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9/29/2014 2:08:24 AM

Shotgun Is Not Over Powered

As a PvE player who dabbles in PvP, I was very upset when I heard about the impending shotgun nerf. I have since spent a bit more time in PvP and have a few observations. 1) In a previous forum post, I mentioned map design in PvP as a reason the shotgun is so effective. I hold that this is still true. Tight spaces and blind corners in most of the maps make for a beautiful killing field for shotguns, which is why anyone else who has noticed this has adopted the weapon. More open maps, windows or gaps to see what's around the corner, and other subtle adjustments would lessen this issue. 2) An abundantly available supply of Special Weapon ammo makes it easy to use any special weapon (ie: shotguns) like a primary weapon. Ammo spawns faster than it can be used; a longer timer on the spawns for special ammo would force players to use their special weapons more sparingly. But my most poignant point is this... 3) Stop playing Destiny like it's CoD! Too often my shotgun kills are against people with Auto/Pulse Rifles rushing at me. They are closing the distance for me, leaving me the simple job of lining up my shot. If I have a shotgun, and you have an AR, STAY AWAY!!! When my prey would back away instead of rush in, peppering me with rounds and maintaining distance, I would [b]CONSISTANTLY[/b] get put down before getting into kill range with my shotty. Instead of demanding a game adjust to your play style, why don't you instead adjust your play style to suit the excellent game you're already playing. This isn't CoD, you need to adjust. If you really want to get good, you will learn. And STOP RUSHING DUDES WHEN THEY HAVE SHOTGUNS EQUIPED!!! Bungie, the shotgun is not the problem. A decade of playing nothing but Call of Duty is catching up with people. Let them grow. I know all those numbers and stats you are getting are showing a lot of shotty kills, but 3 weeks is WAY too soon to be nerfing guns. People are still learning, the community is adjusting. Buffs are one thing, but it's just too soon to start throwing nerfs around. Thank you for your time.

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