Blade dancer, guaranteed team wipe and gunslinger, guaranteed 3 kills.
Thats it I thought so you are just like the rest of the idiots While i can write paragraphs on multiple reasons why Titans and Warlocks suck all you have on Hunters is Bladedancer and if you think the Gunslinger is OP because it can get guarenteed kills "so can Titan and Warlock" Yea im calling you retarded
3 GUARANTEED kills for a Titan? A warlock? I'm pretty sure that unless you suck at aiming, (which you clearly do for having such a low score for a hunter -.-) the gunslinger super is an instant 2-3 kills. FoH almost never has the CHANCE to catch three people that are both unaware and clustered together, whereas gunslinger can just pop one and move along to the next one, it isn't a stationary super. You're an absolute chump if you think that simply because FoH gets invulnerability while using it makes it more OP than a super that allows you to run around 1 shotting three guys And don't even get me started on blade dance. Not only is it incredibly fast, it doesn't stop after three kills, not even four. It can guarantee a team wipe based on how quickly you can press RB or R1 and spam blink. Hop off Scrubdog millionaire.
who cares play the game stop being a baby
Lol >lack of valid points >calls others who have valid points crybabies
List your valid points here ill do it for you... ... ... ... ... Daw shit hes just crying because he died by the hands of a super boo hoo
Lol k, I don't die all that much if you look at my stats, but you on the other hand.. Fk dude I didn't even think anyone could be so bad at something
You deaths are an average compared to how often you play and what do you mean by that last part
List your valid points here ill do it for you... ... ... ... ... Daw shit hes just crying because he died by the hands of a super boo hoo
Edited by Socks: 10/3/2014 11:19:57 PMHeres my valid point Gunslinger- Its 3 guarenteed kills its still possible to miss so its not guaranteed, Its only 3 kills stop being a lil baby Bladedancer-So what if it can wipe out a team who cares if they can move around and mash melee buttons its a super its supposed to be powerful Ive killed more Bladedancers than ive been killed by them why because i adapt and learn how to counter not get killed and cry about it online. There you are a baby get off bnet