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9/27/2014 1:38:14 AM

Shotguns aren't the problem

I was reading the dev notes on shotguns and the impending nerf, and I had some thoughts. While shotguns are very widely utilized in PvP, I feel this is not because they are overpowered. If we stop and think about the layout of most of the PvP maps, you'll find they contain a great many tight spaces and corridors that make for an abundance of close-quarters encounters. With this being so prevalent in the design, why is anyone surprised that shotguns work so well? If in a confined space, a shotgun SHOULD be better than an AR or hand cannon. Isn't that the point of the shotgun in the first place? On maps like First Light, which contain lots of open spaces and expansive stretches of terrain, scout/Pulse Rifles, Snipers, and ARs get their chance to shine. My shotgun is rendered close to useless on this map because I just can't get close enough. The problem, in my opinion, is in map design - not the balance of the shotgun. More open areas and fewer blind corners are what will balance the shotgun out. Not a nerf. As primarily a PvE player who uses a shotty, I already have to get closer than I like to my enemies to get the most out of my tool of choice. Any closer, and I might as well replace the shotty with a fist to the face. I'll be the same distance away, my fist is just as fast, and it never needs to reload. Please don't nerf my PvE build because PvP maps lend themselves so well to how a particular weapon is [b]supposed[/b] to work. If all the maps were super open, people would be calling for a sniper nerf. Let's find a more creative way to solve this problem that hopefully won't have to impact beyond PvP, since that's the only place people have an issue. Thank you for your time.

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