade also have a shield?
10/6/2014 7:33:08 AM
cant tell if serious or trolling? Arc Blade is.. of everyone that is not a hunter THE MOST ANNOYING super. you already get damage reduction while its active. Ontop of that the maps are basically all CQC. The only way to kill a decent arch blader is to counter ult with fist of havoc or void explosion. not my fault if you pop your arc blade in the middle of an open area. conserve it till a good time to use it. if your getting more then 1 kill per ult use then its worth it. ive been killed by an arch blader... respawned and got killed by the same guy still using arch blade. -_- Arch blade is one of the supers people are screaming for bungie to nurf, and here you are saying its under powered. maybe revise the situations in which you decide to use it. remember, by the time your ult has spawned... all the other ults will be getting charged aswell. maybe wait till you've seen a few get poped so you have nothing to counter you anymore, stay to confined areas, most people are shotgunning these days so it shouldnt be hard :) personally i think all the supers are well balanced. every super has a strength and a weakness and a counter. just learn to work with it. if the enemy has 4 people shot gunning, change to golden gun and get out your auto rifle and keep your distance. not every game will be the same. see, learn, adapt

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