Actually friend, you are mistaken. Let’s do a little experiment in critical thinking, and you’ll see why.
Filling up my truck with gas costs around $60. (Premise based in fact)
Buying a pack of cigarettes and two monsters costs $15 dollars. (Premise based in fact)
Destiny costs around $60. (Premise based in fact)
DLC cost around $15. (Premise based in fact)
I can afford to fill up my truck with gas, as well as buy a pack of smokes and two monsters, therefore, I can afford Destiny and DLC. (Conclusion)
In my argument, the conclusion logically follows the premises, which are based in fact, and not skewed by rhetoric. What this means, is that the argument is not only valid, but sound in its structure. Now, lets do yours.
Anybody can see this game was hacked to pieces and Bungie doesn’t care. (Premise based on opinion “Anybody can see this game was hacked to pieces” and skewed with rhetoric “Bungie doesn’t care”)
Destiny is a crap game. (Conclusion based on opinion)
In your argument, the conclusion does not logically follow the premise, and neither is based in fact. This means your argument is neither valid, nor sound in its structure. You base your opinion on things you do not even personally know to be true, and you add rhetoric from other people, who are doing the same thing, to strengthen your argument. Thanks for playing though.
Edited by IreTheTiger: 10/7/2014 6:41:45 PMActually your logic is flawed. Gas is driven by an economic need. Smokes are driven by a psychological need. Destiny and DLC are not driver at all, but are chosen (i.e. Want vs Need). Base terms gas and smokes may be forced upon you (need gas to get to work, need smokes due to physical addiction). You can't be forced to buy a game (in normal use cases). True one can be addicted to gaming, but it's a rarity and an outside use case. Economically speaking the price of destiny at $60 is on par with other games. DLCs are actually lower then other games. So making the assumption that "If you can afford to buy other games" you can say that destiny DLC purchases are a good buy. Edit: Not trying to Troll, but I couldn't get this out of my head for last 30 min. Sorry.
To fill up MY truck cost $120 A pack of cigarettes cost $20 And for me 2 monsters cost $5 And yes I'm obviously a troll