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10/4/2014 1:44:45 AM


Since when has this been the cool thing to do? About a week ago is when it started getting annoying... I have to deal with at least one guy running ahead and leaving every single enemy alive and well behind him. They [u]dont[/u] save any time by doing this, they make it more challenging to clear that part of the map, and besides saving what ammo they have (assuming enemies dont drop any for them) i cant find a good reason for doing this. Id love to see something to prevent people from doing this or at least add "runner" to the player report. Way too many "unhelpful" players without counting these toolbags that run through the map. Zach Eidman XB1 [url=]Tribe of Judah[/url]

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  • "Matchmaking is for people wanting to play the strike". I dont think I recall one single strike where the goal is to annihilate an opposing army. They all have as their stated goal to kill the monster at the end. So that is how I play the strike, get to the target as fast as possible and take it out. IMHO if anyone is to blame it is those who stick around to mess with irellevant grunts while their mates attack the [i]real[/i] target. What do you think gives the best rewards, 4 fast strikes or 2 slow with every grunt killed?

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    5 Replies
    • After you've done the same strike 20+ times already it gets repetitive so maybe you should learn to get used to it or ask bungie to create a single person stike lol

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    • ppl do it because there so damn tired playing the strikes over and over they just want to end the strike and hope they get a legendary or an exotic or some damn shards

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    • Edited by Xienne_: 10/5/2014 6:35:26 AM
      You referring to strikes? Sorry if it's been annoying you, but running through optional rooms in strikes lets you complete the strike faster. I do it aswell, I just want to get to the boss and get it over with. I'm a bit unsure though, whether or not running through decreases the chance of a possible exotic / legendary drop from one of the optional trash mobs.

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    • Edited by xblbw: 10/5/2014 4:34:32 AM
      It's probably just about saving time for getting a loot roll. All these mobs drop nothing. You don't have to kill them so why bother? I actually kill them all, but it makes sense.

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    • Yeah I noticed that trend myself. Seems like a mission/strike farming thing. I like to wipe em all out on the way :)

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    • Lol this kid

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    • The fact your complaining about this shows how much of a tool you are. Don't point fingers at people being smart and stop being a little girl

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    • Stop being a baby and just kill everything yourself. By the time you catch up the boss will be half way dead.

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by Caid Graelbor: 10/5/2014 2:07:24 AM
        I've done it both ways. If you are with some guys and they don't take a hint I hang back and help them clear mobs. Strikes with long driving sequences can be frustrating if the team gets distracted but that isn't too big of a deal. Valus's final entrance is one where many players ram tier sparrow up into the bunker so I started doing that as well. Sometimes I throw up a defender bubble near the entrance as a "get to this point people" indicator. Truth is- random is random and when you do the strike without your own fireteam you know going in you get what you get. It's ok to cry. But get your own tissue.

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      • Edited by Siirvend: 10/4/2014 6:21:17 PM
        I understand running past the free roam stuff in the beginning but I get pissed when people run past actual strike enemies and just leave them for me. I had a guy stand next to a door when we were killing the three servitors on the Nexus strike, waiting for it to open so he could sprint on through. I understand making tracks in these things is important, but good god is a douche move. If you omit helping your team for expedience then you shouldn't play cooperative games.

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        • What is worse is people like you lagging behind killing useless minions while I'm miles ahead of you finishing the main bosses by myself. Realize the point of srikea is not to annihalate everyone but to kill final boss.

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        • It's called speed running u get to the boss/rewards 10x as fast

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        • it is annoying, however, why kill enemies? not gonna drop anything good. exp or mote progress is barely gonna gain. no boss or enemy specific loot. adapt to teammates.

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        • Edited by GigabyteZ3r0: 10/5/2014 8:01:21 AM
          Main reason is to do bounties that require strikes. Bad juju, incentive. After wiping the strike 2 times you begin to get a tad bored. So you race through. When you see someone do it. Best thing to do is follow.

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          • Its a speed run mentality. In place of the loot cave you now have speed runners who want to get to the end ASAP so that they can rinse and repeat as much as possible. Why? Because the game is dull to them without them creating some new level of challenge apart from doing the same thing over and over and over again...

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            • The rewards come at the end. If you can't keep up, get your own fireteam.

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            • Yeah this kills me. I like to play the whole rich their own though. I've found most of my good gear just running chests in the heroic missions so I think they miss out without realizing

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            • I normally speed run up to the first respawn restricted zone, then wait. If I'm playing with friends, well, all bets are off and we do super dick-ish things to each other. But, If I'm playing with a bunch of randos, well, I wait about thirty seconds to see what they do then hop on the band wagon.

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            • I don't kill shit before strikes because they are like lvl 15, and I don't go out of my way to kill things on the side like the second ship. Its pointless.

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            • If I'm matchmaking for a strike or something then I usually wouldn't speed run cause I don't know what the other people are planning to do but if I'm doing it with my friends and we all agree then we'll usually run past everything just to speed up getting the boss loot a bit.

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            • i honestly think if your trying to speed through a strike bc you need to, you should do it by yourself. Matchmaking is for matching players to [i]play[/i] a given strike and leaving enemies behind for your teammates is straight up whack no matter which way you look at it. you save no time bc you give enemies more of a chance to scatter so you have to chase them all down not to mention everyone should know bad guys die faster when more than one person shoots at them. maybe you cut off twenty seconds but in the longrun if the whole fireteam isnt skipping parts, it ends up taking longer. every single tiger strike ive played has had one scrub run ahead and its annoying. im saying it now, in two weeks time the players that run ahead will [u]not[/u] be revived by the players actually killing the enemies. i expect runners to not revive the slow and steady; and i foresee much dancing upon the ghosts of the dead guardians. why should i have to skip out on possible engrams because some egohead thinks hes "too good for killing these bad guys" [i]i shouldnt[/i] and i wont. to put it in a nutshell: why play coop if your going to play apathetically toward your fellow teammates? its simply the obligation of the speeders to play strikes by themselves.

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              • Cause I don't feel like wasting 30 mins on a 10mins run

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                  people like you is why i hate strike matchmaking. slow people can stay on your slow bus kill adds and get jack shit for it

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                • Edited by Red: 10/4/2014 11:14:54 PM
                  why arent you. you waste my time. im already halfway thru the boss by the time you catch up after killing every non important shit npc on the map, adding 5 minutes to every strike

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                • The missions suck so much players run past enemies to get to the strike boss to finish up quickly.

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