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9/26/2014 10:06:35 AM

Leveling up with the Crucible or Vanguard armories takes too long.

I feel it takes too long to level up with the Crucible or the Vanguard armoury. I have played Destiny since day 1 and I have just reached level one of the vanguard armoury but still can't actually purchase anything that is useful and I only have about 60+ marks when it takes way more than that to actually purchase anything decent. While I understand the need for challenges in games etc I just feel this is a long and dragged out process. I say either lower the requirement to level up (I personally think for the first level 1500 is a bit high given how much you earn points at) or raise the amount we earn from doing bounties and things like that. Opinions?

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  • Well, um some good tips i guess: -do bounties. All of them. Everyday. I did, and got to vanguard rank 3 in a week. - as for the crucible, dont sweat it. Its really only important if you are big on pvp, and for that you should join a faction, as they get all the vanguard and ctucible rep you would earn. The entire thing is very long, it just takes time. Hang in there

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by Zaruma: 9/26/2014 9:26:10 PM
      Here's an idea. Deal with it. The time it takes to increase rep should be long. It needs to feel like you earned the reputation, and it wasn't just handed to you. Crucible really isn't that bad, as long as you win your games. You earn 25 rep for wins and 10 for losses. 2 wins = 5 losses. As long as your winning, you're rep will increase at a steady pace.

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      • Bounties net between 50-100 rep each time you finish one. 6 per day, averages out to probably 450 a day, enough to rank up to rank 1 after 4 days. That's not counting any rep you get from doing strikes, which goes up to 25 per level 24 strike. Lets say you have to do 5 strikes to complete your bounties for the day, so add about 125 per day, and you can probably get to rank 1 in 3 days. Do all your bounties in a day, and do 5 strikes a day for a week, and you'll net over 4000 rep. And that doesn't include anything else you can do to get rep. Crucible I think you get either 10 rep per game or 25. So do all your bounties and you can once again get about 3150 in a week, just from bounties. Play 10 games a day (they're far quicker than strikes) and you'll either get 700 more rep, or 1750, so anywhere from 3850-4900 rep per week. If you want to level up a faction, put on a cloak and any rep you gain goes towards that faction, so in a week you could get over 8000 rep towards the faction. It's not hard to do, you just have to do the right things to get rep.

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      • It takes 45 mins or less to do vanguard bounties. A lot of them can be completed while doing simultaneous tasks. I'm about to hit rank 8 on vanguard. If you don't want to do strikes then do public events for marks. I haven't done a playlist strike in weeks. Use to chain events.

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      • You've been playing since launch, but are under 1.5 days played (~avg 1.5hrs played every day). Not bashing you, just saying, that's not much time in the grand scheme of things. You likely wouldn't have much time to run every Vanguard bounty, run strikes, or even farm materials for rep trade ins (50 materials gives 5 marks & 25 rep). I think I'm around level 6, but have much more gaming time.

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        • I agree, but only because I'm tired of doing the same -blam!-ing strikes. it's becoming tiresome for me. Maybe if you do a strike +30 times, you should get 300 points towards your rank. Lol so if you complete a strike 10 times, on the 11th you will get 100 instead of 25. And it goes up 100 every ten completed strikes. I'm -blam!-ing tired as I'm typing this, so maybe it's absurd, but I would still like for it to happen

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        • Now you want the vanguard and other factions reputation to get nerf? Wow... what are you a noob grind you derp it took me a week to get to vanguard 2 but at least I did it, get your s..t straight is a game play it do bounties, do strikes man I'm tired of all this bitching Dang...

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          • Do more strikes, public events and do bounties daily. I just got level 3 vanguard last night.

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            2 Replies
            • "I've been playing since day 1..." Grats on playing a game for two and a half weeks. Surely such an incredible investment in time should be better rewarded... /sarcasm

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            • Don't worry, advanced warfare will be out soon. I'm sure you can get maxed in no time There might be an "Instant level button"

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            • Make sure you are doing bounties wearing whatever your faction is. You will get rep going straight to that faction. All of my crucible game, strikes, and bounties count towards future war cult. Took about a week to get level 3.

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            • You get like a quarter of your rep bar filled doing the dailies, that's a decent enough pace.

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            • It's a grind man, you just have to find the time to put in. In just under a week I've gotten to level 2 with both Vangaurd and the Crucible and that's while I've been attending school. Just do your bounties and you'll be leveled up in no time.

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              • Its a huge grind fest. They probably did that to prevent people to buy the gear from vendors on week 1 unless you dedicate a lot of time.

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              • Well you get guaranteed legendarys of your choice for leveling them up so Id say the time is worth it. Better then farming a cave for the hopes of something.

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              • Do them bounties. I'm Vanguard 4, Crucible 3 on my Titan, Vanguard 3, Crucible 2.9, and New Monarchy 3 on my Warlock. It can be done.

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              • I had my weekly cap marks in like 2-3 days.... They should raise the reputation earned by strikes and crucible ;) Because thats not higher then patrol missions and you can do those missions in less then a minute

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