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Edited by wymetime: 9/29/2014 5:25:08 PM
I think the solution for this is simple. Bottom players on losing team get nothing. Top players on losing team get mediocre gear like rares and a chance at coins/motes. These guys always get something. Bottom players on winning team have the same gear chances as top losers but a slight chance at legs/exotics. Top players on winning team have a shot at anything in the game with better odds at legs/exotics. Everyone on winning team gets something every time they win, even if it's a rare. Maybe even the best player in the game is guaranteed a coin, mote, leg, exotic, or ascendant mat no matter which team he is on. Then the best performer wins every time, win or lose. That would create competition within the competition. Obviously, the chances at a coin or mote would be higher than the other gear, but we all know how useful those can be. That leaves the top players with something to look forward to and compete for, but also gives the bottom players incentive to keep playing at the shot of being on a winning team and getting something good as well. It would also get rid of the AFKers. It's usually the bottom players that make the top players as good as they are. We want to keep them around.

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