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originally posted in: Proof that Bungie cut content
9/29/2014 6:05:38 PM
Unfortunately, the one thing you are comepletely missing, is that you didn't BUY Destiny. You bought a license to play Destiny. You do not own any software related to Destiny IN ANY WAY. You are a user, you are requesting to use Bungies software, at a price that YOU paid willingly. If you were to actually look at the box in which your disc came, you could be able to read the agreement you entered in to, when you opened the box. Have a look, it's right there on the back. That being said, you are not owed anything. You are simply surprised that you did not know how these things actually worked. Software is rarely sold as a full product (outside of open source), it is sold as a license. The software on your computer and phone, you are renting, you do not own those things. The fact that information is on the disc, yet is not available for use, means nothing. Consider for a second, that the first DLC was never intended to even be a part of the initial release, and was simply finished prior to publishing. That does not consititute "cutting" content, as you were never intended to use that part of the data. Because people have found exploits within the code in order to access parts of that data, also, means nothing. The bottom line is simple, you own nothing, you pay to use. Period. Now, for everyone complaining about having to pay for DLC in order to access that data, get serious. The $60 dollars you have invested in Destiny to this point, is less than a tank of gas where I live. Fifteen dollars is just about a pack of smokes, and a couple monsters where I live. Most of you pay around $100 dollars a month for your smartphones, another $100 for you cable/internet package, and that is before you even leave the house. Dropping a little cash on some DLC, which you were going to spend anyways, isn't breaking your bank. Or, if it is breaking your bank, don't buy the damn thing then. You people act like everyone owes you something because you are a special and unique snowflake. Truth is, nobody owes you anything, and Bungie has already given you your $60 worth. Get serious people, the conspiracy theories are getting a little out of hand.

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  • Damn truth

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  • Honestly that was too long to read but I got the gist of it. So what it really boils down to is if you thought you were going to buy a game with adequate amount of content you're basically screwed however if you feel that you've been scammed you can get the company back. Your own words saying that when you purchase this game all you got is a license to play the game but yet you've purchased the license so whatever it entails is yours to do with. That includes license transferring, what I recommend to those who have purchased the so-called downloadable content and feel that they have been wrong and scammed into buying it is to find a couple of good friends of yours and licence transfer it to every one of them have them pass it around and give it away. Show this company just how loyal fans can be to their own when push to the limit.

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  • Your not understanding the fact that DLC means downloadable content. If content is already on the disk your purchased why do you have to pay unlock it. That is where Bungie is wrong. Also i saw your comparison of gas and smokes. Regardless of what the second purchase you may not have the money to do so or are you just not going to drive for a week due to you spent your 75 on destiny and now you cant buy gas and smokes anymore.

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  • There is no "locked" content, the framework is there but the main thing isn't done yet.

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  • Companies do it all the time now

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  • Just because companies do it all the time now doesn't mean it's right. I'd really like to here an official statement from bungie on this.

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  • Edited by Q Lynx: 10/13/2014 1:21:14 PM
    First and foremost, you're. Second, [b][i]you're [/i][/b] not understanding that DLC really means extra content, which is not part of the original release. Also, you're mistaken in believing that you own any part of Destiny, simply because you paid for a license to play the content Bungie made available at launch. The fact that there is extra content on the disc means nothing, because that content was not part of the original release. You have no right to that content, because it is not part of the original release. You're looking at the issue backwards, the fact that the information is on the disc [b][i][u]means nothing[/u][/i][/b], and in no way means that you are entitled to it. You paid for Destiny, part one, original release. You received access to Destiny, part one, original release. Lastly, if you over extended yourself by buying Destiny and DLC, and now you can't pay for gas, you are living outside your means and are in serious need of financial counseling.

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  • So if u purchase a game and all you could get to is the main screen where you create a character then it says oh sorry you have to purchase the dlc to play any further.. It wouldn't be dlc due to your not downloading anything they will be giving you access to all your doing is purchasing a key that will open a door for you such the content is already on a disk which you purchased and you didn't have to download anything hense the name dlc downloadable content which is content or a file that gets downloaded to your console from the internet that adds on to your experience playing the game not unlocking a part in the game which already is limited enough when they have you replay the same shit over and over and over. you're a moron and have no clue what your talking about

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  • Get an education and learn how to spell before you attempt to engage in grown up conversation. The term DLC, is just another name for expansion. The fact that you download the content these days is where the term came from, it doesn't mean you have to download the content for it to be DLC. Besides, following your logic, because the content is already on the disc, it's not even DLC anyways. Here's a tip, have a look at literally any software disc that you've ever bought ever, there is always content you are not able to access. The difference here is that you will be able to access that later, if your mom pays for the expansion for you.

