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originally posted in: Proof that Bungie cut content
Edited by GreyMouser73: 9/29/2014 3:11:04 PM
[b]WHO CARES! You CHOSE to buy the content that is there. You GOT what you paid for. Nobody lied to you. There was no bait and switch. There was no deceptive advertising. So I ask again, WHO CARES??[/b] Seriously, you spend $60 on a game, get your money's worth by any standard, and then are pissed they left hooks in the code for the DLC they are planning to sell you later. If the game wasn't worth it to you, why'd you buy it? If the DLC isn't worth it to you, DON'T buy it. If you buy it and feel that it wasn't worth it, that it was incomplete, well, thats not anybody's fault but YOURS. Giving you something in a locked box, that saves time if you decide to buy the key later, is not some sort of grievous harm to you. You guys in this "gamer community" would cry if somebody gave you a bowl of free ice cream because it wasn't in a waffle cone, because hey, they had waffle cones for sale, why aren't they giving them away too!

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  • When you see a ViDoc with clips from the game, then you would expect to have it in the game when it comes out. Simple as that

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  • Yeah, hows that been working out for you? Good right?

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  • no one knew what the content was though... sooo... yea.

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  • You did see the South Park episode about what happens when you pre-order, right?

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  • What about those that bought the game based on marketing material/game play that they saw in advance of its release? As I understand, this game broke tons of records for first day sales, so a lot of people bought the game without having the benefit of reading reviews on it or asking around - it seems to me that they bought it based on what seemed like a pretty legitimate expectation (ie. gameplay trailers) of what it would be. Not sure how they would be able to appreciate the difference between the promise and reality if they only relied on that. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the complaints about the game to form my own opinion on this, but I can say that it seems unfair to say that "if you buy it and feel that it wasn't worth it, that it was incomplete, well, thats not anybody's fault but YOURS" - not sure how that can be someone's fault... It would be nice to see something from Bungie on this as it would be nice to separate fact from fiction on the complaints, since there are some pretty serious accusations here.

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  • Edited by GreyMouser73: 9/29/2014 3:52:02 PM
    Well, gee, I always raise serious complaints on a company's forums instead of going to a consumer agency or asking customer support for a refund. I mean seriously, go find a lawyer and see if you have a class action suit if its *serious*. I don't think it is. If you aren't an informed consumer in this day and age, who thinks that if you buy old spice it comes with a yacht and sexy people, who always preorders and takes every snippet of prerelease footage at face value, I feel for you. Really.

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  • I think that the point of posting, on a forum, is to give feedback, which people are doing. Not sure that I'd go to a consumer protection agency or bring a law suit - seems kind of dramatic, but maybe your're that guy and that's your thing... Again, your mistake is thinking that people aren't informed. As I understand it, they were informed, but on the basis of available information. If that information wasn't complete, then there was a a limit to the extent to which someone could be informed. From what I'm reading, it's not a question of every little snippet from pre-release footage being accurate, but more so the fact that macro items about the game seem to be different from what was initially promised. I never knew that Old Spice was supposed to come with sexy people and a yacht, I guess you tried that and it didn't work - you shouldn't believe all the hype, I guess.

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  • So, feedback to fix the game? Feedback that is not contained in all those 60-70 review scores? Feedback that is not contained in the metrics of people who play 20 hours and then stop? The last part of your post is key "you shouldn't believe all the hype." I didn't, and I'm satisfied with my purchase. A working game, set in a sci-fi universe, with more content and expansions on the way, and I have not exhausted the content I have. I don't know where this entitlement comes from that 20-30 hours of gameplay + multiplayer arenas, strikes and raids, is somehow incomplete. Also, like I said, a pre-release trailer is not a contract, it is a preview. If they really *lied* about the content of the game, that might be actionable. No, I'm not advising you take legal action. I'm saying that none of what you have an issue with is serious, and I wouldn't take you seriously if I were Bungie, I'd say you're another entitled customer of which the industry has become very familiar with. We showed you cool things, and you thought we promised you all the stars in the sky.

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  • Am I supposed to answer all of those questions in the first paragraph of your post, or were you actually trying to make a point? You're referring to me having an issue with something in your last paragraph - what exactly is it that I have an issue with? As far as I know, my post only highlighted that you shouldn't dismiss the concerns that people have on the basis that they somehow know better, when the fact is that some people feel that there may have been a disparity between what was marketed and the final product. For my own part, I haven't formed an opinion on whether the game falls short on anything. Sure, there are things that I would like to see change, but I'm more or less happy with the game so far. If I could make a suggestion; instead of flaming people for giving feedback on a forum created, in part for giving feedback, that you actually challenge them to validate that criticism and perhaps provide your positive experiences as to why the game isn't flawed. So far, all I see is criticism, and people criticizing those who have made the original criticism. Doesn't sound productive to me, how about you? And if you don't care enough to do that, I'd say that you should just move on and quit wasting your time in this topic. And since it obviously wasn't clear, the last part of my post was sarcasm.

