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10/2/2014 12:47:24 AM

Nightfall Reward = Uncommon Machine Gun?? Bungie Please Fix!

[b]Nightfall Reward = Uncommon Machine Gun?? Bungie Please Fix![/b] Bungie I completed the Nightfall as soon as the reset happened, prior to the patch. My reward was one single legendary engram, when decoded, turned into an uncommon machine gun. My friends (fellow hunters) got Achlyophage Symbiote and Icebreaker. This is unacceptable. Please put the rewards in my inventory, or at[u] the very least[/u], send me a new Legendary engram since now its 100% legendary due to patch. Thank you. [b]- [i]True Reclaimer [PS4 True_Reclaimer][/i][/b] [url=]ReClaim Clan[/url] [quote]"Rise. Raid. ReClaim." - [url=][/url][/quote]

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  • I am sorry you are frustrated. Legendary engrams before the patch had a chance of decrypting in to uncommons. You should have better luck with Legendary engrams going forward.

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    • You're a [spoiler]dumbass[/spoiler]

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    • [quote][b]Nightfall Reward = Uncommon Machine Gun?? Bungie Please Fix![/b] Bungie I completed the Nightfall as soon as the reset happened, prior to the patch. My reward was one single legendary engram, when decoded, turned into an uncommon machine gun. My friends (fellow hunters) got Achlyophage Symbiote and Icebreaker. This is unacceptable. Please put the rewards in my inventory, or at[u] the very least[/u], send me a new Legendary engram since now its 100% legendary due to patch. Thank you. [b]- [i]True Reclaimer [PS4 True_Reclaimer][/i][/b] [url=]ReClaim Clan[/url] [quote]"Rise. Raid. ReClaim." - [url=][/url][/quote][/quote] Don't feed the troll! This will probably be locked, removed, or just die down. Let the troll sit under the bridge.

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    • Cracks me up that people actually post here when they don't get a reward. Yea it sucks that it didn't come out a legendary but guess what the games only been out a month keep playing and stop crying there will be plenty of opportunities for gear and weapons. These games are meant to take time and this one has already been made so much easier from patches that I don't even feel rewarded when I get a legendary piece. If I looked at 10 random players I bet 9 of them would have all legendary gear. I pulled 5 legendaries yesterday alone in just a few hours of playing. I don't think they should be impossible to get but I shouldn't be maxed out already. Only time I feel special is when an exotic pops up lol

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    • Bumps

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      • I feel bad for you but[spoiler]tough luck[/spoiler]

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        • Guess what? [spoiler]Deal with it. They wont do anything about it because you decoded it before the patch. That's a you problem, not a them problem.[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by wigriffin: 10/2/2014 3:21:47 AM
            [quote]Bungie I completed the Nightfall as soon as the reset happened, [b][u][i]prior to the patch.[/i][/u][/b] My reward was one single legendary engram, when decoded, turned into an uncommon machine gun. My friends (fellow hunters) got Achlyophage Symbiote and Icebreaker. This is unacceptable. Please put the rewards in my inventory, or at[u] the very least[/u], send me a new Legendary engram since now its 100% legendary due to patch. Thank you.[/quote] ...prior to the patch. [spoiler]...prior to the patch.[/spoiler] Think on that for just a second.

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            • Edited by DragonRebel0581: 10/2/2014 6:17:58 AM
              Bungie is not going to give you half an anything, Zip, Nada, Nope.Jpg . You admitted you decoded it BEFORE THE PATCH. Bungie even said " decode them while you can, lets face it we knew they were all blues anyways" in the patch notes by the cryptarch changes. This means you made your bed, you got a machine gun, now your stuck with it. So break it down, bank it, or shove it and move on. Its no different then people who run VOG and dont get anything but ascendant materials ( the literal pity drop compared to exotics, legendary items, raid gear, legendary shaders, and ships ) You or I, or anyone can bump this as much as you want but your NEVER going to get anything from them, you cant even give us one good reason they should I would bet on that. Its called Random Loot Drops for a reason, i suggest you look up the definition of the word "Random" before you post another #NerdRage Rant on the help forum, taking up valuable space from people with REAL ISSUES like error codes, glitches, lost equipment they actually had, and missing characters. EDIT: Also drop the fraking entitlement attitude, bungie does not have to go by YOUR Terms at the "Very Least" they should just see this post, laugh histarically at someone who clearly cant read patch notes and move on to things the actually matter.

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              • my first nightfall i did was last weeks (nexus) and i recived the exotic helm i had just bought from the xur guy...TROLLED i did this weeks solo on tuesday and got a junk legd heavy gun the day after the update came out! TROLLED also legendary engrams were still showing that they give rare items after the patch but i have got 2/2 legendary items from them

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