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  • Your literally retarted every point you bring up is wrong is so happy that you buy your gas and smokes yet your mom buys destiny and unlocks the content on the games she buys for you.

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  • Seriously kid, stay in school. Once you get out here, in the real world, your lack of common sense and grammar are going to affect your ability to support yourself.

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  • Yet some how your paying to support myself and my family thanks so much -blam!- face

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  • Why can't you speak properly??

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  • Sadly this is correct. We bought the right to play the published game with no implied right of defining what "published game" means. Bungie only have the right to determine that definition. That means that they could literally release 8/10 of game next week, then week after rescind it to 4/10 and they still are in the right. Only power you have as a consumer is to simply not buy any DLC's in the future AND keep playing the game. If your still playing the game you take up resources, while not paying into the profit center. This means your an overhead. But seriously -- who's going to keep playing and NOT buy the DLC when they are available. In that case, for practical reasons, it's either choose in or out. I'm waiting out the DLC's to see how they are. If not good enough I'll move unto Mordor or Skyrim ( a real MMORPG).

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  • That's a poorly written argument. I'm assuming you're a troll so in that case, muted! ~See you starside~

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  • Proof that no one cares: 1) been mentioned a million times already 2) you are the millionth person to mention (congrats) 3) idc 4) some other people don't care 5) Bungie doesn't care

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  • Proof that you do care: 1) You are still trolling the forums acting like you don't care, yet replying to posts from several days ago. (Congrats)

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  • Proof that I did care

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  • The cost of something relative to something else is not a valid argument . Destiny is a crap game, whether it is $60 or $20 its still a bad product. Anybody can see this game was hacked to pieces and bungie doesn't care.

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  • Actually friend, you are mistaken. Let’s do a little experiment in critical thinking, and you’ll see why. Filling up my truck with gas costs around $60. (Premise based in fact) Buying a pack of cigarettes and two monsters costs $15 dollars. (Premise based in fact) Destiny costs around $60. (Premise based in fact) DLC cost around $15. (Premise based in fact) I can afford to fill up my truck with gas, as well as buy a pack of smokes and two monsters, therefore, I can afford Destiny and DLC. (Conclusion) In my argument, the conclusion logically follows the premises, which are based in fact, and not skewed by rhetoric. What this means, is that the argument is not only valid, but sound in its structure. Now, lets do yours. Anybody can see this game was hacked to pieces and Bungie doesn’t care. (Premise based on opinion “Anybody can see this game was hacked to pieces” and skewed with rhetoric “Bungie doesn’t care”) Destiny is a crap game. (Conclusion based on opinion) In your argument, the conclusion does not logically follow the premise, and neither is based in fact. This means your argument is neither valid, nor sound in its structure. You base your opinion on things you do not even personally know to be true, and you add rhetoric from other people, who are doing the same thing, to strengthen your argument. Thanks for playing though.

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  • Edited by IreTheTiger: 10/7/2014 6:41:45 PM
    Actually your logic is flawed. Gas is driven by an economic need. Smokes are driven by a psychological need. Destiny and DLC are not driver at all, but are chosen (i.e. Want vs Need). Base terms gas and smokes may be forced upon you (need gas to get to work, need smokes due to physical addiction). You can't be forced to buy a game (in normal use cases). True one can be addicted to gaming, but it's a rarity and an outside use case. Economically speaking the price of destiny at $60 is on par with other games. DLCs are actually lower then other games. So making the assumption that "If you can afford to buy other games" you can say that destiny DLC purchases are a good buy. Edit: Not trying to Troll, but I couldn't get this out of my head for last 30 min. Sorry.

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  • To fill up MY truck cost $120 A pack of cigarettes cost $20 And for me 2 monsters cost $5 And yes I'm obviously a troll

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  • "because you are a special and unique snowflake." I love it. Somebody just read the Brent Easton Ellis piece in Vanity Fair, didn't they?

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  • The only thing we're "owed" is a game that lives up to the marketing they are using to sell the game. Using your Gas example: Let's say you walked into a dealership and they told you "This car gets an EPA estimated 60mpg highway". You lease the car and over the course of the next month you find that you're only getting 20mpg highway. Other people with the vehicle are also upset and one of them finds out that the dealership disabled a fuel additive system that tripled the MPG because it wasn't "ready" at the time of sale. But don't worry, they'll enable it for you for the measly price of $2000 in a few months (which is a small price compared to the price of the car). Would people have the right to complain then? The fact is, they showed us gameplay where players were easily hopping in and out of games with their friends, bosses dropping loot, and told us that each destination in Destiny was the size of the entirety of Halo: Reach. That's not what they delivered.

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  • And that's life bro People lie all the time to get what they want bro. Maybe you should experince some life bro. You might be surprised bro. Do you want me to keep saying "bro" bro?

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