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  • Edited by GreyMouser73: 9/29/2014 5:53:24 PM
    There is a fine line between criticism and entitlement. I'm of the opinion that this is just entitled whining and not useful "informed" criticism. Informed criticism wouldn't be complaining about missing game features "and features that were clearly cut from the game and should still be there" since the day the game came out it was KNOWN how many features were delivered - you knew what you were getting, and bought it anyway, or chose to ignore the option to find out which was available to you. This is not "the voice chat should be turned on." Its "you didn't give us the game you promised", but there WAS NO PROMISE. And no, I will feel free to say that whenever and wherever it pops up in the forum I like, and I'd advise YOU to move on, since clearly you don't get the difference. This is not improving the game, its just pot-stirring. It doesn't belong here.

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  • "I'd advise YOU to move on". Solid come back. Call it what you want, for better or worse, it's all feedback.

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  • Edited by GreyMouser73: 9/29/2014 5:58:04 PM
    Yep. They can have fun feeding back their buyer's remorse til the cow's come home "not the game I thought I was buying when I couldn't be bothered to find out what it was" is such great feedback. Give us more for our $60 or we'll what... not buy the DLC we want for free? Give me a break.

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  • Of course they can keep giving their feedback. Glad that we finally agree,

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  • I did not get what I paid for. I did pay for this: So . I do care - even without bold typing.

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  • Man you must hate movie trailers that have scenes that are not actually in the movie. Why don't you cry about those scenes, since you paid for that and all.

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  • I very much do so. But I can´t remember a trailer which showed scenes, which later were not part of the movie.

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  • Here go rage out on these.

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  • Can´t remember raging out. But thanks for the info. Did not notice that. But if James Bond would not have been in Quantum Solace, I would have noticed. And I do not complain because of superficial changes, but for very essential features which obviously were (and maybe still are) in the game, and which were cut out to be sold extra.

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  • Fair enough, but I do know of plenty of movies having alternate endings on their DVD/BluRay release disc that they sold after the fact, seems to be a similar scenario. Also saying that if James Bond had not been in a movie is a bit of an exaggeration on your part. For all you know the changes to the game, could have been superficial, you are going off of hearsay and clips here and there. What if they were working on the game and the content that ended up being DLC just wasn't ready for the game and they had to pull it due to polish, instead of delaying the game. Or they could have been working on it to have it mapped out for the future content. All of the glitch videos only show the area with some mobs in them, that isn't finished content. Plus those areas could change by the time DLC hits and have a lot of tweaks. We simply cannot know until they come out and I will wait until that time to be upset or not, going off of some clips isn't enough information for me. As for the rage comment, it was sarcasm.

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  • This

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  • Edited by GreyMouser73: 9/29/2014 3:28:30 PM
    Then you're BOTH idiots who thinks a reveal is a set in stone contract and didn't wait to read the reviews, [B]and I don't care if you wasted your $60 dollars[/b]. Gah, people would complain that shareware arrives locked until you pay for the keys. Be an informed consumer instead of a starry eyed fanboy who thinks every second of gameplay footage from a tech demo is going to show up in the final product and they'll never show you any snippets of DLC.

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  • You are absolutely right with your last point (did not read the reviews first). I certainly fell victim to the marketing campaign. But I call bs to your first point (gameplay reveal must not correspond to the actual game). And in response to your edit: I don´t care for a company wanting to make money with its product. Selling DLC is absolutely fine for me. But when a DLC adds content to a game, which itself is incomplete without it, that bothers me very much. This especially applies, when retail content seems to be cut out intentionally, so that customers have to pay double price for the whole game experience without noticing. This is a cheap trick. Last thing: Everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion. Don´t call anybody "idiot" for it, please. And if you do: Try to do it correctly in terms of grammar. This would very much improve the reading of your posts. Thank you.

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  • Edited by GreyMouser73: 9/29/2014 3:41:44 PM
    I'm sorry I called you an idiot, but you seem to think this isn't a standard industry practice - to preload unfinished content to be patched later. You also seem to think that the onus of being an informed consumer is on someone else. The game is not incomplete - all aspects of gameplay are functioning - you have no contract with Bungie as to the size and amount of locations you can visit, and every review discussed the amount and repetitiveness of content. If you really feel you were slighted, Bungie's forums are not the appropriate place. Take it up with the Better Business Bureau or the Consumper Protection Agency. Otherwise, you are simply experiencing buyer's remorse. Everyone has an opinion, yours is wrong.

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  • An opinion can't be wrong because it's someone's view of something.

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  • Yes they most certainly can. Every single point of view in life is an opinion, some opinions are right because they are based on fact, and others are wrong because they're based on falsehoods or just simply aren't backed up by the facts. Opinions very much [i]can[/i] be right or wrong. Saying the grass is green is an opinion, one that is based off of fact, but an opinion nonetheless.

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